Slip de Garcon
As the game loads up (ie before it crashes):
"Do not fight a land war in Asia"
Priceless. I wonder if Dubya plays?
"Do not fight a land war in Asia"
Priceless. I wonder if Dubya plays?
DrewBledsoe said:In early noble game I played :-
Isabella (furious) "Strange as it may seem, but I believe you actually have something which may be of some use to us" :- Astronomy
I was building nukes at the time![]()
Naskra said:From Kublai Khan on the occasion of a first turn meeting:
"Cower before the might of my No Unit!"
DeltaV said:"You have our gratitude!"
I know it's been there since CivII or so, but it's still a funny reference (that most people here are probably too young to get).
Well, the IMDB quote search helps a bit...beestar said:You know, that took a LOT of Googling to find. It's used a million times in forum .sigs, riffed off a jillion times ("We are building a network of extraordinary magnitude"), but original attributions were few and far between.
Meffy said:I don't know what it means, but in the "why are people happy/unhappy" detail listing in the city screen, some citizens are happy because, and I quote:
sabrateur said:I believe OH YEAH! comes from Future Tech.
If I remember correctly, I had 2 OH YEAH!s after researching Future Tech 2.
Lord Olleus said:What is the funniest message you have ever had i civ 4. I think that
"Gandhi has converted to Judaism" does it for me.
Although Montezuma saying:
"Roosevelt is worse than a rat in the gutter" comes a close second.