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A small step for this mod...

We don't need a delay when traveling to the moon as it only takes a few days at most.
Besides that it sounds good!
So you would go with the "satellites reveal everything, no need for ground units" approach? I'm not against it, it is just less fun gamewise I'd say.

It would be very cool if you'd program such a thing TB!

In my dream scenario, there would be several different missions:
Earth to Moon
Earth to Mars
Earth to Moon with Space elevator
Earth to Mars with Space elevator
Earth to Mars if you have an orbital refueling station
Moon to Earth
Moon to Mars
But for now I'd be happy with a simple Earth -> Moon mission.
I'd probably set it up so you can define in xml the terrain types the mission can 'teleport' the unit to and the amount of turn delay in doing so (that bit could be tricky though.)

I know what you mean about satellites and revealing. Keep in mind this means reveal (like a map result) which clears the fog of war but it doesn't mean you have absolute visibility on the plot.
I was just suggesting that the delay be handled by making the unit unable to move for x turns as that is already done and available. However Faustmouse does not want any delay so I would just have them end their turn.
I could include a tag in the xml for it and have it managed that way but it would be odd to have a ship launch in a city then have the city be captured and the ship dies as a result.
I could include a tag in the xml for it and have it managed that way but it would be odd to have a ship launch in a city then have the city be captured and the ship dies as a result.

You launch the ship. It moves to the target plot but then can't move. So it is not in the city when it is captured.
So you would go with the "satellites reveal everything, no need for ground units" approach? I'm not against it, it is just less fun gamewise I'd say.
Satellites should instead of automatically revealing the moon give access to training probes (with some interesting construction requirements) that can map the moon through missions similarly to the how goody maps reveal the map. Or a world wonder that reveals the whole moon map.
You launch the ship. It moves to the target plot but then can't move. So it is not in the city when it is captured.
Well then you have the opposite problem where the ship can be attacked before it's actually there.
Satellites should instead of automatically revealing the moon give access to training probes (with some interesting construction requirements) that can map the moon through missions similarly to the how goody maps reveal the map. Or a world wonder that reveals the whole moon map.
The problem is the tech, Satellites already does reveal the whole map when it's learned. It would need extensive reprogramming to specify that it only reveals the Earth tiles. Then extensive programming to enable another mechanism to reveal portions of the moon and other maps. Which I'm willing to do once we start getting into multimaps.
Irrelevant because Faustmouse says he doesn't want the delay just end turn when it gets to moon.

I was thinking of working out a solution that could be programmed for more than just the moon. However, with status promos, we could do as you suggested but then give the unit a status promo that counts down to being removed. The status could give the unit the 'idea' unitcombat that would make it something that cannot be interacted with nor seen by opponents, in addition to the Domain Immobile.
I was thinking of working out a solution that could be programmed for more than just the moon. However, with status promos, we could do as you suggested but then give the unit a status promo that counts down to being removed. The status could give the unit the 'idea' unitcombat that would make it something that cannot be interacted with nor seen by opponents, in addition to the Domain Immobile.

No offense to the moon stuff, but i wish the python and C++ guys could stick to their current stuff, and not be distracted . . until alllllot later . .
No offense to the moon stuff, but i wish the python and C++ guys could stick to their current stuff, and not be distracted . . until alllllot later . .

I hear ya but I don't think this would be all that involving to setup. Maybe. Probably would suck for the AI work on it.
I hear ya but I don't think this would be all that involving to setup. Maybe. Probably would suck for the AI work on it.

The AI totally sucks already, no need to make it worse . .
No offense to the moon stuff, but i wish the python and C++ guys could stick to their current stuff, and not be distracted . . until alllllot later . .

None of this is wasted an none of is even near being started to be implemented. We are just discussing and narrowing down what is required is all. It also gives Faustmouse an idea of how far we can go without new stuff.
Regarding the EOL issue: The easiest way to correct the corrupted EOLs is to use a RegEx (which is a bit complicated in this case since you need to find LFs without preceding CRs - in the attached image I have marked the necessary settings in grepWin).

I have already tested the RegEx and it seems to work. That way you can correct all xml files at the same time and save the RegEx as a Preset.


In case that's not easily readable:

Search for: (?<!\r)\n

Replace with: \r\n
Regarding the EOL issue: The easiest way to correct the corrupted EOLs is to use a RegEx (which is a bit complicated in this case since you need to find LFs without preceding CRs - in the attached image I have marked the necessary settings in grepWin).

I have already tested the RegEx and it seems to work. That way you can correct all xml files at the same time and save the RegEx as a Preset.

View attachment 401294

In case that's not easily readable:

Search for: (?<!\r)\n

Replace with: \r\n

what is this about and what does it do/mean??
He is talking about how to get all xml to be easily formatted correctly for notepad (not ++). That is without opening all of them one by one in notepad++ and saving them with the correct EOL setting.

OH, ok, tried it, it does seem to work correctly, and the old formatting is back, YEAH!!!
Do you think it would upset anyone if someone put these files back to where they are supposed to look like? or is someone opposed to it? Cause for me personally, i dont like Notepad++, no matter what anyone says . . i strictly use Notepad (regular)
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