A question regarding "Bombard Strength"


Oct 23, 2016
Hello, folks. I had a quick question regarding Bombard Strength in Civ VI. So, we all know that ranged units like slingers, archers, etc. do less damage VS. city defenses. I think its a 50% reduction, unless they've patched it recently. This is because they have a damage type called "ranged strength." Siege units, like catapaults, bombards, etc. do not suffer from this penalty VS. cities, as they have what's called "bomard strength."

Now, my question is, do siege units (or bombard strength in general, in the case of bombers) also suffer from the same 50% penalty VS. units? I like to use units with long range attacking potential (like siege units) to defend against invaders, however, I am in the late game and machineguns only have an attack range of 1. Hoping to figure out a way (other than aircraft) to be able to set up a long range defensive barrage.

Thanks in advance!
The penalty is 17 strength, not 50%. Yes, siege units have the same penalty vs units.
Thank you for the info. You're sure it's only 17 strength? In the late game, that's not too bad.
Thank you for the info. You're sure it's only 17 strength? In the late game, that's not too bad.
Combat is calculated with the difference in strength between the fighting units. Not with absolute strength like in civ V. I think a difference of 25 is a one shot kill, so -17 penalty is quite big.
Thank you for the info. You're sure it's only 17 strength? In the late game, that's not too bad.

in the civ6 combat system, -17 strength equals ~50% less damage dealt (and 100% more damage taken).

you can counter the penalty by picking the 2 promotions that add combat strength vs. land units (grape shot & shrapnel). both combined add 17 str vs. land units, which (i guess) basically removes the damage penalty they would normally receive vs. land units.
in the civ6 combat system, -17 strength equals ~50% less damage dealt (and 100% more damage taken).

you can counter the penalty by picking the 2 promotions that add combat strength vs. land units (grape shot & shrapnel). both combined add 17 str vs. land units, which (i guess) basically removes the damage penalty they would normally receive vs. land units.
While still being 'penalized' by comparison with a ranged vs unit, since a lv2 range specialized vs unit would have taken two promotions that increase damages. Same can be said in a vs city comparison.
It's something I kinda like. Both unit type have their own flavor without being stuck in it.
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