UB - Homestead (replaces Stable):
Unlocked at Chivalry
Standard costs and maintenance
Does not require improved pasture resources
Food, +2
Production, and +2
Gold to Horse, Cattle, Sheep and Bison
Production toward Mounted Melee Units
Production toward Workers and Settler Units
Pioneers can be trained in this city
Military Supply (+1
Military Supply if supply rework passes)
Claims all Horse, Sheep, Cattle and Bison Resources within 3 tiles of the City. Immediately gives 20
production, scaling with era, for each tile claimed in this way
Production to
Production Internal
Trade Routes from this City
Resets tile purchase costs when built (one time bonus)
Claiming pasture resources will piss off neighbours if implemented in DLL, and players aren't going to like it. It also specifically counters Zulu due to their unique Citadel placing a Cattle underneath.
It's changed to giving an additional reset for tile purchase costs, so each settled city will give 2 resets. Due to the situational nature of this building, you can afford to build this in some cities (no pasture resources or Bison) only when you need the reset. You can now have friends!
This is a stronger bonus than the situational tile claim, so the +production on workers and settlers is also removed to compensate.
UU1 - Minuteman (replaces Musketman):
Unlocked at Metallurgy
Standard costs
Barrage I
Ignores Terrain Cost
Golden Age from Victories
The current Minuteman has a power spike when you have Military Academy and start pumping out Range Gatling Guns (upgraded from Minuteman). Simply removing the free Barrage I should place their power level back to normal. The other two free promotions should be enough to give them an edge.
(8-01) 4UC America
This is a thread for discussing the addition of 2 more unique components to the American civilization.
[DLL] - (8-NS) 4UC Byzantium / Persia / America UU reshuffle
This proposal only involves military components of the civilizations below. It will thus be compatible with any proposal that modifies other components.
UB - Homestead (replaces Stable):
Unlocked at Chivalry
Standard costs and maintenance
Does not require improved pasture resources



Pioneers can be trained in this city


Resets tile purchase costs when built (one time bonus)
Claiming pasture resources will piss off neighbours if implemented in DLL, and players aren't going to like it. It also specifically counters Zulu due to their unique Citadel placing a Cattle underneath.
It's changed to giving an additional reset for tile purchase costs, so each settled city will give 2 resets. Due to the situational nature of this building, you can afford to build this in some cities (no pasture resources or Bison) only when you need the reset. You can now have friends!
This is a stronger bonus than the situational tile claim, so the +production on workers and settlers is also removed to compensate.
UU1 - Minuteman (replaces Musketman):
Unlocked at Metallurgy
Standard costs


Ignores Terrain Cost
Golden Age from Victories
The current Minuteman has a power spike when you have Military Academy and start pumping out Range Gatling Guns (upgraded from Minuteman). Simply removing the free Barrage I should place their power level back to normal. The other two free promotions should be enough to give them an edge.
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