6otM 02 After Actions

leif erikson

Game of the Month Fanatic
GOTM Staff
Feb 2, 2003
Plymouth, MA
Welcome to the 6otM 02 After Actions Report. In this thread you can post the results of your game. Please state victory date and score (preferably in the post title), as recorded in the Hall of Fame, and the most important: your path to glory!

STOP - Please do not continue reading this thread until you have completed and submitted your game.

Please attached your victory save to your post.

- How many cities did you settle or capture?
- What did you prioritize for research and policies?
- Did religion come into play in your game, please explain.
- How much warring did you do? Was it effective in supporting your Culture objective?
- Were City-States helpful?
- Any surprises you ran into, how did you deal with it?
- Did you enjoy the game?

Please use spoiler tags for any surprise details you'd like kept hidden. Thanks.

Players are encouraged to provide feedback on the game. Some players like to replay the game, and although we will not record the results from a replay, you can still post your new experiences (please state if the game is a replay). Please refrain from posting videos until the deadline for submission is over.
T208 (one more turn save, or T207 if counting the turn hitting next turn) with score 658

Spoiler :

culture vic progress before the last next turn.
It seems odd because they don't sum up to 109, however, tourists from America (I eliminated on around T196 or 198) still counted for my vic.

For early 100 turns, see my opening action report : https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/6otm-02-opening-actions.605164/#post-14566467

- How many cities did you settle or capture?
7 cities on my island, I captured 5 from America and found one with the settler I captured.

- What did you prioritize for research and policies?

As I said in opening action, I thought relic strategy is risky so I beeline for computer plus acropolis spam strategy.
So my tech orders are industrialization, flight(turned out to be useless), computers, then military tactics(to finish America).
Civic orders are humanism, natural history, conservation, suffrage, space race, then social media(which I can't get before vic).

I would like explain details here.
In terms of districts, first few campus starts to boost science to techs up. Then I start building up commercial hub and harbor for internal trade production, industrial zones for factory and power plant, and acrolis which I built whenever I had time. I added few other kinds for wonders, resort or conquests. In short, this is basically production > city projects for great people > great works for tourism.

However, I've encountered many obstacles or I made mistakes because this is my first culture victory attempts.

1. It is really hard to get theme with works from artists. I guess this is due to AI or me beelining. It seems that artists from the same era have the same type of great works. But great person is picked up from next era if AI(usually Teddy) or me progressed into next era. So I had to focus my production and gold into one era to get theme, but my city placement isn't enough dense to pump out production for monopolizing one era's works. Plus, I think civilopedia should include what types of works each great artist produces. I am lazy to google every single works that I am not familiar with.

2. Archaelogical museum was a lot easier to get theme. I made 2 theme out of 3 musuems when I unlock natural history.

3. National parks. This one was frustrating. I've seen Naturalist's 800 faith base cost in civilopedia. However, its base cost when I unlocked conservation was 1200! :( I guess the reason is I entered atomic era by teching computer. But I completely ignored religion, only faith source was Triangular trade policy card(+4 gold and +1 faith per trade), no holy site at all. So I was waiting 20 turns more to save up 1200 faith, and its cost jumped on again to 1400. So I gave up to get this guy. However, American cities had many holy sites so I can make one national park before vic.

4. Resorts was ok. Again, civilopedia was not user-friendly so I struggled alot to make them. Alvar Aalto, great engineer of +1 appeal, helped me build 4 resorts of 8, 8, 6, 5 appeals in one city.

5. I also want to mention flight. The description was promising, I thought pasture plus god of open sky(+1 culture) works with flight tech but not at all. I figured it out when I unlocked flight and had to send envoy to Laventa from then. It was bad mistake, I should prepare envoys before flight no matter pastures works or not, to farm massive tourism.

6. Great people are strong. I was always short on production and gold for getting GP I wanted. I had 3 great engineers of wonder production, helping me grab several wonders(great lighthouse, colossus, colosseum, terracotta army, alhambra. I had Adam smith(+1 slot), Sarah Breedlove(+25% tourism towards civ with trade route) GM, and a lot of writer/artist/musician.

