
I think you have to be playing as "Americans" but this is one I found posted in a screenshot.
From Cyrus - I Wonder <insert player name>: how many hanging chads did it take to get YOU into office.
It's just a little insane when Saladin is trying to convert me to Christianity.

Or the leader of the Germans is trying to convert me to Judaism.

Or Roosevelt would like me to embrace Islam.

As the game is loading there are always tip messages (unless you disabled it). I swear I remember one that was advising me on what type of snacks I should eat.
On-screen message "Judaism has been founded in Mecca".
Later I saw two developed 'pig' resources adjacent to Mecca and a 'clam' by Medina.
Just shows that the program contains no religious bias whatsoever, although I think the programming team may contain a few nuts.
Wolf52 said:
You should have the option of sending catherine a horse... :lol:

The rumor that Catherine, um, experimented with horses has been proven to be false. I don't remember the site, but it turned out to be just a propaganda campaign against her. It never happened.
From Kublai Khan on the occasion of a first turn meeting:

"Cower before the might of my No Unit!"
goldenflame53 said:
The rumor that Catherine, um, experimented with horses has been proven to be false. I don't remember the site, but it turned out to be just a propaganda campaign against her. It never happened.
Wasn't that the first response about Watergate too?
goldenflame53 said:
The rumor that Catherine, um, experimented with horses has been proven to be false. I don't remember the site, but it turned out to be just a propaganda campaign against her. It never happened.

Can you prove it didnt happen?
On its own it's not very funny, but given the context, "Christianity has been founded in Washington." (750 BC), I got a chuckle. XD
"St. Peter was born in St. Petersburg."
Perhaps he was named after the city.... ;)

Naskra said:
From Kublai Khan on the occasion of a first turn meeting:

"Cower before the might of my No Unit!"
Hahaha, that's awesome. I'm supprised it didn't crash. :D
I got the studying qoute from Kahns son.Father like son,Who would've thought.
It's not really a quote, but I sure got a kick out of the icon for the internet (Al Gore in front of the American Flag).
We shall crush all the worlds armies beneath our sandals! It'll be way cool- Alexander the Greeks
Lower tier Japan and Inca said this after I refused their demand:

'Nobody ever listens to me...'
Ceaser while getting beat down : "Is it the ides of march already?"

Saw that for the first time the other day.....I about fell out of my chair I was laughing so hard. Wife checked to see if I was ok. LMAO
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