(2-VT) Improve tribute demand and warfare against city-states

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Nov 29, 2016
It is now possible to exploit city-states mercilessly - you can destroy all units, make peace, receive tribute, resume the war and capture the city-state. There should be something like this:

1) If we received a tribute, then we cannot declare war for 10-15 turns (after all, they paid off, and we keep our word, otherwise no one will believe us)
2) If we declared war, then we cannot make peace for 10-15 turns.
3) After the conclusion of peace, we can demand tribute (sometimes it is required to destroy the units of the city-state in order to start being afraid), but we cannot declare war for 10-15 turns.

Receiving tribute should reduce influence on the city-state, but should not block the receipt of new quests. Do the citizens of the city care who completes the quest - a friend or an extortionist?

Existing influence should not affect the possibility of claiming tribute. But the influence will fall after receiving the tribute (I will suggest that the minimum fall immediately from any level - to 0 or -20). This will give the player a choice - either passive bonuses from the city-state, or instant income.
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Do the citizens of the city care who completes the quest - a friend or an extortionist?
Actually, I think yes, because most of the time, demanding tribute means that the very inhabitant need to pay a 'tax' to the city for it to be able to pay the tribute. So yeah, you wouldn't forgive easily someone who demanded tribute from you, because no way you could be thankful toward them.
At the very least, I would add a temporary reduction to influence gain from quests.
all of this makes sense and improves this very janky gamey aspect of the game

edit: though for the sake of balance I think tribute yields should be reduced during or immediately after war. too easy to get max tribute after wiping out all their units. also, from a realism point, a war-torn city doesn't have as much to offer
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Needs an actual set of numbers to avoid being vetoed, not a range.
Existing influence should not affect the possibility of claiming tribute.

I completely forgot that Authocracy has this feature - the ability to demand tribute from friendly and allied city-states. But I think it's better to let the player break their alliances with the city-states in exchange for instant profit, and for Authocracy to come up with some other feature.
Proposal vetoed.

Did not specify exact values. Also, all elements of the proposal should be in the OP.
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