(8-04a) 4UC Austria: Non-Scaling UA and Other Changes

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Lost the game
Jul 17, 2018

UA - Habsburg Diplomacy
+50% rewards from :c5citystate: Quests. May arrange Marriages to CS with :c5gold: Gold after Allying for 5 turns. While at peace with Married CS, gain 200 Resting :c5influence: Influence.

Coffee House - removed

UNW - Ballhausplatz
(replaces Printing Press)
Unlocks at Printing Press
Standard costs
Requires Chancery in the City
No population requirement
10% cost scaling per city

+1 Paper
+5 :c5gold: +5 :c5culture:
+3 :c5greatperson: Great Diplomat Points
2 Civil Servant slots
+2 :c5gold: +2 :c5culture: to all Chanceries

+20% :c5production: Production towards Diplomatic Units
All Diplomatic Units gain the Literacy promotion
+15% :c5greatperson: Great Person generation in this City for every active Marriage

UB - Schützenstand (replaces Military Academy)
Unlocks at Military Science
Standard costs and maintenance

+3 :c5production: +3 :c5culture: +2 :c5science:
+15% :c5production: Production towards Land Units
+30% additional :c5production: Production towards Gunpowder Units
+25 XP for all Units
+15 additional XP for Gunpowder Units
All Units trained in this City gain the Schützenkönig promotion
(+2% :c5strength: Combat Strength for every active Marriage, capped at +30%.)
+1 :c5war: Military Supply
-1 :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from :c5food: / :c5production: Distress

UU2 - Grenzer (replaces Fusilier)
Unlocks at Rifling
Standard costs

38 :c5strength:
Field Works
Formation I
Homeland Guardian

(+40% :c5strength: Combat Strength on border tiles.)
Note: "Border tiles" count like "river tiles" - both sides of a border are border tiles.

Hussar: unchanged

  • The usefulness of resting influence already roughly scales with era - the higher influence numbers late game means the resting influence is slowing down decay more. 200 resting influence is around +9 influence per turn at 1000 influence, and +10 per turn at 1200 influence. Around the same strength as Containment + 5 trade routes towards CS.
  • The GP rate is moved to the new Printing Press UNW, which also slightly boosts Great Diplomat generation.
  • Schützenstand is now a Military Academy instead of an early-unlock Arsenal. It makes more sense for a shooting guild to be a military building, and its bonuses are closer to Military Academy anyway. You also won't have a weird incentive to build Red Fort for a free early UB. Every unit also gains CS based on the number of marriages (moved from Grenzer).
  • Flat CS per marriage is too swingy on the current Grenzer to the point of having to nerf its base CS. The proposed version is a simpler unit that capitalizes on its profession of guarding borders, especially when in fortifications (no follow up on kill).
EDIT 1: Counting the from tile for melee unit when attacking is inconsistent with other promotions, so Frontiersman is changed to work on both sides of a border while always counting the battle tile (target tile for melee attacks, current tile for defense and ranged attacks).
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The only DLL requirements are the Schützenkönig and the Frontiersman promotions, right? I can sponsor.
There is also the +15% :c5greatperson: Great Person generation in this City for every active Marriage
This doesn't currently exist on buildings I think?
Ah, right, it's moved from UA to building. That shouldn't be difficult to implement.
Just remember to update EnemyUnitPanel.lua!
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