690AD - Turn Chat Instruction Thread (4 Jan, 1500 GMT)

Morgana - [c]University(8), A NOTE TO ALL PLAN "A"ers, Be happy. You have a knight in here. Knight (unaware of time) Marketplace(15), Aquaduct(15), (knight) Temple(9)
Strider's Haven - [c]Marketplace(19) University (20) Knight(14)
The Burrow - [c]University(1), Cathedral(12), Courthouse (9)
Palanthus - [c] Courthouse(15), Marketplace(20), Pikeman(6), Knight(14)
Dacula - [c]Courthouse(7), Aquaduct (34), Temple(30), University (50)
Goonidom - [c]Library(33), Pikeman (30)
Penguin - [c]Temple(52), Courthouse (80), Worker (10)
New PDX - [c]Temple(16), University (34)
Clevland - [c]Library(6), Barracks(10), Temple(30) (NAME ME)
Tarkingrad - [c]Worker(2), Pikeman(10), Pikeman (10)
Morgana- Keep workers as is.
The Burrow- Please move worker in forest onto irrigated tile. This allows growth to continue and does not harm production.
Striders Haven- Keep workers as is.
Tarkingrad- Move a laborer from the forest to the mined plains will add 1gpt to the city.
Cleveland-(name me!) Keep workers as is.
Dacula- Convert southern most worker into scientist. This will increase time by 2, but make science 38. (making court7, temple30 and uni50)
New PDX- Keep as is
Palanthus- Keep as is
Goonidum- Keep as is
Penguin- Take southernmost laborer and convert to scientist.
In other news, I am pleased to announce the begining of our Official "Name Cleveland Contest". Here is the contest to name our American defector. A few rules:
-No naming after yourself, or any other DGer
-No naming it after another City
-Try to have it to have something to do with America and Celtic tradition (name of the province)
That said, Good Luck
The Fanatikan Science Department

Continue researching Chemistry so that we can reah our reasearch goal of obtaining Millitary Tridition :).
Worker Orders - Plant forest beside Shimonoseki.

Build Queue
Library(1), Granary(15), Temple(15)

Worker(9), Library(40)

Harbor(38), Worker(10), Library(40)

Library(20), Worker(5), Granary(30)
Kagoshima (NFML-Y[8])
All Other Cities
Leningrado: Problem will be rectified within 22 turns.
Kagoshima: After the library is completed within 8 turns, begin another cultural improvement (Preferably a University).
Budget Report

provincal build queues

Keep with current queues with all cities, with some exceptions:
all cities building catapults, build workers then make pike/musketmen for defenseall other cities keep with current queue. If some of the queues run out please build more improvemnts or defensive units where necessary

Zorgonzola - Switch pike to library
Bremershaven - Uni (c), Temple, Granary

Also continue building cultureal improvements so we can flip Riga


i couldnt get a screenshot of each city i wanted optimize so optimize each city as you see fit. (even with all this memory i cant keep everying like civ3 and ps7 going)

other instructions
Make sure to connect those cities unconnected.
(Ise, Toyama, Novgorod, and Dapperdan)

Connect the Saltpeter resource asap
Trade Instructions:

Greece - The Incense deal can be renegotiated. See if you can find a higher gpt yield.

There is some spice north of Tokyo, please connect that for possible trade. There's also an extra incense west of Dacula that can be connected. The gems would take the longest to connect, but we have a near monopoly. (Persia has the rest).
Marketplace(9), Pikeman, University, Cathedral.
I want laborers on the two forest tiles NW of Octavinium, on the cattle to the north and the plains directly south of the cattle, the forest east of Octavinium, and the plains directly SE and south and on the plains SW of that last tile (near the river).
This will generate zero growth, which I want until the Marketplace is complete so the city doesn't fall into disorder.

Pikeman(6), Library, Temple, Marketplace.
The laborer directly north of the city should be made an entertainer, as the city will grow next turn and I don't want disorder.

Temple(1), Library, Marketplace.
Keep the laborers as they are.

Courthouse(73), Temple, Marketplace, University.
Keep laborers as they are.
I'm also requesting that the Courthouse of Huntington is bought as soon as it is advisable. It is vital that this border-city get more production.

Keep both production queue and laborers as they are.

Trader's Inn
Library(21), Courthouse, Temple, Marketplace.
Keep the laborers as they are.
Requesting that the Library and/or the Courthouse is bought as soon as possible.

Library(10), Courthouse, Temple, Marketplace.
Keep the laborers as they are.
Again I am requesting that the Library and/or the Courthouse is bought ASAP.
Start Amassing Offensive Knights in the cities along the American border, and send spare defensive units to the Eastern cities primarily Kyoto and Plexenburg right now.
Foreign Affairs

Please renegotiate the alliance with the Chinese against the Persians in two turns.
End of Preturn (.zip format)

Turn 5 Save (.zip format)

Presidential Report
The term has started off well indeed! Two foreign cities, Riga (formerly Russian) and Bizen (formerly Indian), have seen the great things happening in our wondrous land and have pledged allegiance to us! We have also settled another city, Leckopolis, amidst the mountains north of Kells.

We renegotiated a few deals that have increased our per turn revenue considerably, but there are other alliances that are in need of analysis and possible renegotiation. We have also succesfully connected the Leningrado Ivory to our trade network and are dilligently working on connecting the Gems hidden within the Gem Mountains.

Debate rang out later in the chat concerning the implementation of the proposed Plan A. Although some items mentioned in this plan have been carried out, others have not. The people appear to be split on the importance of this plan or the willingness to carry it out at this time.

As this plan affects the whole of our nation, I call on the Domestic Dept to take action with respect to this plan. I suggest that since there is a majority of voices in favor of the plan as outlined in the Informational Poll on the subject, we either adopt this plan in either the exact form, some close proximity to it, or we conduct an official poll on the acceptance of this plan as it has been proposed.

All in all, it was a good, productive chat. I encourage all citizens to attend the next chat (and all future chats, as well) if possible.

Thank you, and good day.
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