Congress, Stop Supporting Censorship! KOSA Threatens Free Speech in the US


Girlie Builder
Aug 12, 2006
At the end of July 2024, the US Senate passed the a version of KOSA with a 91-3 vote. With this new step towards becoming law, the US House of Representatives can now vote on this bill [as soon as September].

The Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) is not new, and was introduced in 2022 by Democratic senator Richard Blumenthal. The bill was quickly sidelined by privacy rights groups, tech companies, and children's safety organizations who opposed the bill's vague wording and feared unforeseen ramifications from one phrase in particular, "duty of care." Critics of the bill are concerned that placing a "duty of care" onto social media companies (and onto other online platforms which are not exempt from the legal requirements) will end up censoring certain content determined to be controversial or harmful by individual state legislatures. This could lead to information droughts in certain parts of the country where information related to LGBTQ+ medicine, self-harm, eating disorders, or suicide may become censored and unavailable to those who need it most.

Criticism of the revised version of KOSA remains strong. The major point of concern is the persistence of vague language related to "duty of care" and the fear that this may lead to wider internet censorship as platforms scramble to try and create age-verification systems in order to comply with the new law. This push for compliance may lead to an overly aggressive moderation policy which could censor otherwise protected information and content. This censorship would likely spill over, not only impacting the internet activity of persons under 18 years of age, but also that of legal adults.

Evan Greer, deputy director of the Fight for the Future digital rights group sounded the alarm against this bill:

"We have urged KOSA's sponsors to change the bill by removing the overly broad ‘duty of care,' which is an inherently flawed model that gives the government too much power to control speech and replace it with strict regulations on how companies collect and use data... The First Amendment prevents the government from dictating what speech platforms can recommend to younger users, but we can absolutely ban companies from harvesting our kids' data and using it to recommend content to them."

Being a teenager is not going to stop being difficult; being a parent or a teacher is not going to stop being difficult; but in order for those in power to protect the next generation they need to wholeheartedly listen to their problems rather than trying to hide them beneath a false-sense-of-security blanket.

The silencing of information does nothing to protect the children.

If we are to honor the First Amendment and protect the freedom of expression online or in real life we need to oppose any form of legislation which seeks to limit access to information.

Free access to information has never posed and will never pose a threat to the next generation.
To ensure that users are the correct age, KOSA compels vast data collection efforts that perversely result in even greater potential privacy invasions.

KOSA would authorize a federal study on creating a device or operating system level age verification system, "including the need for potential hardware and software changes." The end result would likely be an elaborate age-verification system, run by a third-party, that maintains an enormous database of all internet users' data.

Many of the risks of such a program are obvious. They require every user--including children--to hand private data over to a third-party simply to use a website if that user ever wants to see beyond the government's "parental" controls.

Instead of using super-powered age-verification to determine who gets the most privacy, and then using that same determination to restrict access to huge amounts of content, Congress should focus on creating strict privacy safeguards for everyone. Real privacy protections that prohibit data collection without opt-in consent address the concerns about children's privacy while rendering age-verification unnecessary. Congress should get serious about protecting privacy and pass legislation that creates a strong, comprehensive privacy floor with robust enforcement tools.
The Dark said:
KOSA also requires adults and minors be treated differently by websites, which will require deanonymization of the internet. All the articles about PornHub blocking access from states that require ID scans? Yeah, replace that with Spotify and Apple Music and Disney+ requiring ID scans to ensure they know whether or not you're a minor.

Aurich said:
Why can't we just regulate what platforms are allowed to do with sucking up our data, from everyone, of all ages, and not try and regulate what people are allowed to say?

Data hoovering? Bad!

Speech restriction? Also bad!

Disagreeing with someone's viewpoint isn't a good reason to crush it. One of the examples in the article was "pro-life messages." I'm adamantly pro-choice. I don't think people who disagree with me should be silenced.

