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2008-2009 Mlb offseason


Sox have now gone and signed Saito for 1.5 mil, Smoltz for 5 mil, Penny for 5 mil, Baldelli for 500K. Not a bad haul for half of what the Yankees pay Texeira in one season.

Granted they all have risks but they are typical Theo signings: guys with potential downsides and past injuries, but with huge upsides if they perform at or near their potential. In Theo I trust.
I don't like penny, but the other guys are almost no brainers.

How is Abreu still unsigned? I guess whoever doesn't get Manny gets him I suppose.
Pie is off the cubs for a couple bums off the orioles. they're taking another one of our touted 5 tool CF's who ended up just being speedy defenders that couldn't hit in the majors and struck out too much.
Ballpark Village, St. Louis today

The St. Louis Cardinals have no reason to pick on the Cubs. It's like Mike Tyson in his prime knocking out the gimpy kid with down syndrome.

You know, the one without a championship in 100 years. :mwaha:
Houston will get their share of L's at the hands of the cubs. 14 days until pitchers and catchers report, I can't wait. This is the year, you'll all see!

And you're quote is weird AZ, the Eagles have been dominating all decade...
How can you dominate a conference if you never win it?

Also, Houston is lucky if it finishes above Pittsburgh this year :p We need a 20 win effort from Oswalt...at the least.
Another time, another thread :)

The cubs have no real favorites for a rookie of the year this time around it seems, does anyone have any on their team?
So in other words, Jose Canseco was absolutely right, once again.

And Mr. Rodriquez ISN'T going to be the Great White Clean Hope that "saves" us from big bad Jerk Barry Bonds who we unfairly singled out and scapegoated because of his personality, after all.
Not shocking at all, really.

Shocking, perhaps, only to the head-in-the-sand sportswriters and sports talk hosts who were all so quick to make the Personally Unpopular Barry Bonds the scapegoat for the steroid era.

Shocking, perhaps, to the people who thought that Jose Canseco couldn't be right about A-Rod because he was "an unsavory character."

Not shocking to me. I've been waiting for this to come out from the first moment I heard people lining up to cast Barry Bonds as the Sole Bad Guy of the steroid era, and once the Great White Hope A-Rod who's so clean dag-gummit (even though you can line up a picture of him in his rookie year with a current picture of him and see the same conspicuous upsizing that you could see and everyone was so quick to pounce on with Barry) beats Barry's tainted record everything will be all better.

Just to clarify: I don't hold this against Alex Rodriquez at all. I'd take his bat in my team's lineup anyday. And if I had a hall of fame vote he would still get it in his first year of eligibility, just like Bonds, Sosa, and McGwire all would, too.

I just feel kinda vindicated to know that all the "Barry BOO A-Rod YAY" people last season/offseason now have to wipe a little egg off their face.
agreed :) it's sad, really...i guess he really is "A-Fraud" after all :p

on a sidenote, i read somewhere that it was yanks coach larry bowa who gave him that nickname :lol: leave it to bowa :lol: he's quite the firecracker :lol:
Well now I can't decide who the best player in baseball is. Vlad? Pujols? Manny?

Now that A-rod has been found out, it made me pretty sad to see it on the news yesterday, he doesn't qualify for me to go into the hall or be considered best in baseball.

I don't see why people can't just say, I am good enough. He already had the largest contract ever, and was still on the way to being one of the best.
Barry Bonds is an arse and deserved the ridiculing he got. He never changed.

None of this news surprises me, and I'll still be happier with the record in A-Rod's hands than in Barry's.
Is there any significant change in forehead sizes in Pujols? I might just root for a dirty Cardinal to get the record if he really is clean.
phils and ryan howard avoid arbitration :shifty: and agree on a 3 yr $56M K :banana: quite the job done by the phils front office this winter - 10 possible arb's and each one settled, and the main ones (howard and hamels) get multi year deals. now that's how you do it! :D
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