- Did religion come into play in your game, please explain.
- How much warring did you do? Was it effective in supporting your Culture objective?

Religion comes to me in worst way. I didn't pay attention but I accidently noticed Teddy found Protestant with Defender of faith belief. +10 from religion on top of +5 from his ability made my wars against him hard.
I aimed for medieval era great general but Japan kidnapped Budica and the next general was Gustavus Adolphus, Renaissance era GG. That was huge, my kinghts of 48 combat strength encountered his 35+15 horseman. I took one city and made peace, then I went again after relocating my kinghts in front of Piopiotahi, took 2 cities and found his pikeman of 41 + 10(anti cav) + 15 combat strength. Okay, peace again. I finally made Cavarly army on the turn military tactic unlocked, 84 combat strength with Simon Bolivar GG. Finally I eliminated America from the map, lowering my culture victory requirement by 100 tourists - almost 12 turns in my fianl tourism rate.

I've played gotm1 and gotm2 in a way that I avoid all exploits I know. I want to note here when I couldn't avoid overflow exploit in this game. I had 1 horse in Sparta and 1 horse from CS. I was spamming horseman in five cities to prepare cavarly fest and also reduce overflow exploit as much as possible. However, America or Japan took away the CS. So I had to build horseman 4,5 times in a row only in the two cities with encampment. This is about time when my tourism start booming and military tactic is coming. I wanted 10 or so horseman to erase America so I had to produce them in a row.

- Were City-States helpful?
Toronto is always helpful. Other CS with a horse was helpful too.

- Any surprises you ran into, how did you deal with it?
- Did you enjoy the game?

Yes, it was fun. Thanks for setting up :)


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T221, Score 649

I've already posted about my first 100 turns so I'll leave that in the other thread. At that point I had already noticed that Teddy was my biggest threat and was going to place a bait city near him so he would declare war on me. This idea was sound but what I failed to do was build enough units to take any of his cities, I haven't done much war-mongering in this game and if I'd have known how important siege towers are for taking cities with walls down then I would have been much more successful. As it was, I just had a few knights and crossbowmen but not enough to achieve anything. If I had removed Teddy from the game around turns 150-160 then I would have acquired all his culture production and tourism and would have easily won 30 turns earlier than this...

In the end I decided to wait until I had tanks, declared war on him on turn 211, and very quickly eliminated him which won me the game.

Some things I would have done differently in hindsight:
  • Bee-lined the tech that gives you industrial zones and got these up first before building all the rest of the districts. I'd have still built a campus and Acropolis in my capital though to get things moving.
  • Tech wise I should have gone for Radar before Computers.
  • I should have got some Horsemen out much sooner.
  • I didn't build a Holy Site and this was fine, but I needed to capture one by going to war sooner because I never had enough faith to get a National Park built.
I really enjoyed the diplomacy part of this game, I was friends/allies with England and Rome for most of the game and only got denounced a couple of times by when I was fighting with Teddy.

This is when I baited Teddy into going to war, my complete lack of an army is evident :)
Spoiler :

t143 6otm_2.jpg

Without Teddy I had a T202 victory - even sooner if I'd acquired his stuff :(
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If only teddy was dead.jpg

Tourism screen just before I killed Teddy, he had far too many Domestic Tourists..
Spoiler :

Tourism before killing Teddy.jpg

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Victory T221.jpg

This was the most enjoyable game of Civ I've had in many years, looking forward to the next gotm :)
I finished in about t350 with a score in the low 600s. My civ strat map image and game is attached.

- How many cities did you settle or capture?

I founded 12 cities, captured none. Being on an island, there was no one to blitz and capture.

- What did you prioritize for research and policies?

Once i was established, i got both theaters (greek equivalents) and campuses up and running. I didn't prioritize outside of what i triggered eurkeas/inspirations for, and then quickest research.

- Did religion come into play in your game, please explain.

I'm always paranoid about the AI doing a religious victory, so i always try to claim my own. I got a holy site in my cap, however, i still couldn't claim a religion. However, multiple civs were battling over my cities, so i felt safe they would cancel each other out, which they did.

- How much warring did you do? Was it effective in supporting your Culture objective?