I formed my pro-choice opinions long before I was an adult. Kids aren't dumb. Trying to hide information from them just makes them more ignorant, not more protected.
Tell Congress: KOSA Will Censor the Internet But Won't Help Kids

The Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) would censor the internet and would make government officials the arbiters of what young people can see online. It will likely lead to age verification, handing more power, and private data, to third-party identity verification companies

On July 30, KOSA passed the U.S. Senate. But many Representatives in the House are concerned with the bill's impact on free speech. KOSA is a heavy-handed plan to prevent minors from accessing content that the government believes is not in their best interest.

Tell your Representative to vote NO on this bill.

You can use the Electronic Frontier Foundation's email tool to share your feedback with the House of Representatives:

You can alternately look up the email contact information for the House of Representatives and send an email message of your own:

Note that the House is in a summer recess until September.

The bill itself:
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My question is who does this apply to? Is this going to criminalise this place? What about an individual with a usenet server or a Mastadon host?
Well here's one idea: schools can just ban students from visiting to any ".com" sites while on their premises. Just .edu or .gov. There must be a way for their servers to do that. And that might be the best anyone can do. Rather than trying to make these tech companies dance to your tune.
That or mom and dad just monitor them.
If we are to honor the First Amendment and protect the freedom of expression online or in real life we need to oppose any form of legislation which seeks to limit access to information.

Free access to information has never posed and will never pose a threat to the next generation.
The internet has become a cesspool of lies, scams, porn, misinformation and data collection that easily dwarfs its value as a source of information for too many people. Today's web is nothing like it was 20 years ago. The problem is that there is no barrier between "information" and "crap."
The internet has become a cesspool of lies, scams, porn, misinformation and data collection that easily dwarfs its value as a source of information for too many people. Today's web is nothing like it was 20 years ago. The problem is that there is no barrier between "information" and "crap."
Except for the data collection I am not sure those have gone up as a proportion of total stuff online. There has always been a lot of lies, scams, porn and misinformation, now there is a lot of other stuff as well, and more vulnerable people. How many 10 year olds were using the internet 20 years ago?
Texas passed a bill that caused the leading porn providers to block access. The law was intended to protect the kids, but I have a feeling that the under 18 set that wants to get around the system are a lot more competent at it than the average Texas politician.
Except for the data collection I am not sure those have gone up as a proportion of total stuff online. There has always been a lot of lies, scams, porn and misinformation, now there is a lot of other stuff as well, and more vulnerable people. How many 10 year olds were using the internet 20 years ago?
Over the past 10 or so years access to the internet has gone up dramatically as well as the sophistication of the providers. More of everything is now accessible and easier. Yes, there are far more people who access the internet both younger and older. That has made the problem worse. For the most part, those under 17 make lots of stupid mistakes and do stupid things. At the other end of the spectrum, too many older folks are uninformed about how web interactions can steal from them. Those folks though will be dying off. It is my grandchildren and your children who will be impacted by ongoing and continuous access to "all the internet has to offer" who will bear the consequences.
Except for the data collection I am not sure those have gone up as a proportion of total stuff online. There has always been a lot of lies, scams, porn and misinformation, now there is a lot of other stuff as well, and more vulnerable people. How many 10 year olds were using the internet 20 years ago?
With crud like Fileplanet instead of Steam? Those were some rough times, man.
Many a night waiting for my turn to download a mod...
Texas passed a bill that caused the leading porn providers to block access. The law was intended to protect the kids, but I have a feeling that the under 18 set that wants to get around the system are a lot more competent at it than the average Texas politician.
This just seems mad. It is so easy to find it illegally, and that is so much worse driving kids from pornhub to usenet/darknet does not seem likely to make them safer.
Texas passed a bill that caused the leading porn providers to block access. The law was intended to protect the kids, but I have a feeling that the under 18 set that wants to get around the system are a lot more competent at it than the average Texas politician.
Porn Bans: The #1 Marketing Strategy for VPN providers!
It won't matter. Too many people living every moment scroll through their phones. Pandora's Box is wide open and the sludge that forces through the web has already snared people too lazy to look for their own news site, much less look for corroboration.
That so many democrats have lined up to support this thing is nothing short of despicable. Really puts lie to the notion that the Democratic Party supports or fights for queer people.
Yes because on niche medical topics like HRT doctors *do not* know horsehocky. Best case they cursorily skim the wpath guidelines at the intake appointment, worst case they actively sabotage your transition. You have to make yourself an expert on the ins- and outs- of the medication, the dosages, the side-effects, the studies, the timelines because if you don’t, more often than not the doctor will give you wrong or bad information and then lie to your face when you ask them about it.

