1000 clues that you are already too obsessed with Civ IV!

871. you change other people's names to those of civ leaders
872. you wonder why they are always at least furious with you...
873. and of course you can absolutely not understand, why you can't change their mind by trading dyes with them, in fact they wont even want to trade...
874. after all even hare krishnas look at you with that compassionate expression on their faces, but hey, at least their trading the dyes...
876. You decide to take your laptop into the toilet so you can keep an eye on the AI's next moves and realize too late, how much heat is dissipated out the bottom of the laptop and how not-unlike a heat sink your lap is. :)
877. You've memorized every possible combination of the new tech tree.
knupp715 said:
865. You apologize to AKs K for messing up his name
That's ok. No worries.

878: You change your lucky number to 18 - if it isn't already your lucky number.

Aks K
879 - The day cIV will be released is your 18th birthday. You take this for a good omen.
880 - your boss comes to your desk to ask about Civ4
881 - you kick him out of your cubicle because he didn't have a RoP with you.
882 - you go to war with him over the Project Documentation that is within your cubicle.
ccrowe1990 said:
870. Then you start danceing to the music.
883. You listen to the music every night before you go to bed
884. You have grown accustomed to listening to the music and you can't go to bed unless the music is playing
885. You make sure everyone knows we need 10.5454545454545454545454545454545454545454 posts for the next 11 days to reach the 1000th clue
886. You are currently playing a Civ3 game and you have it saved as "My Last Game Of Civ3" (True)
887: You have the box art tatooed upon your back.
888: You hired assassination teams against www.civanon.com
889: You listen to the Civ4 music while you sleep.
890: You have 4 or more pc's on a LAN, playing a single game of civ where you wage war upon yourself.
891: You play civ3 in the hope that it wil magically change into civ4 as you play.
892: You violated school/college/university computer policy by visiting CFC forums and recieved a temporary ban.
893: Due to sucessive violations, you have now been permantly banned from your school/college/university computer network.
894: You have brought a laptop in order to play civ or visit civ related internet material while you go for bathroom breaks.
895: You have a LCD computer screen built into you toilet seat.
-> You keep sending your friends updates on civ 4 when finally you get a reply "don't spam", to which you reply "Change to my religion or perish!"

-> When you start taking care that your mess workers are including all the 8 food crops in your meals.

:crazyeye: :) :eek: :lol: :confused:

Help me, help me. I am going all civ.
898: You say civ fourteen times by mistake, in a speech of 41 words.
Ur Mum said:
894: You have brought a laptop in order to play civ or visit civ related internet material while you go for bathroom breaks.

WOW! Simply, WOW! :eek:
899: You stick intravenous tubes into your veins so you don't have to stop to eat while playing civ4
900(YEAH!): said tubes are filled with coffee.
903: you munch enough sleeping pills to make sure you can sleep through the last few harrowing days before release and not deal with the tension anymore
904: True story - I was sick and turned my 3-day weekend into a 6-day vacation. I had told many people that Civ IV was coming out about this time, and so upon my return today there were people who seriously thought that I had faked sickness to play my new acquisition. Silly people!

905: Ture story - I got three of my firends hooked on Civ 3 a few months back, and now they're all going to get Civ IV. I also found another 7 people at school who are getting it, and another guy in Israel. 6-on-6 multiplayer games will be a little hard to arrange, but it'll be a great battle royale.
907. You use the calculator every single time you post on this thread even when you've used the calculator earlier today
908. You are exited that the number of posts (10.54545454) went down from earlier today to 8.363636363636363636
908-you were caught kissing with a box of civ4
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