I had war declared on me early, but once i initially repelled, they made peace. After that, this was the most peaceful game i played, with most civs wanting to be friends. I felts this meant i wasn't doing well.

- Were City-States helpful?

I always forget to do scouts, so i didn't get CS until very late. They prob would have been helpful.

- Any surprises you ran into, how did you deal with it?

I got hammered with a barbarian camp north that look awhile to kill. Outside of that, only surprise is that no AI messed with me.

- Did you enjoy the game?
Honestly, not sure. My initial approach was how i normally do a science victory, with making sure i can combat religion and have a strong industrial base. Both were probably not needed in this game. Once i was secure, it was a lot of clickfest for artifacts and great people. Eventually tourism ramps up. If I didn't worry about cogs initially, probably could have gotten victory sooner. However, this was also the first time i won on this difficulty (my other victories have been on king leve), so i'm happy i did it. Overall, i guess i enjoyed it, although i'm looking forward to taking a break until GotM3 in December.

BONUS: Requested improvements:
This may be OBE with the patch, but please include some of the UI mods (Specifically city and trade UI improvements) for the next download. They don't break the game, and are great for quality of life improvements.

BONUS BONUS: What is your state posting this?
I am significantly hammered ass drunk.


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  • GORGO 351 1930 AD.Civ6Save
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First game ever on immortal and Civ 6 culture. Won after 311 turns (score 498), mostly peaceful game where I enjoyed most of the game on the main island alone :)

- How many cities did you settle or capture?
Settled 8 cities (if I remember correctly), captured none. Peaceful game.

- What did you prioritize for research and policies?
At first I focused on military tech (archery and bronze working) and getting the Acropolis and Campus. Then it was all about following the eureka path, sometimes choosing what I thought was best at the time.

- Did religion come into play in your game, please explain.
No, I skipped religion and faith completely

- How much warring did you do? Was it effective in supporting your Culture objective?
None, except two defensive wars when 2x civs declared joint war. First war was declared in turn 239 by India and Japan, second war maybe 50 turns later America and England declared war. No pillage, only lost a couple of units but got nice peace deals. Don't think I got much out of the greek unique culture-kill ability.

- Were City-States helpful?
Yes, the city state with amenities for bonus resources helped alot. I was the sove-reign of 2-3 city states most of the game (after t150).

- Any surprises you ran into, how did you deal with it?
I was suprised it became such a peaceful game on this difficulty. I had never played immortal difficulty in the civ series but had no problems at all. I forgot to build national parks (didn't know how to build them while I played, googled it afterwards. faith, doh!), and only built 3 resorts. Should have built more resorts and ofc. national parks for a faster victory. Also, I suddenly couldn't build any more archeologists (they were not a build option), don't know why... I probably should have had some more cities as well.

- Did you enjoy the game?
Yes, very much so, spent only 2-3 afternoons finishing it :) I experienced a hugely annoying (kind of) bug where both Rome and England wanted my friendship EVERY turn for around 50turns. I didn't want to piss off any other civs so declined, but they didn't give up, tried becoming friends every turn, annoying.


  • GORGO 311 1880 AD.Civ6Save
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Victory! 305 turns.

How many cities did you settle or capture?

9. If I had it to do again, I'd go for 12. 16 on this map would be tough and require much more war. I settled 7 and stole Washington and Charleston. If I had been smart, I would have moved up and taken New York and Chicago, but I took the money he offered and never went to war with him again (though he denounced me the entire game)

- What did you prioritize for research and policies?

Anything to do with tourism! If I had it to do over, aside from spamming the Acropolis, I'd focus on building my empire a bit more, then make a dramatic shift into tourism. I'm considering playing this again since we have ten days until the next GOTM. My science wasn't all that great in this game. I think I only built 3-4 campus. I also didn't realize until AFTER the game was over that Computers doubled tourism. I remember when my tourism doubled and I had no idea why. LOL.

- Did religion come into play in your game, please explain.

I planned to play with relics, as I've practiced doing in the HOF games. But they are unreliable and require so much focus. Short answer: No it didn't come into play. There weren't enough religions and so despite wasting precious time on a holy site, I came up short. In a replay, I'd like to completely skip religion altogether and see how that helps.

