• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

a new gameplay option just for fun


Sep 16, 2009
a new gameplay options
1:a big map where all civs are going to be in
2: every civ will start will only one city but very big and developed.
map will be as big to cover all one city civs but not room to build another city (only conqure )
3: possible eras late medieval,industrial
4: all civs start with the same tech level

1 a map where you will start as one only city but big and developed in the centre of the map
2 you will be surronded by enemies and some neutral civs
3 you will be more more advanced that the others
4 no diplomacy or limited

what do you say:D
That's what's called a Scenario. You can do it now thru WB.

JosEPh :)
World Builder

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