A Democracy game?

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wow! This is a really cool idea. I would like to join! I would like to be the Expansion/Exploration Leader if you don't already have one. If you do that's cool too. I still want to participate in the voting. I can't wait already!
Sign me up as well. I will gladly start out as a peasant voter and in time may garner enough support to be voted into a position of responsibility...
(Thinks to self) "My ideas have gained some support. With good logic and a few kissed babies I may be in a position to take power in future elections. Excellent!"

My thoughts on Civ2 vs Civ3. I'd prefer civ3 if it is workable. If not we should be able to have as much fun with Civ2. The fun will come from our interaction and creativity in communicating our ideas.

A thought: We need an official historian to chronicle the progress of our civilization. This could be a voted position too. Perhaps it would have its own thread. Here could be recorded the decisions of the imperial council and the glorious history of our people.

Another thought: If we do Civ2, I'd vote for King if we are roleplaying and Emperor if we are just playing to win. (I favor the roleplaying)
Originally posted by CornMaster
Ok guys....I'll add you to the list. I'm sure TF will make an anouncment when the game gets underway! And in the mean time....I'll make this sticky.

Now SpaceCow, .:KNAS:. and Juize. This is going to be a serious game....so there will be no spamming. And if you get banned.....your obviously out of the game for that time as well. So lets try and stay clean.

I would never spam:rolleyes:. Okay i am gonna be serious WHEN WE PLAY THE GAME!
One thing that I think should be part of the rules is that noone takes any of the saved games posted and plays ahead. This may go without saying to most people, but I think it should be a rule anyway. IT will take a lot of the fun out of the game is someone already knows we can kick the Roman's ass and therefore lobbies for war.
Well I say that we play the Celts or the Vikings or the Spanish. :D
Seriously, though, surely it would be best to decide which Civ we are going to be playing before we get down to deciding which civ we are going to be playing. :p
Either way, I think that it would be foolish not to play as the Civfanatics custom civ, with the civ leader being whoever holds the Presidency for that time. If we play Civ 3, though, we have to argue which are the best attributes for our custom civ. That'll be another bone of contention. I voted for Civ 2 of course, so that we can have a spy/dip minister entirely separate from the foreign/negotiations minister. :) (Don't want Hippo to have too much power do we?)
Originally posted by knowltok
One thing that I think should be part of the rules is that noone takes any of the saved games posted and plays ahead. This may go without saying to most people, but I think it should be a rule anyway. IT will take a lot of the fun out of the game is someone already knows we can kick the Roman's ass and therefore lobbies for war.

You right......it goes without saying...but I'll add it. Because some people don't think with their head some times. ;)

The new rule reads "No ONE is allowed to download and play out a saved game. You may download it to review the current situation. But you must not play it. Penality is Death, by fierce Shunning."

I like the Shunning part. :D

Also added new members and made goodyhut leader of Expansion. The cabinet is now complete!!

Here is the list:
President: TheDuckOfFlanders
Information Officer: CornMaster
Military Leader: AoA
City Planner Leader: spycatcher34
Diplomacy Leader: Hippo
Science Leader: dreadhead7
Trade Leader: Endureth
Expansion Leader : goodyhut
Ok....as your first active duty, you must choose a deputy leader for your department, incase of your absence (Except for the President.....as Information Officer is Vice President.) In future elections the runner up in the Election will become the deputy.....but since there was no election, you can choose yourselves!
Btw, I had an almost identical idea few months ago. Search for it on Poly.

(It didnt work :))
Count me in as a voter. I'm away from my PC quite a bit these days so I won't be able to access as regularly as I'd like to:(

I've only just got hold of Civ3 and managed to play 1/2 a game so I would prefer Civ2.

Does it matter what CIV we play. The fact that each city has it's governor then I assume that they'll rename it anyway. If we have more cities(when we have...)than players then the governorship should go the one who has done a successful job elsewhere

We could consider some awards for:
best city
most original city name
Best suggestion of the century/millenia

How are we going to handle wonder building
By voting for which one first. Then choosing the city with either the highest production or best placing to get full advantage of the effects. In Civ 2, the proximity of other caravan-producing cities will also have to be taken into account. It seems quite simple to me. We can all debate the pros and cons of each wonder we can potentially build, and the president will get the final say. Probably leaving some people quite frustrated, but when was the last time the government did exactly what you wanted?

How about vote #1 - Civ2 or Civ3?

It will affect who wants to play. I want Civ3.
Cool ,a lot of new additions since yesterday. :) I Think were up to 23 players already.

Assuming you will let me have the lead postion, I want to run this idea by you guys. I was thinking about instaling governers for each city who would look after growth, production, ect. They would ultimatly report to the city planning director. I'm sure you can see what I'm getting at.

For micromaneging reason's ,i would also prefer some gouvernors.1 city may be not much to gouvern (that's more something for a mayor) ,I suggest a gouvernor would get 4 city's or any other number of ity's under his command.But indeed ,maneging all city's may be to much for 1 city planning director.

One last thought. Should we be playing just to win, or roleplaying our positions? If we should roleplay, then the difficulty should be lower.

I think we schould role-play our posistions.It could lead to interresting internal politics. :)

"After turn one the President MUST report to the forum WITH a screenshot. Then the polls begin for the Expansion, City Planning Departments, and Science Department. Once these first decisions are made, the President may procede playing multiple turns until another decision must be made. In which he reports to the forum. This can only continue for the first 50 turns MAXIMUM! And can end earlier at the Presidents descression."

Ok ,this is the way i will lead my glorius rule. :goodjob:

My thoughts on Civ2 vs Civ3. I'd prefer civ3 if it is workable. If not we should be able to have as much fun with Civ2. The fun will come from our interaction and creativity in communicating our ideas.

True ,for the first time we will play the politicians of our own civilization.I think it really adds some extra depth to the game.I can see the hard political discussion comming up already.Most of i guess will have different agenda's and something in between they will have to search for internal agreement's.Cool!

A thought: We need an official historian to chronicle the progress of our civilization. This could be a voted position too. Perhaps it would have its own thread. Here could be recorded the decisions of the imperial council and the glorious history of our people.

The decission of appointing historians to the court is really a responsabilety of the President.I will appoint the historian (if he is good to possitively reflect the action's of my glorius rule :D )

When will the game begins?

After we have the required number of players and our own forum.i think we can start at the end of the weekend.

We could consider some awards for:
best city
most original city name
Best suggestion of the century/millenia

Well we'll have to decide who get's the power over naming city's.I suggest we would name our city's after the founding father's = The president & kabinet of the first mandate.new kabinet's later on can name new founded city's under there rule to what they want.

Wonder building is a decission of the city planer leader and his cabinet.In case of equal voting's is will move in and resolve the issue.I will sometime's "advice" my leader's of pressing matter's in our civ.
put me somewhere too. just give some power.:)
a very, very good idea anyway. later we maybe we can start a mp game against apolyton.:slay:
a very, very good idea anyway. later we maybe we can start a mp game against apolyton.

That idea crossed my mind to.Mp game's are for later ,but then we deffinitly could attrack some polly posters (they are bigger in numbers i think).
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