108 Aesthetics bug?


Jul 25, 2011
So im in the middle of the Washington GoTM, around mid-renaissance I went for the Aesthetics policy (minimum 20 influence all cities and a 1 time +20 influence), I didn't track what happened to the influence of my CS allies, but all of the CS's I was neutral with when adopting the policy only went to 20 influence. I had expected it to be 40, since I would have a minimum of 20 +an additional 1 time boost of 20 but I never got that boost, at least with the CSs that were neutral to me. Is this a bug or am I misunderstanding how the policy works?
52 views.. no comments? Has anyone else experienced this in 108 or can shed any light on this topic?
I haven't tested yet, but my guess is that the way the code is written is that you will get a +influence bonus for only those CSs with whom you have a positive benefit already.

Basically, the +20 is triggered first, then the minimum 20 (forever) is applied.

This seems reasonable to me.

Also, please don't bump your own posts. Patience is a virtue.
I haven't tested yet, but my guess is that the way the code is written is that you will get a +influence bonus for only those CSs with whom you have a positive benefit already.

Basically, the +20 is triggered first, then the minimum 20 (forever) is applied.

This seems reasonable to me.

I that's the case, there is absolutely no additional effect for a neutral/angry CS (which presumably is why most would choose the policy) and minimal bump for a friend/ally. Not much of a buff - but then, I didn't see the need in the first place as you know.;)
Sorry for the delay, I had a busy weekend. :)

I'll do some testing to see if I can identify what's going on.

I assume that the +20 onetime influence triggers before the minimum amount is set. Whether or not that is intentional is another matter as Im not sure how you wanted this policy to be implemented.
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