(8-10b) 4UC Celts - Oppidum Change

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So we're making it boring because of... text bloat?
It's indeed a valid concern. Similar to how we have to restrict the length of a UA to at most 4 lines.
Adjacency bonus depending on improvements is what makes it interesting. Why turning it into a boring one?
Nah, text bloat is not interesting, lol. The interesting part is that it boost engineers, scientists and merchants at the same time and it's placement, because it boost adjanced improvements. The fact that it gives different yields for different improvements doesn't really change much imho, while it's harder to remember, so it won't impact my decision where to place it anyway. It's like complexity for the sake of complexity. Not every complexity is interesting.
Nah, text bloat is not interesting, lol. The interesting part is that it boost engineers, scientists and merchants at the same time and it's placement, because it boost adjanced improvements. The fact that it gives different yields for different improvements doesn't really change much imho, while it's harder to remember, so it won't impact my decision where to place it anyway. It's like complexity for the sake of complexity. Not every complexity is interesting.
"complexity", seriously?
The interesting part is
Increases WLTKD from Great Merchants, Hurry Production of Great Engineers, and discover technology of Great Scientists
Because it means you can bulb great people way earlier, and/or pursue a strategy where you plant all the scientists and then bulb the engineers etc.

The adjacencies yields are nice and they do inform my placement, but this is mainly things like don't put next to lake/city/mountain/etc. so I don't lose a tile. I've never thought "oh I should put it next to a Mine not a Quarry because I really want +1 gold not +1 science right now", it's rare you get that kind of degeneracy (as in equal value decision) anyway.
Since we're talking about the Celts, why not base the adjacency yields around the pantheon they chose? Similar to the Ceilidh Hall, either on the adjacency yields, or as direct yields on the Oppidum itself.
I would rather give different GPPs to all pantheons rather than add separate yields for both Ceilidh hall and oppidum.
I can sponsor this.

To clarify, @Stalker0 , do you intend to extend the oppidum’s boost to villages and oil wells? They are currently excluded from the boosts.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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