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(7-VT) Integrate 4UC modmod

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Feb 13, 2018
Proposal: Integrate 4UC modmod to VP.
Rationale: Then it would be maintaned and balanced as a whole. Many people like this mode (according to the poll, more use it than not), so it would be great if it was done even better!
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This will change VP to its core...and render most of the balance proposals of the last congress sessions moot :/

I'm right to assume this would be only viable with a 'super-majority'?

I think this is too soon for such a proposal. This needs to be treated with the weight it deserves, similar to how we did espionage.

  • First we need to decide on how we want to do supermajorities in the future, because yes this one definitely should be one.
  • We should make sure people know this is coming up and give them time to try the modmod if they haven't played it.
  • We might want some summary guides for people who haven't tried it to help them understand the changes.
  • I imagine it might need several sponsors.
  • I think PAD mentioned we need to get art permission from a few people.

I think this is way too last minute for this congress to give this due consideration. I am going to bring in my other magi here @axatin @Recursive but I think this should be tabled until next congress, with a healthy lead up to prepare.
@Recursive @Stalker0 I would like to have this vetoed, it was clearly stated in the other thread that it's necessary to get permissions from other modders for this, that needs to be done first. Also, the integration can't be done by one person alone, we need a group of developers who commit to implementing it. And it's such a huge change that it would conflict with many other proposals. For these reasons, this is out of scope for a regular congress session. If permissions are obtained and developers are found to implement it, it can be proposed in a special congress session devoted only to this topic in a few months.
@Recursive @Stalker0 I would like to have this vetoed, it was clearly stated in the other thread that it's necessary to get permissions from other modders for this, that needs to be done first. Also, the integration can't be done by one person alone, we need a group of developers who commit to implementing it. And it's such a huge change that it would conflict with many other proposals. For these reasons, this is out of scope for a regular congress session. If permissions are obtained and developers are found to implement it, it can be proposed in a special congress session devoted only to this topic in a few months.
I think a "special session" is a good idea if we can support it, considering the amount of impact here.
I think PAD mentioned we need to get art permission from a few people.
Not just art, but code.
This needs the permission of adan_eslavo, Blue Ghost, Hinin, Infixo, De_Genius, Hokath, Enginseer, FieryCharizard7, all of whom wrote code for the mod.
I think a "special session" is a good idea if we can support it, considering the amount of impact here.
Yep, that's probably a good idea. Still, I'm glad that I did the proposal, even if it'll be vetoed, because now we are considering the "special session" for it :D Yet another step towards the integration.
alright I'm going to lock it down.

VETOED: This proposal requires permissions from several modmoders and is a massive overhaul, requiring a lot of time and planning. So we are tabling this for a future congress.
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