Break My Heart
Yeah it's precisely that. It's the fact that, in spite of winning: 3 WS, 4 SBs, 1 Stanley Cup, and an NBA Championship over the last 15 years and having the most prominent Sports Cable Network in the business based right next door and constantly riding their dick 24/7, the Boston fans largely (stereotypically) continue to act as the poor, scrappy underdog who nobody pays attention to or gives proper respect to. The "You don't understand suffering like we do" kind of tripe that Bill Simmons is all too happy to roll out every damn year. It gets old when your market is the center (or an equal/second center) of the sporting universe and you're acting like your team is the Atlanta Hawks or somesuch.
I have no problem with people being happy when their team wins and celebrating, and I have even less of a problem with bandwagon fans. Is it annoying that I've been priced out of Warriors and Giants games now? A bit, but it's made up for by having more people I can celebrate my team's success with. A louder and more rowdy atmosphere at the games I do go to or watch on tv. That's fine. What I dislike is when fans take on a sanctimonious attitude towards their team (The "Cardinal Way" type bull[feces]) and the "You just don't understand sports like we do" crap that you tend to get from Boston fans. And the ubiquity of fans of Boston teams adds to this. They are everywhere and the disproportionate majority that I have met taken on the guise of Bill Simmons'representative in the room telling me about all the torture and suffering and anguish they had to face waiting for the Sox to finally win one. Well guess what, there are other teams out there that have had extended championship droughts.
I have no problem with people being happy when their team wins and celebrating, and I have even less of a problem with bandwagon fans. Is it annoying that I've been priced out of Warriors and Giants games now? A bit, but it's made up for by having more people I can celebrate my team's success with. A louder and more rowdy atmosphere at the games I do go to or watch on tv. That's fine. What I dislike is when fans take on a sanctimonious attitude towards their team (The "Cardinal Way" type bull[feces]) and the "You just don't understand sports like we do" crap that you tend to get from Boston fans. And the ubiquity of fans of Boston teams adds to this. They are everywhere and the disproportionate majority that I have met taken on the guise of Bill Simmons'representative in the room telling me about all the torture and suffering and anguish they had to face waiting for the Sox to finally win one. Well guess what, there are other teams out there that have had extended championship droughts.