(6-VT) Disable specific events at the start of the game, but leave Event System

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Archmage of all Pixels
Apr 23, 2017
Łódź, Poland
It's counterproposal to @hokath's (6-43) suggestion.

Proposal: Disable all specific events before the game in the configuring menu (Good..., Neutral..., Bad..., Civ-Specific... Trade..., Events) and leave the Event System on. Steps that must be done:
  1. Invert the logic of checkboxes enabling/disabling certain events, so they now enable events when they are on (currently they say "no good events", thus disable them when checkbox is on);
  2. Add a tip in loading screen saying that player may enable certain events before the game, and that they are disabled by default;
  3. Leave main checkbox "Enable Event System" on;
  4. Leave rest of the checkboxes related to events unchecked;

Rationale: It is used for various modmods (f.e. my Unique City-States) allowing it to introduce new mechanics. Disabling it by default will make many players to ask, why certain features do not work. Enabling Event System by default changes nothing in VP gameplay, but makes the modmodder's life easier. After this change, the player behaviour will be as follows:
  • if players want to play with all events, they should check missing checkboxes.
  • if players don't want to play with events, they should just do nothing.



I agree with many arguments @hokath provided against the events. I am the player who disables them by default before each game. Read his rationale to get better view. My suggestion is only small modification to his proposal.
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@hokath The only reason I can think of to do it your originally proposed way instead of this way is that it'll be confusing for new users. Having to check one box is a lot more intuitive than unchecking five.
@hokath The only reason I can think of to do it your originally proposed way instead of this way is that it'll be confusing for new users. Having to check one box is a lot more intuitive than unchecking five.
What is not intuitive is that players using some mods that require it will not simply know that they HAVE to enable it. That's why I want to leave that one checked.
There are now many cases on discord or civfanatics when player disables all of them and then asks why abilities are not working, even though @Enginseer clearly wrote that in the op.
It's just for our sake. If player will disable it on purpose, then it's his fault. But many players disables events unchecking all of them. I hope that when they enter the screen and see that these events are unchekced they will not dig it more.

If they want all events, they should check missing ones.
If they don't want to play with events, they should just do nothing.
We should just invert the check boxes. That's the obvious thing, right?

- Leave "Enable Events System" checked as default.
- Change "No Bad Events", "No Good Events", etc. to "Enable Bad Events", "Enable Good Events", etc.
- Default the "Enable ..." checkboxes to off.
- Throw in a loading screen help tip that says "You can enable different types of events in the Advanced Setup screen."
We should just invert the check boxes. That's the obvious thing, right?

- Leave "Enable Events System" checked as default.
- Change "No Bad Events", "No Good Events", etc. to "Enable Bad Events", "Enable Good Events", etc.
- Default the "Enable ..." checkboxes to off.
- Throw in a loading screen help tip that says "You can enable different types of events in the Advanced Setup screen."
I will amend it according your ideas. Thanks.
Small question : does activating event without anything needing it impact performance ?
If this is passed, I'm going to implement it like this:
- The events system is always enabled and cannot be turned off.

- The event options will be renamed
No Events (Bad)
No Events (Civilization Specific)
No Events (Good)
No Events (Neutral)
No Events (Trade)

and checked by default. Vetoing the counterproposal.
Proposal vetoed. See quoted post for reason.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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