Original proposal:
Counter proposal:
UA - Great Andean Road
Units ignore terrain costs of Hills and Mountains. Cities, Roads and Railroads
may be built on Mountains, which produce Food, Gold, and Science, scaling
with Era. City Connections provide 50% of their gold value as Culture.
(For reference, the current City Connections formula is [0.5 in satellite + 0.06 in capital - 1])
(Ex. 1: regardless of capital population, each satellite with 6 or more provides at least 2 ; the UA would provide 1 per city, increasing by 1 every 4 )
(Ex. 2: if the capital has 17 , every connected satellite city has 50% added as gold; the UA would be adding 25% as culture to these cities at this point)
UB - Qullqa (replaces Granary & Smokehouse)
available at Pottery
65 production cost
1 maintenance
+1 Food
+2 Production (from existing version)
+2 Border Growth Points (from Smokehouse)
15% of is carried over after a new Citizen is born
Gain 25 when constructed
Gain 10 when borders expand (from Smokehouse)
+1 to nearby Wheat, Rice, Maize, and Bananas
+1 and to all nearby Bonus Resources
Allows to be moved from this City along trade routes inside your civilization
Lost abilities from existing version:
City Connection Modifier +3%. (Moved to and adjusted in UA.)
Units stationed in this city heal 5 HP every turn, regardless of action. (Unnecessary healing boost when the Chasqui provides so much Medic value.)
Excess Food in this City can never drop below 1. (This ability conflicts with the very nature of having a civ with a unique Granary and unique Farms.)
UI - Pata-Pata
available at Masonry
can be built on Hills
+1+2 Production
+1 Food
+1 Food for each adjacentMountain or Pata-Pata
+1 ProductionFood for each adjacent Mountain
+1 GoldFood to each adjacent Farm
Civil Service: +1 Culture
Fertilizer: +1 Production
Robotics: +3 Food
I think there is an opportunity to make the Inca a premier City Connections civ, similar to but distinct from the existing Trade Route civs that we have. (Bonus points because these changes tie directly into the Machu Picchu wonder.)
There's not really getting around the fact that the Inca will have a food-centric list of abilities. We like that they have a special hill-Farm, we like that they have a unique Granary, it just follows that food will be their niche. And I think that's really cool, because arguably it's one of their lasting legacies on the world stage, their food variety and their road networks in impassable places.
[DLL] - (8-NS) 4UC Inca
This is a thread for discussing the addition of 2 more unique components to the Inca civilization. The only change to the base kit is the change from 1:c5food::c5gold::c5science: on mountain tiles to 1:c5production::c5gold::c5science:
Counter proposal:
UA - Great Andean Road
Units ignore terrain costs of Hills and Mountains. Cities, Roads and Railroads
may be built on Mountains, which produce Food,
with Era. City Connections provide 50% of their gold value as Culture.
(For reference, the current City Connections formula is [0.5 in satellite + 0.06 in capital - 1])
(Ex. 1: regardless of capital population, each satellite with 6 or more provides at least 2 ; the UA would provide 1 per city, increasing by 1 every 4 )
(Ex. 2: if the capital has 17 , every connected satellite city has 50% added as gold; the UA would be adding 25% as culture to these cities at this point)
UB - Qullqa (replaces Granary & Smokehouse)
available at Pottery
65 production cost
1 maintenance
+1 Food
+2 Border Growth Points (from Smokehouse)
15% of is carried over after a new Citizen is born
Gain 25 when constructed
Gain 10 when borders expand (from Smokehouse)
+1 and to all nearby Bonus Resources
Allows to be moved from this City along trade routes inside your civilization
Lost abilities from existing version:
Units stationed in this city heal 5 HP every turn, regardless of action. (Unnecessary healing boost when the Chasqui provides so much Medic value.)
UI - Pata-Pata
available at Masonry
can be built on Hills
+1 Food
+1 Food for each adjacent
+1 Production
+1 Gold
Civil Service: +1 Culture
Fertilizer: +1 Production
Robotics: +3 Food
I think there is an opportunity to make the Inca a premier City Connections civ, similar to but distinct from the existing Trade Route civs that we have. (Bonus points because these changes tie directly into the Machu Picchu wonder.)
Spoiler City connections :
To that end, we should move the " Gold from City Connections" from the Qullqa to the UA, adjusting it to provide a different yield from gold (similar to an early version of the ICC). By doing this, the ability will be more impactful earlier in the game. The value of city connections already scales indirectly with game time as your cities grow, it doesn't need to also scale with total number of cities. Additionally, the value of the ability can be standardized between game speeds (Quick versus Marathon would have huge differences in value from the ability, as written), which is nice but not critical.
Spoiler Qullqa as a Granary+Smokehouse :
Functionally, this Qullqa replaces the Granary, and the Smokehouse would be mutually exclusive with it, so the Inca are not allowed to build Smokehouses (I believe the 2UC Aztec work this way with regards to the Well, since their Water Wheel conflicts with it; there is precedence for it). This building becomes a one-stop-shop for food needs in Ancient, providing bonuses to any kind of bonus resource regardless of domain. As one of the enduring aspects of the Incan civilization is their food variety and food storage, this is very thematic and historical. Additionally, it applies these boosts to pasture resources which normally don't get a boost until stables, and which are not uncommon in mountain starts. Full disclosure: I believe certain luxury resources will lose ~1 production without access to the smokehouse's camp boost (Furs, Ivory, Truffles, maybe some others?). Bonus resources get the production for free, and are not affected. I don't think this will meaningfully impact the civ at all.
Spoiler Pata-Pata with diverse yields :
For the Pata-Pata I'm trying something a little different. Pata-Pata are competing directly with mines and indirectly with the farms they themselves boost. This means you basically work the ones with the biggest Food/Production numbers, no matter what. I'm suggesting we aim to differentiate the three farming elevations of the Inca that are represented by the various components: Farms, Pata-Pata, and Mountains. This would be a flavor win while also serving to broaden the types of yields the Inca are accessing, instead of just developing massive food stockpiles. Each one offers a unique bonus paired with the farm-like food yields: Farms offer gold, and during Golden Ages might make you (or the governor) switch up tile allocations; Pata-Pata offer production and later a bit of culture (probably the most generally workable in the mid-game, as it should be for your UI); Mountains offer science, growing steadily later into the game. They all are self-sufficient, feeding the citizen that is assigned to work them, and then some. Appropriate for the Incan civilization.
There's not really getting around the fact that the Inca will have a food-centric list of abilities. We like that they have a special hill-Farm, we like that they have a unique Granary, it just follows that food will be their niche. And I think that's really cool, because arguably it's one of their lasting legacies on the world stage, their food variety and their road networks in impassable places.
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