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4th Agent Orange PBEM game

Sorry I almost forget:

Map: Standard
Water: 60% (to avoid too much land)
Landmass: Pangea (to avoid islands :))
Climate/Temperature/Age/Barbs: Random
Culturally Linked Starting Positions: Off
Accelerated Production: Off
anarres: could you collect email addies and mail them around? because if we fight someon we'll need to tell them the results!
I have updated the main post with emails and map/game settings.
So. I know this is a stupid question, but what is the game order?
In the updated first post:

Edit: emails removed

I put ERIKK second because we were chatting and he wanted a turn before be had to go offline tonight :). Other than that in order of posts (I think)
On to Killer. Hope you guys have better starting positions then me! ;)
I have pm'd Plux in the hope of getting in touch. Thinking about it, I will also email him.

No posts from Plux on cfc since his post in this thread...

Edit: Update - Plux has disabled email access from cfc :(

@Killer: might as well post the save on here once you have taken your go. At least that way Plux will get it as soon as he checks this thread.
Originally posted by ERIKK
Email Plux: plux_AT_tweakers.net or bram_AT_tweakers.net
ERIKK, are you the source of all information? Or do you have some other contact with Plux?

Updated main post with email
Originally posted by anarres
ERIKK, are you the source of all information? Or do you have some other contact with Plux?

Updated main post with email

He is in the Agent Orange PBEM game 1 (the DDPP game), his mail is quoted over there. Also, he emailed me about slow progress in the DDPP game 50 minutes ago :) I hope this falls under the other contact you are talking about... ;)
Originally posted by Black Waltz
On to Killer. Hope you guys have better starting positions then me! ;)


Thats what you get for being French I suppose

Sorry, thought I may as well be the first :)

The sav is with essexloony2

Anarres, could you plz rename my e-mails to smth like bram_AT_tweakers.net and plux_AT_tweakers.net to prevent spam-flooding.. tx in advance :goodjob:
Originally posted by Plux
Anarres, could you plz rename my e-mails to smth like bram_AT_tweakers.net and plux_AT_tweakers.net to prevent spam-flooding.. tx in advance :goodjob:
Done in the two posts I put them in, but ERIKK needs to change post #43 himself.
BTW: Yesterday I played a MP-game on Direct IP. One time the game crashed and we had to reload and it turned out that before reloading you can redefine the play style. In that case from Simultaneous MP to PBEM, but it would be cool if it also went the other way around. In stead of PBEM power sessions, we could have MP power sessions!
@Plux: Definately food for thought :), I may do some testing over the weekend...
Not a chance. Why do you think I play PBEM? Live in a rural area of Scotland with a Dial Up Modem. Not exactly the best for online gaming.
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