- How much warring did you do? Was it effective in supporting your Culture objective?

Not enough. There is only so much land in this save, and much of it is really bad. So if I did it again, I'd take a few of those choice spots in America, and while I doubt I'd fight Rome, if my army was good enough I might. Having a bigger empire and a smaller "rest of the world", would have let me finish much earlier.

- Were City-States helpful?

As always, yes. I'm the Suzerain of 5 of 6. I always end up with lots of love from the City-States.

- Any surprises you ran into, how did you deal with it?

Yeah around turn 220 or so, things looked bleak. I think I had like 50 tourists out of 200 or something along those lines. I was doing ok, but I had no idea how I'd win. But the tourism really starts picking up once you begin getting all the late-game multipliers. There are also a few great people (can't remember who) who have some incredible tourism bonuses. Those were essential.

My biggest tip: The Eiffel Tower -
This changes the "Appeal" of all your tiles by 2. It allowed me to spam builders and seaside resorts. I ended up with 20. That's a good "late-game" way to boost tourism.

- Did you enjoy the game?

It was a challenge, but in the end wasn't too difficult. When you get to turn 300, you've been playing a LONG time. While I don't mind the modern game, it seems like the AI levels off and provides no resistance. I have no idea what the "goals" of the AI were.

Anyway, I loved the game and look forward to the next. I think I may replay it and see if I can overcome Roosevelt, steal his continent, and win the game in 200 turns.


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Puh, just finished the game. This was my first ever game on Immortal on any Civ game, so I was a bit worried I wouldn't be able to handle the difficulty. Turns out it was no problem was able to get the victory at turn 369. I think my end score was 875. Was able to unlock 4 Steam achievements in this game ("12 Labourers of Hercules", "For Sparta!!!", "Oneth by Land, Twoeth by Sea", and "The Taste of Victory").

- How many cities did you settle or capture?
I had 18 cities at the end. 8 were founded by me and 10 were captured (2 from Pedro, 1 from Vicky and 7 from Teddy)

- What did you prioritize for research and policies?
In the beginning I was trying to get my Hoplites up so started straight into Mining -> Bronze Working. Then I was trying to beeline to Commercial Hubs and Industrial Zones since I want them in all cities. This being an island map I also priorities Harbors.
Civic wise I tried to unlock the wonders that are good for culture victor, Bolshoi Theatre (damn Teddy beat me too it! Oh well I captured it later), Cristo Redonator (Teddy beat me to it again, I captured his city!), Hermitage, Oxford University, Eiffel Tower, Sydney Opera House, Potala Palace.
Late game I of course adopted the policies giving extra tourism. In the midgame I always priorites the civics giving extra builder charges and Industrial and Commercial adjecencies bonses. Used the wildcard policies to boost Great Writers, Artists and Musicans.

- Did religion come into play in your game, please explain.
Nope, I never go for religion. The AI was converting me back and forth, didn't really care. Never built a Holy Site. Took the "Divine Spark" pantheon. Unsure of how much it helped.

- How much warring did you do? Was it effective in supporting your Culture objective?
I was mostly warring to fend of foreign colonisers from my island. Both Vicky and Teddy forward settled my early game, so I had to go to war to defend my island.
Spoiler :

After they were expelled from my island I was playing rather peaceful until midgame when I got joint DoW by Harald and Hojo. Hojo didn't do much, by Harald launched a naval invasion on the south side of my island which I was unprepared for. Came really close to losing St. Louis which I had captured from the forward settling scumbag Teddy, but got saved by entering a new era and getting automatic city fire (hadn't gotten city walls up) and Harald placing his Frigate right between my cities so I was able to take his ships out when St. Louis was in the red. Hojo and Harald peaced out and gave me money so it was good. Then I was peaceful for another 100 turns or so until I started worrying about Teddys wonderwhoring. Was able to get my best bud Trajan to do a joint war with me and I captured Baltimore and Washington, after which Teddy begged me for peace. I took the rest of his cities except for New York, all his gold, all his luxuries and all his great works in the deal.

