Cool ,a lot of new additions since yesterday.

I Think were up to 23 players already.
Assuming you will let me have the lead postion, I want to run this idea by you guys. I was thinking about instaling governers for each city who would look after growth, production, ect. They would ultimatly report to the city planning director. I'm sure you can see what I'm getting at.
For micromaneging reason's ,i would also prefer some gouvernors.1 city may be not much to gouvern (that's more something for a mayor) ,I suggest a gouvernor would get 4 city's or any other number of ity's under his command.But indeed ,maneging all city's may be to much for 1 city planning director.
One last thought. Should we be playing just to win, or roleplaying our positions? If we should roleplay, then the difficulty should be lower.
I think we schould role-play our posistions.It could lead to interresting internal politics.
"After turn one the President MUST report to the forum WITH a screenshot. Then the polls begin for the Expansion, City Planning Departments, and Science Department. Once these first decisions are made, the President may procede playing multiple turns until another decision must be made. In which he reports to the forum. This can only continue for the first 50 turns MAXIMUM! And can end earlier at the Presidents descression."
Ok ,this is the way i will lead my glorius rule.
My thoughts on Civ2 vs Civ3. I'd prefer civ3 if it is workable. If not we should be able to have as much fun with Civ2. The fun will come from our interaction and creativity in communicating our ideas.
True ,for the first time we will play the politicians of our own civilization.I think it really adds some extra depth to the game.I can see the hard political discussion comming up already.Most of i guess will have different agenda's and something in between they will have to search for internal agreement's.Cool!
A thought: We need an official historian to chronicle the progress of our civilization. This could be a voted position too. Perhaps it would have its own thread. Here could be recorded the decisions of the imperial council and the glorious history of our people.
The decission of appointing historians to the court is really a responsabilety of the President.I will appoint the historian (if he is good to possitively reflect the action's of my glorius rule

When will the game begins?
After we have the required number of players and our own forum.i think we can start at the end of the weekend.
We could consider some awards for:
best city
most original city name
Best suggestion of the century/millenia
Well we'll have to decide who get's the power over naming city's.I suggest we would name our city's after the founding father's = The president & kabinet of the first kabinet's later on can name new founded city's under there rule to what they want.
Wonder building is a decission of the city planer leader and his cabinet.In case of equal voting's is will move in and resolve the issue.I will sometime's "advice" my leader's of pressing matter's in our civ.