I’ve dealt with it. Every one of my friends has dealt with it. It is well known.

But also, those online communities are usually the first, and often only support lifeline for a queer person early in the coming out process. They’re the ones who provide the emotional support, the life and medical advice, they’re the ones that help you get out of a bad living situation, who help you find a shelter or help you find a place to live. They’re the ones that help with coming out letters and explain the intricacies of navigating hr departments and the governmental and medical bureaucracy.
It’s a stupid bill written by people who have had decades to try to understand the internet and have willingly chosen not to. We have yet to pass any kind of privacy law in this country for the internet but every few years some dumb 70 year old in Congress is like “why don’t we just ban free speech online?” And a bunch of congresspeople nod along and high five each other. It’s a miracle more draconian laws have repeatedly failed at the last second. One of these is going to get through.
Yes because on niche medical topics like HRT doctors *do not* know horsehocky. Best case they cursorily skim the wpath guidelines at the intake appointment, worst case they actively sabotage your transition. You have to make yourself an expert on the ins- and outs- of the medication, the dosages, the side-effects, the studies, the timelines because if you don’t, more often than not the doctor will give you wrong or bad information and then lie to your face when you ask them about it.

I’ve dealt with it. Every one of my friends has dealt with it. It is well known.

But also, those online communities are usually the first, and often only support lifeline for a queer person early in the coming out process. They’re the ones who provide the emotional support, the life and medical advice, they’re the ones that help you get out of a bad living situation, who help you find a shelter or help you find a place to live. They’re the ones that help with coming out letters and explain the intricacies of navigating hr departments and the governmental and medical bureaucracy.
sounds complicated.
I just hope there isn't as much misinformation coming from online strangers as opposed to licensed professionals.
It’s a stupid bill written by people who have had decades to try to understand the internet and have willingly chosen not to. We have yet to pass any kind of privacy law in this country for the internet but every few years some dumb 70 year old in Congress is like “why don’t we just ban free speech online?” And a bunch of congresspeople nod along and high five each other. It’s a miracle more draconian laws have repeatedly failed at the last second. One of these is going to get through.
I think this is true. In the UK the right brought in the legal framework to criminalise online discusion hosts with the Online Safety Bill and the left are already crying it is not enough. They just need to make a system that some people will tolerate and it will be illegal to not use it.

The question is how far will they be able to drive it. Criminalising local Mastadon hosts is kind of a given. Will they make it illegal to use foreign hosts? VPNs? Tor? I ask again, this place?
It’s a stupid bill written by people who have had decades to try to understand the internet and have willingly chosen not to. We have yet to pass any kind of privacy law in this country for the internet but every few years some dumb 70 year old in Congress is like “why don’t we just ban free speech online?” And a bunch of congresspeople nod along and high five each other. It’s a miracle more draconian laws have repeatedly failed at the last second. One of these is going to get through.
It's not stupid at all. The internet, for all its flaws has given the general population something that they have not had ever in human history, the ability to access and share news from around the world without it first being censored through big media and government programs. And this is a nightmare for governments and corporate interests alike because they rely on controlling the flow of information in order to control the narrative of events in order to control people.

50 years ago if the government wanted to convince the population that a peaceful protest is actually a violent riot by thugs and hooligans they could. Some stock footage and paid off media is all it took. These days when everyone has a HD camera in their pocket and social media allow us to share that information instantly and live this is no longer possible.

This is why governments around the world are constantly pushing back again the internet trying to find creative ways to control and censor it all the while selling it to us as being for our own good. Bottom line is that this is a very intelligent move done by intelligent people with the intent of sneaking the legal framework for broad censorship and control past you through misleading language.

Or to put it another way. Beware he who would deny you access to information. For in his heart he dreams him self your master.
91-3 in the Senate for this doghorsehocky legislation is why this country deserves to go into the fire
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