3D Graphics - a step back?


The Objectivist
Oct 30, 2005
I finally got the game yesterday, and played it for the first time. I lucked out, because I didn't end up with a french tech tree, although the cd's were still mislabeled (play instead of install). It also installed and played without any problem.

First of all - they really need to come up with a patch which will put text labels next to the pictures, they all look similar. Secondly, I may be in the minority here, but I'd much rather play a game with Civ1 2d graphics, where I can easily tell the units appart. Each Civ after civ1 was getting worse and worse in that respect. A lot of units look very similar, and those that don't - get lost in the unnecessary detail on the main screen. I seriously wish the days where I could easily tell the mine from irrigation were back. There's all these improvements now (cottages/farms etc.), and they all look the same.

Maybe the game will grow on me, but as it is right now I must say I'm disappointed...
LordRahl said:
I finally got the game yesterday, and played it for the first time. I lucked out, because I didn't end up with a french tech tree, although the cd's were still mislabeled (play instead of install). It also installed and played without any problem.

First of all - they really need to come up with a patch which will put text labels next to the pictures, they all look similar. Secondly, I may be in the minority here, but I'd much rather play a game with Civ1 2d graphics, where I can easily tell the units appart. Each Civ after civ1 was getting worse and worse in that respect. A lot of units look very similar, and those that don't - get lost in the unnecessary detail on the main screen. I seriously wish the days where I could easily tell the mine from irrigation were back. There's all these improvements now (cottages/farms etc.), and they all look the same.

Maybe the game will grow on me, but as it is right now I must say I'm disappointed...
I once thought a Great Prophet was my Jewish missionary. Even though they don't really look alike. It can get very confusing. :lol:
LordRahl said:
First of all - they really need to come up with a patch which will put text labels next to the pictures, they all look similar.

It's a minor issue and for me personally, it could make things go a little smoother, but I have been doing okay without it so far.

Secondly, I may be in the minority here, but I'd much rather play a game with Civ1 2d graphics, where I can easily tell the units appart.

How are they hard to tell apart? They all appear to be distinguishable to me.

I seriously wish the days where I could easily tell the mine from irrigation were back. There's all these improvements now (cottages/farms etc.), and they all look the same.

How do they look the same? A cottage is very different from a farm. A farm shows a barn with fields and a cottage only shows a few buildings. How is that looking the same?
Multiplicity said:
How do they look the same? A cottage is very different from a farm. A farm shows a barn with fields and a cottage only shows a few buildings. How is that looking the same?
They look different if you zoom up to them, but that's too close to be of much use for moving your units or workers around. I often have to hover my cursor to figure out what I'm looking at. :(
I'm not too impressed by this 3d thing either but so far the game itself plays well. What I mean is I still get that one more turn feeling.
gmaharriet said:
They look different if you zoom up to them, but that's too close to be of much use for moving your units or workers around. I often have to hover my cursor to figure out what I'm looking at. :(

I guess I am more comfortable with a closer zoom range when managing things. *shrug*
Yeah, zooming in for the first couple of times is a neat little bonus that wears off after about 5 minutes...

then you start focusing on what has actually improved gameplay-wise.

i wouldn't say that it's a complete step back - i mean granted there are some good improvements (no rioting, no corruption, etc.) but they could have spent a lot more time and capital on pure gameplay instead of upgrading eye candy that quickly wears off after the first game.
I really like the 3D graphics in Civ4. The whole scope of the map has changed--it's much more tactical (although strategy is still key), which I like. The 3D world also adds a lot of character to the game. The anamations are very cool (windmills, very cool combat, workers building things, mine carts extracting iron, etc.). The "civics" are also very interesting and they've certainly added a lot more depth to the government portion of the game.

I really like this game--probably better than Civ3 (which is my favorite Civ to date). The most confounding this so far is that it is a LOT different from prior Civ games--and a lot better in many respects.
Thank god! I’m new to Civ forums and I was beginning to think I had the only problem with the graphics they don’t appeal to me whatsoever I was really looking forward to number four having only experience of three. It always amazes me that game companies for some reason think that more of something necessarily means better what is the point of having three units instead of one besides adding I presume an extra burden to your computer.

