I actually wonder if this would do more harm than good on my warring. I want tiles to pillage for my front line, I don’t want my artillery taking all that out and never get the healing benefits of it.
I feel like if your going to do this, it should be a promotion (Aka a conscious choice), rather than something I’m forced to deal with
I don't mind making it a promotion. If it is technically possible, we could give an increase of +20 to power, but with collateral damage in the form of destruction of buildings.
Artillery must kill the unit before the tile can be pillaged. Which is not what the Siege units are specialized for. To protect the tiles, guard the tile as best as you can.
There's in fact a way to protect an important tile, and that is to leave a civilian there (so no recon can paradrop onto it) and surround it with military units. Very gamey.
And then you said this. Using units that are not meant for defending something. Not only gamey, but also odd at the same time gameplay-wise. Does even AI do this? Most of the time they will run to safety rather than sacrifice themselves to stay on a tile which somehow prevents the opposing force from doing a paradrop there.
Will this feature differentiate between pillaging friendly and enemy tiles? If the argument for artillery pillaging is realism, then you'd expect that this would apply to automatically pillaging tiles on your own territory if you use an artillery unit to fight against an invasion.
And then you said this. Using units that are not meant for defending something. Not only gamey, but also odd at the same time gameplay-wise. Does even AI do this? Most of the time they will run to safety rather than sacrifice themselves to stay on a tile which somehow prevents the opposing force from doing a paradrop there.
Будет ли эта функция различать грабеж дружественных и вражеских плиток? Если аргументом в пользу артиллерийского грабежа является реализм, то можно ожидать, что это применимо и к автоматическому грабежу плиток на вашей территории, если вы используете артиллерийское подразделение для борьбы с вторжением.
There will be no difference between friendly cells and enemy cells, from the point of view of realism. In friendly territory, the enemy can be stopped by other means, such as machine guns, or, as a last resort, use artillery. I agree that it is better to use boost for this function. As I wrote above, you can increase the artillery damage, but with the destruction of the cell. It seems like more powerful projectiles are being used. then we can decide for ourselves when to use this artillery system to more effectively destroy the enemy, but with the loss of tiles. In my opinion, this will give the artillery more efficiency.
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