These quirks regarding music may have been mentioned before, but maybe not.
1. Anyone noticed drop-outs in the BG music in Civ III? For me it will buzz and hiss and then only the music will drop out (Waves work fine). After a while it just starts playing again.
2. Earlier today, I was multi-tasking my newest-version Winamp with Civ II, and suddenly all sound drops dead in the middle of the song in Winamp. By all sound I mean Winamp, Waves, and Civ III background music. I exited out of Civ III and was able to play it fine, and tried playing again. Again, the sound locked. This time, it wouldn't get out. Windows Media Player played sound from an DivX file fine, and the shut down sequence (since I logged out and back in again to get the sound back, as it didn't come back the second time).
In Winamp, all other songs would play for one second and then lock in the visualization part.
Anyone noticed anything like this? (It was only with one song).
I haven't tried running the two again, but it may have been a fluke. There's clearly a problem with Winamp2's Wave Out (As switching the output plugin to Direct Sound or whatever fixed the Winamp side of the problems, but not the Civ III side) and Civ III's sound.
If this can be fixed, then I hope it is.