Spoiler :

I got to settlements on Japans island so now I had a direct border to him. Right at the end of the game, Pedro forward settled the American island right were I had planned to build a national park, he was also leading the tourism game at the moment. You know what that means...was able to get my new BFF Harald to do a joint war with me. I took his forward settlement as well as city he had south on the English island bordering me. In the peace deal I forced him to handover all his gold and all of his Great Works, crippling his tourism game. The victory was now assured and I just had to wait for the tourism to tick up.
Spoiler End game overview of my empire :

- Were City-States helpful?
I befriended the production cities states. Toronto is boss and like Brussels as well

- Any surprises you ran into, how did you deal with it?
Not really, the step up in difficulty from Emperor (which I normally play) to Immortal didn't really feel any different. I guess the AI was a bit more aggressive at forward settling

- Did you enjoy the game?
Hell yeah!


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Wow! I can't believe that I finished this one, and what's more, that I actually won the game!

I finished with a turn 320 win and a score of 647. I have to admit, I almost rage-quit at about turn 150, but decided to stick it out come thick or thin. Glad I did... first win on Immortal!

- How many cities did you settle or capture?
I founded 8 cities and captured 2 from the English. They (along with Brazil) DOW'd me around turn 80. I spent a long time trying to capture London because I was woefully unprepared for a war, and then ran into serious war weariness. Held on long enough to take London, then after about 30 turns, I declared a joint war with Rome against the English to take Manchester. Liverpool was literally half a world away (not sure how that happened), so I decided to leave them alone after that.

- What did you prioritize for research and policies?

Nothing in particular. I tried to keep up with the other civs by taking advantage of Eurekas wherever possible. Then, about the Industrial Era, started really focusing on tourism and culture-related buildings.

- Did religion come into play in your game, please explain.

Surprisingly, not at all. I had hoped to get a religion, but I was just so far behind the other civs early to make that a viable option. When I captured Manchester, I got the Protestant holy city, and then tried to spread Protestantism to my other cities, only to sit back and watch three other civs spam me with apostles and missionaries, so I gave up.

- How much warring did you do? Was it effective in supporting your Culture objective?

Just the two wars with England. About 2/3 of the way through the game, it looked like the Americans were running away with it, and so I feared that I might have to have a late war with them. But for so much of the game, their military was so much stronger than mine that I knew it would be very difficult at best. At that point, though, I really decided to wonder spam and send archaeologists everywhere. That ended up giving me a huge surge in tourism and enabled me to overtake the Americans.

- Were City-States helpful?

Not especially, no. Some nice boosts here and there, but nothing to write home about (or here, for that matter).

- Any surprises you ran into, how did you deal with it?

Just how friendly the Romans were. As soon as I saw where they were located, I thought for sure they would come a knockin'. But in the end, they were my best friend/ally throughout the game.

- Did you enjoy the game?
In the end, yes. As I mentioned, I almost rage-quit pretty early on because I was so far behind and couldn't see how I would ever get over the hump. I should also say that I really don't understand the calculations behind domestic tourists and foreign tourists. For example, at one point about 50-60 turns from the end, I got an alert message saying that the English were about to win a cultural victory. I wasn't sure how that was possible since they only had one city, so I went to the score screen. It said that they had 0 tourists... ??? I figured it must be a coding error. About 20 turns later, I noticed that they had -7 tourists. Not sure what that means... did they have 7 vacationers detained by the TSA? At any rate, not knowing the underlying mechanics behind the tourist calculations makes it difficult to gauge how well you're doing in that area.

But by the time it was all said and done, it was nice to have pulled out my first Immortal win, particularly playing for a victory that I normally wouldn't have gone for.


  • GORGO 320 1898 AD.Civ6Save
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185 Domination. Map was very interesting but the AI is just hopeless. Unescorted settlers, inability to deal with barbs, and constant farm spam.

I played a few test games to ~T100. I assumed I would have my island to myself and would need early shipbuilding/embark if I wanted to be aggressive. I went into the game planning on settling my 2nd city coastal. You can do some interesting min/maxing with culture from combat but I didn't bother with it.

