02/22/02 Public Chat


Where will that 5 pm chat be? (They seem to have had some problems before us...)
I think it will be using the CFC chat system like the last one was unless a new chat program is found...
Do you care to enlighten a lesser being on where and how CFC chatroom is entered?
Thanks! Done. (Love that fast connection, hehe. :D )

Now I had better install it and learn how to use it. :)
Originally posted by Mr Spice
Do you care to enlighten a lesser being on where and how CFC chatroom is entered?

Simply go to the main page and click on the chat option which is next to the forum link at the top. Then wait awhile for the java application. Click on the start button (or something similar) and enter your name and then you should be able to chat.
Originally posted by ren

Now, I think it would be easiest if we did this in a chat, so do you have msn or yahoo! or icq?

Thanks for the offer, but it is already done. At least I think I got it right. Had to get myself an account first (choose Yahoo). Man, did that mess my internet security up. Then I think I succeded in connecting it through that Trillian thingy. I am a bit puzzled on how to write messages with it, however. The original Yahoo-client is IMO easier to understand. Any advise would be appreciated.

Also checked that CFC chat Dell spoke about. Seems nice.

I am not much of a chat person, but I guess you have to make some sacrifices for the greater good. Now I´m yet another bit deeper into that "Internet-junkie"-thing. :)
hey, sorry guys but that. I was justy really pissed. I got mIRC now, so I'll try to login that way. I may need help though...

today I got a fever of 101.4F so yesterday was probably just a preamble

I dont feel good :(:(

I have no ICQ anymore, since this is the new computer. but CM if y'd tell me how to logon under mIRC, Id be greatfull.
We are currently having the midday chat if anyone wants to join and discuss the democracy game...
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