One of the things I have noticed about barbarian in Vox Populi over the years, is how weak they have gotten & less of a threat they have become. Originally even playing on standard they were quite challenging, but either I got better with dealing with them or they declined in strengh, for a long time I have alway used raging barbarians. Unfortunately, even these have become very ineffectual after a time, & are normally gone by AD.In a way I blame Recursive & team for this (only joking) as they have done wonders to the AI, making them very effective in dealing with Barbarians & camps. Now hunting them down as units. This is all nice, but has really weakened barbs as a threat. I do normally play on Prince level by the way.
I find one of the consequences of this is I very rarely take Authority now, as the bonuses aren't really needed anymore, & you can easily deal with them whatever you take. This is without extra bonuses from Authority or a Civs own abilities. In my games usually only one or two civs in a standard game take Authority, but the barbarians are still dealt with in a fast efficient manner. I feel for the Aztecs. Also, I have noticed in my games, that civs taking Authority start of fairly well, warring, but are soon taken down or vassalised. So their weakness from my observations makes taking Authority alot weaker than it used to be.
I note players & AI (not sure how much) get bonuses against barbarians, particulalrly the lower levels, but propose removing all these from human player & AI for more of a threat. Obviously, playing standard level barbs should mean they are more harder to defeat but there would be less of them, whilst raging barbs should be a real challenge again. You can also turn them off. I believe human players have no bonuses against barbs, so I am suggesting as well as getting rid of these bonuses, barbs should be beefed up the higher skill level you play at. Perhaps King & upwards should have strength added to barbarians just like AI military units have.
Remember tribes of barbarians such Huns & Goths etc caused mayhem in Europe throughout the Dark Ages, As for the Mongols, no idea what would have happened if Genghis hadn't died when he did.
I may well be alone on these opinions, as do not read much about the lack of barbarians strength, but I do feel the barbarians are weak on all levels, taking into account the hardness of what level llevel you are playing at, & certainly need beefing somehow.
I find one of the consequences of this is I very rarely take Authority now, as the bonuses aren't really needed anymore, & you can easily deal with them whatever you take. This is without extra bonuses from Authority or a Civs own abilities. In my games usually only one or two civs in a standard game take Authority, but the barbarians are still dealt with in a fast efficient manner. I feel for the Aztecs. Also, I have noticed in my games, that civs taking Authority start of fairly well, warring, but are soon taken down or vassalised. So their weakness from my observations makes taking Authority alot weaker than it used to be.
I note players & AI (not sure how much) get bonuses against barbarians, particulalrly the lower levels, but propose removing all these from human player & AI for more of a threat. Obviously, playing standard level barbs should mean they are more harder to defeat but there would be less of them, whilst raging barbs should be a real challenge again. You can also turn them off. I believe human players have no bonuses against barbs, so I am suggesting as well as getting rid of these bonuses, barbs should be beefed up the higher skill level you play at. Perhaps King & upwards should have strength added to barbarians just like AI military units have.
Remember tribes of barbarians such Huns & Goths etc caused mayhem in Europe throughout the Dark Ages, As for the Mongols, no idea what would have happened if Genghis hadn't died when he did.
I may well be alone on these opinions, as do not read much about the lack of barbarians strength, but I do feel the barbarians are weak on all levels, taking into account the hardness of what level llevel you are playing at, & certainly need beefing somehow.