1.17f Problems/Bug Reports

Replying to an earlier stacked army bug. When you use the hot key to move a stack of whatever units, you will move all the individual units in an army of that type and the units in the army of the same type. You will leave behind the army icon. I just reload it with new units though the army keeps it's original numbers. It should be fixed.
1.17 works pretty good.
Keep up the good work. :D
To place a spy with a higher degree of sucess you should keep track of the opponents government. When they are changing govs (anarchy) success is almost assured. I haven't failed when that occurs. I also succeed at a high rate when the other gov is communist. I play at Monarch level.
These quirks regarding music may have been mentioned before, but maybe not.

1. Anyone noticed drop-outs in the BG music in Civ III? For me it will buzz and hiss and then only the music will drop out (Waves work fine). After a while it just starts playing again.

2. Earlier today, I was multi-tasking my newest-version Winamp with Civ II, and suddenly all sound drops dead in the middle of the song in Winamp. By all sound I mean Winamp, Waves, and Civ III background music. I exited out of Civ III and was able to play it fine, and tried playing again. Again, the sound locked. This time, it wouldn't get out. Windows Media Player played sound from an DivX file fine, and the shut down sequence (since I logged out and back in again to get the sound back, as it didn't come back the second time).

In Winamp, all other songs would play for one second and then lock in the visualization part.

Anyone noticed anything like this? (It was only with one song).

I haven't tried running the two again, but it may have been a fluke. There's clearly a problem with Winamp2's Wave Out (As switching the output plugin to Direct Sound or whatever fixed the Winamp side of the problems, but not the Civ III side) and Civ III's sound.

If this can be fixed, then I hope it is.
Well, I removed the hated patch 1.17 last night. It was really nice not to deal with crazy, extortionate rival leaders with their messed up tech trading. Yes, even without stack movement 1.16 is better.

So what happens with 1.16 at 1490 AD?? THE GAME CRASHES, and it can't be recovered through autosave.

Without question, this is one effed up, intensely annoying, BOMB of a game. :mad: :mad:
I found a glitch once it gave me a whole lot of units too! Here's what happened:

I was greek and was at war with the japs. Well my attack force was off fighting to the east and the japs attack me from the west side. Well I had no defense on that side and could do about nothing. One of the jap soldiers came and attacked my pikeman my pikeman was killed and another one appeared. At first I took no notice to it, but they just kept on coming. I counted up to 1347. The bad thing is that I can't move the pikeman( still upgrade through)
Originally posted by Zouave
Well, I removed the hated patch 1.17 last night. It was really nice not to deal with crazy, extortionate rival leaders with their messed up tech trading. Yes, even without stack movement 1.16 is better.

So what happens with 1.16 at 1490 AD?? THE GAME CRASHES, and it can't be recovered through autosave.

Without question, this is one effed up, intensely annoying, BOMB of a game. :mad: :mad:

How true. This thing is a POS.
I'm not sure if this was mentioned before, but i'm not going to read through 14 pages.

It seems shift+a isn't working correctly with foreign workers (slaves). They'll build over pre-existing improvements, and seem to take the most pleasure out of irrigating over my mines. I'm probably missing something very simple, or maybe it was always like this, though i can't remember a similiar problem in 1.16. Sorry if this was brought up before.
Originally posted by Dillo
Now. The Riflemen make a shooting noise when they run instead of the running sound. this is SUPER ANNOYING!!!!!!! Lets get it fixed please! I am half through my game now. I will finish it tomorrow, lets see what else I find. Anyone else notice this? But so far thats the only thing I have found. I was suprised to find I could even play the game after the patch. HURRAY!! Fireaxis!!! Even with some minor bugs, this is finally great. LOL. I am satisfied so far. Good Work.

I agree with the Rifleman thing - particularly when you have a whole bunch of them moving across the map. It makes a hell of a racket!!!
With patch 1.7f installed, my game crashes upon reaching the medieval era, regardless of what civ I am playing. For this reason, I have ceased using the patch.
BigDog. Just go into preferences and turn the sounds off. For one thing the game runs faster that way.
As Babylon I'm trading luxeries and gold per turn for Iron from the Egyptians. However every trade also empties my treasury to zero, as well as continuing to pay the gold per turn price.