1: SIP, Warrior W, Didn't realize it was a lake - no matter
5: Scout (Hut)
8: Scout
14: COL
15: Builder
25: Craftsmanship, Archery
26: Foreign Trade
32: Juggled Archer/Settler (Barb camp SE where I wanted 2nd city)
36: Found Corinth SE Coast, Boost Early Empire
37: Sailing
41: Early Empire, Divine Spark (Should have taken Oral Tradition/Stone Circles?)
43: Irrigation
44: Galley (I made 4 total to explore quickly)
46: Bronze Working
49: USA builds Oracle
59: Shipbuilding, Political Philosophy, Oligarchy, Embark 6 archers, 1 warrior for USA
64: Capture Settler from USA, very drawn out fight around Washington, almost got repelled. USA buff and islands for delay was almost enough to stop the archer rush.
78: Apprenticeship
80: Washington (Oracle, Boost Drama&Poetry), DOW Norway for Settler steal
87: New York (Pyramids #ThanksObama, Boost Feudalism), Housing/Amenity problems (pretty much continued for the rest of the game)
89: Fuedalism, Iron Working
94: New Orleans (Settler, Boost Divine Right), Peace USA 130g, 17gpt, 3great works
99: Machinery
100: 36spt, 35cpt, still no iron, found 8 CS, Zanzibar Suzerain, haven't found toronto
102: Mercenaries
116: London, Mass Production (Premature Renaissance), Finally hook up Iron
121: Exploration
127: Industrialization
132: Cartography
145: Rio De Janeiro
146: Colonialism
147: Finally find Toronto
154: Ruhr Valley (Sparta)
165: Can't take Kyoto/Encampment (57/57) with xbow/horsemen
170: Rome
178: Nidaros
182: Delhi
185: Kyoto (Calvary/Field Cannon/3x Battleships)


  • GORGO 185 1240 AD.Civ6Save
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DEFEAT Turn 344 Score 507

Let me be the first to announce my defeat.

In the early stages of the game I was to much bothered by the Barbarians and the lack of amenities.
So when I finally solved the problems I was to far behind, and I started making settlers as a maniac, and well I became the largest civic, but it was too late for me to compete with America, who won the culture victory.

In the end it was a race against the clock which I couldn't win anymore.


  • GORGO 344 1923 AD GOTM#2.Civ6Save
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It takes a brave man to admit defeat. I also lost in my testing, so don't feel bad. :)

We'll get better together. :thumbsup:
I have been defeated. Turn 308 by the American Empire. They won a culture victory. Had they not won, India was way ahead in the science victory, they had researched all the techs and were building the Mars rockets. I made a last ditch effort at turn 280 to slow both India and America down, but my infantry and ironclads were no match for their mechanized infantry and submarines. Low war game until the end, I had alliances with with Rome, England, Japan, and America (Teddy until i backstabbed him in desperation). Took forever to get the tourism going with my 7 wonders of the world game plan. I am not sure how Teddy was able to get so much tourism, even early on. Maybe he knows of the reliquaries strategy. I tried to get a religion but missed it by a couple of turns. Maybe that would've helped. Onward.

Spoiler :


The last screenshot there was when all was still peaceful. I got Teddy to agree to an alliance at T283 or so, don't know why bc that meant i couldn't denounce him and then casus belli. So i had to give him a surprise DOW. It was all futile. Will do better next time!

(I had lots of policy slots though!):

Spoiler :

This is probably the first time i ever ran fascism, and even then only for a turn or two until Sparta was defeated.
there were a couple nice campus spots i didn't use, i was waiting on two cities to grow enough pop after the other districts i built there. should've used those spots sooner, probably would have allowed me to keep my military competitive.
Victory Turn 333, Score 633.

- How many cities did you settle or capture?
Settled 12, 11 on the main island, one very late to build four extra Seaside Resorts. Captured none.

- What did you prioritize for research and policies?
Anything providing culture and later on tourism :)

- Did religion come into play in your game, please explain.

No, ignored religion. And no one was close to religious victory anyway.

- How much warring did you do? Was it effective in supporting your Science objective?
Very little warring. Just a couple of short, defensive wars.

- Were City-States helpful?
A bit, just one cultural state. In addition to that one I mainly sent envoys to the ones providing hammers to help production.

- Any surprises you ran into, how did you deal with it?
No, no surpises. Easy, peaceful game.