What is the goal they certainly at least for me don’t add to the beauty of the game they are in fact rather ugly (the size of the second world war tanks make me cringe) I intend to carry on regardless for the moment and hope that the game play will compensate for the Rubens sized units. The graphics in Civ 3 for me in their simplicity but appropriateness were quite appealing now I fear a big boned prostitute hanging around my city representing unhappiness sorry three big boned prostitutes wedged somewhere between the farm and a mine.
I repeat that execution matters most...

But let me say it this way - graphics are secondary in Civ to me, gameplay rules all.

As a result, fancy 3d graphics don't bother me any more than plain 2d graphics would.

I think, if and when this things runs smooth, the graphics will be just fine. I do think I prefer the unit graphics of Civ3 better, and probably the rest of the graphics - less vibrant, phony rendered colors. Plus I was using Snoopy's graphics, which look incredible.

That said, since gameplay is king, and graphics aren't, I think Civ4 in the long run will be my preferred game...

All I'm saying is - the new "improved" graphics, are not only distracting, but they don't really help the gameplay (they actually take away from it). I'd be much happier with simpler representation, where I wouldn't have to keep zooming in/hovering my cursor over an object to see what it is. You get a much better idea what's going on a Civ1 map at a single glance, than at Civ4 map staring for a minute. There should be an option to disable all that extra unnecessary stuff - and have a nice clear top down view.
I'm a big civ fan, and I believe Civ 4 improved on gameplay - but when it comes to graphics, it's quite disappointing IMO.
I'm currently playing my first game of Civ IV (and, unfortunately, I can only play it once per week until Christmas...my dad has it and I go to his house only once a week, although I should get the game for Christmas) and so far I like the graphics, but it does have some flaws.

First off, it is very difficult to tell the difference between some of the units. The interface is very accessible and easy to use, but it's not really that attractive (the Civilopedia is hideously ugly). The terrain itself is awesome; I like the fact that you can zoom in and out (although the changing music between the different levels is dissapointing and oftentimes annoying). The interface is easily accessible...the problem is is that it's so...different. It's not bad, it will just take a while for me to adjust to it. Eventually I'll get used to it. The graphics blend and mesh in such a way that it's just harder to get an overall grasp and feel for the overall picture. The detail is really cool though and the terrain looks very nice and realistic. The graphics themselves are great, but the readibility and distinguishability (that's a word! of course it is!) have gone down.
I like the 3d graphics and the game plays very very well on my comp (using 18 civs + gigantic mod). Of course I dont run the game on a ZX spectrum like most of you guys seem to do.
HiroHito said:
I like the 3d graphics and the game plays very very well on my comp (using 18 civs + gigantic mod). Of course I dont run the game on a ZX spectrum like most of you guys seem to do.

Do you normally patronise people like this ?
I fail to see how graphics that looks better, enhance immersion more and fill the game with living animations can be a liability for a game, but then I've never understood the snobbish "it was better when it looked crap in 4 colours and 320x200", so...
Generally, I don't like games that go 3D, for all the reasons described. But Civ4 is really great in that aspect, you should see some of those other games...
Its nice to have good graphics in a game it certainly can add to its enjoyment but like in EU2 they’re not the most important aspect I’m well aware that Civ 4 has a lot more depth than just its look. However I find these new graphics unappealing, probably a shallow criticism but the more strategic view point of Civ 3 seemed more appropriate for the game and if all these extra pixels start slowing down peoples games what has been achieved.

Civ was one of those games that relied more on game play rather then look. I don’t want to throw out the baby with the bath water but the units feel like your playing with the king sized Lego version in case you swallow the pieces (a rather sad metaphor) and one last observation the ships behaviour looks very similar to Sid Meier’s Pirates? I hope were not heading down a road like a lot of game companies of trying to appeal to a much larger market simply by allowing kids to zoom in and see Romans bashing Celts.
The CIV community is the only one that whines when a game goes 3D. Unbelievable.
lmao...you said it. I guess it will be better appriciated after the code
gets a face lift and everyone can focus on who's the best instead of
who's having problems. Zooming in in great when nuke'n or taken a
couple cities along a front simultaniously (sp).
I don't know how anyone can find these graphics unappealing. I mean if you can't work it or it's too slow, fine but unappealing?
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