[] Production at 0 for wonders


Feb 14, 2019
On loading a game, all cities I had previously captured or constructed were unable to make any further progress constructing any wonder: in the production screen for each of these, the number of turns for completion was listed as "999+," with a stopwatch icon to the right which when moused over read, "production per turn too low to complete." Interestingly, newly constructed cities didn't display the same issue. So far, just saving and loading seems to be a workaround for the issue, but I figured I'd mention it anyway in case it shows up again.

It looks like the problem occurs whenever I load from a game saved from version; loading from any save made after the update to (even if it's by loading a save on the previous version, saving it, and loading it from the otherwise pretty much identical save), the issue doesn't appear.
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Loaded a save game and found that Wonders in mid-build are now halted with message "production too low". Build info in city screen shows Wonder as current build but "Nothing is being produced" as bottom right. Production options in other cities show any wonder as taking "999+ turns" with same production too low message.

Moderator Action: Merged with existing Bug Report thread -- Browd
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Others (including the OP of this thread) have reported that a save and reload solves the problem.
I hope this is a bug and not a change I didn't know about:

I'm in a single player game on 6 diff, playing as Saladin. I have a city which had a flat desert, so I tried to start the Pyramids, since I had 8.8 hammers/turn, but the estimated time said 999+. A couple turns in and no production has been done. Other buildings would complete in finite turns, but for some reason the game says I don't have any production towards Pyramids (and wouldn't have production towards any other Wonder).
It was (I assume). I restarted the app and game, and it now says it'll take 20 turns, but has no production from the previous 2 turns.
With save and reload as a solution, this appears to be identical to a previous bug report.

Moderator Action: Threads merged
I installed GS without aictivating them, then I loaded my previous save and wanted to continue my game. But building any wonder cost 999+ turn, and the wonder which I was bulding production didn't add on at all. Then I uninstalled GS and loaded my game again it became normal. Anyone face the same bug?
I have not purchased GS yet. But still get a download patch. I love it by the way. The new features are awesome.

But I had the same issue. Had to start a new game. All was fine
We've reproduced the issue. For the time being, if you just save that game (while running it under the GS ruleset), and then reload it, it clears the issue. Thanks!
We've reproduced the issue. For the time being, if you just save that game (while running it under the GS ruleset), and then reload it, it clears the issue. Thanks!
Thank you very much! So I just accidently solved the bug, but actually I didn't need to uninstalled the GS, is it right?
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