- Did you enjoy the game?
A bit boring, actually. Just waiting for the turns to go by for great parts of the game. My first proper game on immortal, so I played it safe and stuck to my island.


  • GORGO 333 1912 AD.Civ6Save
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Culture Win 293

- How many cities did you settle or capture?
7-8 on my island, stayed there until some quite random joint war (Japan and Norway) allowed me to beat on the tourist leader Japan and take 2 of his cities before the end.

- What did you prioritize for research and policies?
Wanted to get Industrialization and Electricity, and get to Merchant republic and onto democracy. Spent a lot of time with theater projects. After that onto computers then anything that would help with tourism.

- Did religion come into play in your game, please explain.
Nope, didn't make a single holy site. Lots of fun religious wars happening all over. I eventually got some faith and used that to buy more great people.

- How much warring did you do? Was it effective in supporting your Culture objective?
Nothing offensive. Had one false war early, then Norway and Japan declared and I kept at it with Japan for the remainder of the game. Rome and America, who had been allied with me for almost a millenium, chose to declare on me late so I attacked some of Teddy's stuff. Only had one enemy unit set foot onto Greek territory.

- Were City-States helpful?
Yes! Zanzibar helped me with amenities, and Lisbon was very helpful to allow my trade routes to survive barbarians as well as AI enemies. I had 5 or 6 CS's in my pocket towards the end of the game, including, of course, Toronto =)

- Any surprises you ran into, how did you deal with it?
I was not able to secure much tourism at all through the Renaissance. Japan beat me to Petra by one turn even though I chopped and used a GE charge. Japan got to the point where they could build satellites, and then I sabotaged their spaceport and they didn't fix it for about 70 turns. I actually got to use spies for 10 or so Eurekas, a great work, and a bunch of money. Probably would have been more if I had tried to steal from my friends. Vicky, Teddy, and Trajan were all quite happy with me for almost the entire game. Being on the same "continent" as Vicky and Teddy helped a lot, and Trajan didn't see me as a threat which was good. I am not sure what an Alliance does, except give a better modifier to relations. It isn't a defensive pact, and I can't find info in the Civilopedia.

- Did you enjoy the game?
I did! The land was great (I actually ran out of land for a couple of my cities) and the water made for an interesting exploration game. I noticed that almost all the AI went to cartography first (skipping an era according to the notifications) but really didn't put many districts up. The wildcard slot for Greece was great, but I didn't war to get my value out of culture for kills. I got to see a warrior army, and Japan not be able to bring a single ranged unit to bear on my submarine group for 40 turns, kept driving mech infantry down. I was expecting a naval raid when Norway declared, but he only sent one ship. Thanks for the game!


  • Gotm 2 Final Melofeign 293.Civ6Save
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- How many cities did you settle or capture? Founded 8, captured 5 (killed off America)

- What did you prioritize for research and policies? I tried to prioritize culture, but really I get distracted by things and then forget to really go for the stuff that is important. Took me too long to get computers and some of the other late culture items because I was busy making sure I could kill America by researching battleships.

- Did religion come into play in your game, please explain. I wish it would have. As i mentioned in my 100 turn post I had founded a religion and was already making about 40 tourism from my religious choices. That was very short lived as America converted all of my cities by killing my apostles, which I already was not producing many of. I should have been more defensive with them but I think I was hoping my capitol wouldnt turn so quickly. Never got it back to my religion, so ignored it the rest of the game. That did start me thinking about going to war with America as revenge, so in that regard it played a huge role since if I hadnt started planning for war at that time I wouldnt have been able to stop America from their culture victory.

- How much warring did you do? Was it effective in supporting your Culture objective? I think warring is what won me the game. Around turn 150 I checked the victory conditions and America was well on its way to a culture victory. When the vikings declared war on them I did the same and started pounding away at the southern city with frigates and carnivals.

- Were City-States helpful? I did no exploring so the first city state I met got all 17 of my delegates.

- Any surprises you ran into, how did you deal with it? America was doing very well, had to deal with it by killing them. Oops. I forgot getting more wonders would have helped the tourism.

