[1.0.1-3] Civ unlock condition is not consistent (ex: Confucius cannot unlock Qing)


Dec 20, 2010
Save file is playng as Confucius. (5 turns to Modern age)

[1] Bug or, at least In-game information is confusing. Can Confucius unlock Qing or not?
While playing in exploration age, it says playing as Confucius has nothing to do with unlocking Qing. When I enter Modern age, Qing is locked actually.

But the Detail Info says Qing could be unlocked by playing as Confucius.
Now playing as Confucius, but locked.

[2] Unlock condition info is not including all conditions.
It says Siam can be unlocked by "4 Temple or 3 Ivory" and it was unlocked actually.

But the Detail Info does not mention it.


EDIT) One more case for Russia.
It's sure Russia is unlocked by playing as Greece.

But not a word about Greece here, while Mexico slot mentions Spain as requirement.


Assuming it's not a bug, what I'm saying is that it's very confusing because the way it conveys information is inconsistent. In this way, I have to play without knowing that I can unlock Russia during Exploration Age.


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The unlock conditions listed during actual gameplay only pertain to civ and gameplay unlocks. Leader unlocks are still valid, just not shown in the UI until you hit the age transition UI. Conversely, the age transition UI only lists civ and leader unlocks, without gameplay unlocks - but all three are valid and are being checked against.

That said, civs not being unlocked despite fulfilling the conditions seems to be a separate bug. I’m still experiencing that with Siam, didn’t know that it was the case with Confucius+Qing as well.
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