I have both patches, no mods other than graphics and have not seen this before in about a dozen games with the last patch.

Has anyone seen this?
Originally posted by Sholto
As Babylon I'm trading luxeries and gold per turn for Iron from the Egyptians. However every trade also empties my treasury to zero, as well as continuing to pay the gold per turn price.

I have both patches, no mods other than graphics and have not seen this before in about a dozen games with the last patch.

Has anyone seen this?
On the lower difficulty levels you are not penalized for running out of money. At higher levels you will lose units and/or buildings to pay for your treasury deficit.
Originally posted by BigDog

I agree with the Rifleman thing - particularly when you have a whole bunch of them moving across the map. It makes a hell of a racket!!!

You can fix this by changing Rifleman.ini in the \art\units\Rifleman\ folder.
change the RUN= line in the [Sounds] section to:

delete whatever sound file name is already listed there (dont delete the sound file, just delete the reference in the ini file)
I thought that this was diliberate - it seemed to only happen to me when I was at war, I thought Firaxis had intented the Rifleman to be a sort of 'cowboy' westerner who ran around shooting for fun. Anybody who watches the old spaghetti westerns should know what I'm on about.
Originally posted by Shaitan

On the lower difficulty levels you are not penalized for running out of money. At higher levels you will lose units and/or buildings to pay for your treasury deficit.

Thanks, but I didn't make myself clear.

I have an income greater than the agreed trade (say +23 and -15 / turn) plus an account balance of 150 gold.

On the first turn my income drops to +8 /turn, as agreed, but my gold balance also drops to 0. So I've been ripped off!

It's happened with three similar trades in succession.
Originally posted by Sholto

Thanks, but I didn't make myself clear.

I have an income greater than the agreed trade (say +23 and -15 / turn) plus an account balance of 150 gold.

On the first turn my income drops to +8 /turn, as agreed, but my gold balance also drops to 0. So I've been ripped off!

It's happened with three similar trades in succession.
That definitely sounds buggy. Could you attach a save game? I'd like to take a look into this.
Originally posted by Sholto
As Babylon I'm trading luxeries and gold per turn for Iron from the Egyptians. However every trade also empties my treasury to zero, as well as continuing to pay the gold per turn price.

I have both patches, no mods other than graphics and have not seen this before in about a dozen games with the last patch.

Has anyone seen this?

I've attached the file. On the next turn Cleo' will come up to trade. Clear the table and ask for Iron only. She should demand Ivory, Incense, World Map AND 9 gold per turn.

When complete your treasury should drop to zero and income to 18 per turn. Note that Forbidden Palace also gets completed so income will then jump a bit. (Don't think FB is causing problem, it's happened before in this game, but I didn't investigate or keep saved games).

Thanks for your interest Shaitan, if you get the same result I'll inform Firaxis.
She's also asking for the complete treasury. Look at the deal she offers - there's a down arrow next to her side. Scroll down on her request to see the lump sum payment that's also on the table.
I played on 1.17f-Emperor-Tiny-Persia with default rules and random maps without any modpacks.
There are two continents. My civ (Persia) locate on the first one, and others locate on second continent.
I established new city XX on their continent and rushed the airport, after this I destroyed French city near. They proposed peace treaty - I was agree.
On my city XX there were all available resources (strategic and luxuries) - thanks to airport - it works fine !
A couple of turns later war started again. I destroyed some French towns and tried to build new colony with ivory (I hadn't it before) on neutral territory. Colony was builded and connected to the city XX by roads (french legacy :-). I checked city XX - there is no ivory there ! I made another colony with another resource (coal) - it also missed in lists of resource. Resources appeared in list only after signing peace treaty again.
I don't understand, how colony intend to works ...
(Sorry for bad english)
A couple of turns later my Jet fighters detected barbarian warriors and my modern armours destroyed them.
Originally posted by Shaitan
She's also asking for the complete treasury. Look at the deal she offers - there's a down arrow next to her side. Scroll down on her request to see the lump sum payment that's also on the table.

Aahh Crap!


I might restart the game, build some more Knights and, umm, renegotiate!
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