- Did you enjoy the game? I wasn't expecting a win, but even had I not it was a really good game. Glad it was on an island where I wasen't killed in the first 20 turns by the AI.


  • GORGO 329 1908 AD.Civ6Save
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Turn 415 Score 616
Defeat, Japan Science Victory
Just 1 more turn to Gorgo Culture Victory - gutted

10-11 cities, all founded.

Didn't play well had a bad start, and took a long time to get back in to it. A couple of defensive wars, nothing of consequence.
Zero wonders, missed some along the way, poor start meant others always had the jump on me in wonder production.

Got some very odd messages come up about others Civs about to win by culture, even Norway, who had 30 of the required 593 tourists. Others about England and US I think, but at least they were actually producing culture / tourism.
However with distractions such as this and a late war against Rome that the Americans dragged me into, I failed to notice that Japan was so close to a science victory. Too late to counter, I just hoped I would cross the line first, just one turn out...culture victory tab shows 301 of 301 tourists required.

Always fun, but I need to pay more attention to what is going on around me, and better city planning. I the later stages I founded a few extra cities to bump tourism with culture district built through chops, then purchase, amphitheatre, archaeological museum, and archaeologist, with the spare cash that I was stealing from the AI. First city I tried, had no suitable location for culture district. Dooh. Ultimately that mistake cost me the game.


  • 6otM 2 Ferenginar 415 1994 AD.Civ6Save
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Long time civ player, but first post and first Gotm! It was really fun, but I totally forgot to summarize my first 100 turns, so no post in the other thread.
I won at Turn 279, with a score of 588, save is after the victory.

How many cities did you settle or capture?
First of all I love Gorgo! I was really looking forward to push my early culture gain with one or two early wars! But after I saw this amazing starting Island, I completely lost my Interest in starting a war and focused on a sim city game on my own Island. So I just founded six cities on my Island and founded a special beach resort city on the desert east from me and an additional city directly next to brasil and japan to gain a trade connection to these two guys.

What did you prioritize for research and policies?
First priority for me was to use this strong starting position with lots of mountains and production. So I mostly ignored tourism for the first 150 turns and built a very strong infrastructure, mainly focused on production, gold and science, so priority were industrial- and commerce districts and two strong campuses surrounded by mountains. All my cities were connected by trade routes to my capital, to grow them to industrial powerhouses as well. After building my infrastructure I started to push my tourism game by building all the culture buildings and wonders and change my trade routest o the AI. Because of my strong productivity and science it was easy to finish the important wonders in time and to research important technologies like computers and flight early on, next I swarmed everything with archaeleogists and build LOTs of beach resorts. Democracy and my huge income got me lot’s of strong great people as well, especialIy great merchants have been a great help to me. The eifel tower has been amazing!
In hindsight I focused to long on science and production and started a bit to late to concentrate on tourism, so my turn count is not that good, but it was really fun and at least I had no problems with the AI at all, cause their research totally sucked and some strong units have been enough to scare them away! All in all, beach resorts and museums, combined with the fitting policies and good diplomatic relations, resulting in open borders and trade routes to most AIs (shame on you Pedro, don’t be so greedy about great people!) won my game!

Did religion come into play in your game, please explain.
No religious game at all, it was even hard for me to get one naturalist.

How much warring did you do? Was it effective in supporting your Culture objective?
As I mentioned before, most of the time I was just playing my own sim city island game, but at some time Vicky declared war on me. She was not exactly super smart with her embarking strategy. So three Archers could farm a bit of culture for some turns and I got some money out of the peace deal. After that we became good friends. Most oft he AIs liked me, so I could push tourism over open borders and trade routes even further.
I would say, early wars could have been really helpful with Gorgo, but in the later eras, the good diplomatic relations which resulted out of my peacefull game have been more important.

Were City-States helpful?
Yes! Toronto was super helpfull! You should really NEVER conquer it (saw this in some let’s plays, really don’t do it!). Other city states have been ok as well!

Any surprises you ran into, how did you deal with it?
Not really, it was a really straightforward, peacefull game.

Did you enjoy the game?
Yes! I loved it! Really looking forward to the next Gotm!


  • Gotm2_Hutopu 279 1816 AD.Civ6Save
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