1.17f Problems/Bug Reports

If the civ you want to trade with already has the resource/luxury, they aren't interested in buying it from you, so the option to sell to them does not appear. This is not a bug. You can only trade something that you have, that the other guy does not have.

- Sirian
When I go exploring on land, some of the sea/ocean tiles that I can see are a grayish pattern instead of the normal blue.

Thunderfall, can we make this thread sticky?

Edit: I've made this thread sticky. :) ~TF
I just upgraded v1.16 to v1.17 and when I tried to run the game, it kept saying to put the Civ CD into the drive. The CD WAS in the drive and it was checking the correct drive. I couldn't get the game to run. So I uninstalled and reinstalled the entire game. Then I applied the 1.17 patch and everything works great. There may be some problem with going from v1.16 to v1.17...
When using the stack movement feature, all units of the selected type are moved, even if some of the units are currently in an army. The affected army is not moved and its units of that type are removed. When the army gets the focus, the army is shown in the bottom right but the former unit, which is now on a different tile is highlighted.

For example: I had an army containing 1 mechanized infantry and 3 tanks. There were a couple of other tanks on the same tile. I used the stack movement feature to move the tanks to a nearby city and all tanks, including the ones in the army moved to the city. The army was not moved and it then contained only the mechanized infantry unit. When the army got the focus, it showed the army with the mechanized infantry in the bottom right of the screen and highlighted the tank sitting in the nearby city on a different tile.

BTW, this method can be used for upgrading units within an army.
In some cases, some advisor screens have bits and pieces from other advisor screens. For example: sometimes you see faces and arrows from the foreign advisor screen overlaid on the domestic advisor.

This can be duplicated as follows:
- Open the foreign advisor screen and initiate trade negotiations with anyone.
- While in negotiations, click on the foreign advisors face to display the foreign advisors base display.
- Switch to the science advisor then exit the science advisor. This will returned to the trade negotiation screen.
- Exit trade negotiation screen to return to the base foreign advisor screen. The foreign advisor screen now shows arrows from the science advisor screen and some of the other advisor displays are garbled as well.

This is not new to v1.17f but was not solved either.
I dont think i dripped molasis on my computer recently but ever since i got the new patch the game is even slower then before.... I have a big game with the most cities that can be put so it will go slower. But ever since I installed the patch it is twice as slow. Anyone else have that problem? Any solutions? --a 20 minute wait for your turn to crawl back again isnt much fun

Forum needs a delete button so we don't make such big arses of ourselves. :crazyeyes
My post-patch game seems to have mixed up the text files, so that about a third of the words on the screen are out of place, e.g. where it should say year, it says something like "turns until next...". Instead of "B.C.", it says "War time, argument undefined" or something. In diplomacy, I don't know what I"m trading, because after what should be gold amounts, it says some other gobbledegook instead of "gold" or "gold per turn". Instead of saying "english warrior", it says "nation gender warrior". Etc.

Any help would be appreicated. I'm upgrading from 1.16.
I just had 1.17f crash in SOUND.DLL, just after the "New era in prosperity" screen. I'd just researched the last required tech in the second age, but moved back to research Military Tradition instead. Then the age transition screen showed up, shortly followed by the crash.

This is with a new game after upgrading from 1.16.
I just had 1.17f crash in SOUND.DLL, just after the "New era in prosperity" screen. I'd just researched the last required tech in the second age, but moved back to research Military Tradition instead. Then the age transition screen showed up, shortly followed by the crash.

This is with a new game after upgrading from 1.16.

I had this same error message, without going through age transition or anything. I was still in the Ancient Era. The game crashed directly from the map without opening any advisors. It was my first new game after installing the patch.

Anyone else seeing this?
I have issues with the patch as well...

1. My saved games are all screwed up. I can't get my workers or settlers to move or do ANYthing anymore... this may be an issue with all units, I'm not sure because I was unable to do anything in the saved game once this happened. I tried to move a settler and he wouldn't move, so I selected a worker and he wouldn't move... sometimes the buttons were there (although clicking them didn't do anything) and sometimes they were missing altogether. I couldn't really continue with my game simply because I didn't want to go and find every single unit I had that could still move just to see if they were also broken.

2. Before coming upon the above problem I also noticed that the wait in between turns has gone up significantly. No matter how good this patch is, if it's going to slow the game down even more, I can't use it... :( I mean, I was already waiting 3+ minutes between turns, now it's up to 6, and I'm only just beginning the industrial age and have 7 civs on a huge map. I would hate to see the game at 2000 AD with 16 civs!

I haven't been able to see if there are other problems, because this made me unable to play the game anymore. I assume my first issue won't happen in newly created games, but I really wanted to finish my current game!
I had been running Civ III for a while and played several large games no problem, but only after battling with the installation and the 1.16 patch(es) to find out that Civ III + 1.16 liked to crash whenever I loaded it and tried to either load a saved game or start a new one. I therefore never installed the 1.16 patch, and now tried 1.17f, but get the same problem when trying to start a new game (generic windows error, "Civilization has generated errors and will be closed by Windows ... "). Every single time I get this. Anybody have any idea? It's not a virtual memory or ram problem. I've got 700+ megs ram on a 1100 Mhz p3 (2 650-Mhz processors, windows 2000). Also, Civ III likes to reset my resolution when starting up. I normally have it on 32-bit color with 1024x768, but Civ III sets it to 16-bit and possibly also changes some other settings. This really messes up my screen and makes me have to Alt+Tab to get to my display settings window to correct it.

I hope to get to see this new patch every one's talking about !! So far I can't even start a new game :cry:

After reading all this is just hope I can remove that patch. Yikes.


Easy enough; uninstall, reinstall and patch to your preference

Originally posted by capstact
Has anyone else had trouble with resources you know you have not appearing on the diplomacy screen as available to be traded even though they are there on the Advisor screen?

I've seen this too with 1.16f but I can never be sure *why* the luxury won't show up. The game doesn't give any explanation. I can only guess the luxury isn't showing up because the other civ already has it, but I've never verified this.
Stack movement is great, but we still do not have stack fortifying or sentry, or skip turn... pressing F one hundred times is not my idea of fun. Also it would be nice to include these commands as icons along with the existing commands.

As well when you goto move the stack it will only move the currently selected unit's type. All units on that square should move together at the speed of the slowest unit and have an option both move all units in stack or just all units of same type. I meen come on , if you put stack movement in put it in all the way people!

As for all the weird army stuff happening, do you guys think they really playtested this patch? When the news of the patch was released early people couldn't help themselves but blow sunshine up Fraxis' ass, now where are the positive comments?

The save game hacks to allow civilisation placement ARE NOW INOPERABLE with the new patch.

Civbreed and the "Civilisation Placement Tool" are both affected...instead of giving us an official way to set civ placements they have removed the only methods we had :rolleyes:

Shows how much these people play the game and pay attention to what goes on here and in the other place.
Melinder you said:

My post-patch game seems to have mixed up the text files, so that about a third of the words on the screen are out of place, e.g. where it should say year, it says something like "turns until next...". Instead of "B.C.", it says "War time, argument undefined" or something. In diplomacy, I don't know what I"m trading, because after what should be gold amounts, it says some other gobbledegook instead of "gold" or "gold per turn". Instead of saying "english warrior", it says "nation gender warrior". Etc.

I have EXACTLY the same symptoms!:crazyeyes
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