A quick terrain question


Privateering in Idaho
Jan 13, 2003
Moscow, ID
I'm away from my gaming computer and looked around online to no avail... What are the base terrain values in FFH2? Plains I remember as 1:food: 1 :hammers: 1 :commerce:, but other than that, what are the values? Are any the same as vanilla BTS? I'd rather do some napkin math in class than listen to the professors. ;)
No commerce on plains unless riverside; being riverside gives almost everything +1 commerce.

Plains then is 1 food 1 hammer
Desert is nothing
Grassland is 2 food
Tundra I believe is 1 food.
I believe hills add 2 hammers
Forests are... +1 hammer? Not sure off hand
Ice is also no food.
Bear in mind that by no food I mean doesn't add any. Other features could change that.
Haunted lands is 2 commerce
Flood plains are 3 food 1 commerce.

Could easily be wrong on these, doing them all from memory.
Thanks a bunch!
Correction: hill is +1 production, -1 food; forest is +1 production, -1 commerce next to river; flood plain is +3 food. The base tile yields are all the same as in BTS (for the terrain types that exist in BTS).
Really? The -1 food part on hills makes sense, and I'll say oops on that... But, I'm pretty sure it's +2 hammers since hills/plains have a base production of 3, don't they? With normal plains only having 1, that's a 2 difference.

And I could've sworn I've seen forest tiles with commerce next to a river before. Anyway, the flood plain things is another mistake, due to my never having seen flood plains anywhere but along rivers. ^^;;; Sorry for that.
No, hills/plains have a base production of 2:hammers:. And no, river forests do not ordinarily have :commerce:.
And I could've sworn I've seen forest tiles with commerce next to a river before.

Lumbermills along a river provide commerce. A plantation crop in a forest can provide a commerce.

The terrain values can change for some races. The malakim perform differently in desert. The Illians get food from ice.
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