Not in SVN, loool, in the folder where you play it from. Or do you play it directly from the SVN folder? Then it was unnecessary, lol.
I really doubt (and hope not) there would be any Barbs or animals in Space, since their spawning SHOULD be limited to Earth terrain (or Earth map, which is the same in this case).
But I haven't played long enough (or with Barbs ON), so I can't say anything from my own experience.
I still hope it won't happen, loool.
On the other hand, "Alien Planets" should be made of "Earth terrain", so they WOULD probably spawn animals (Barbs follow a different logic, I guess).
Which is why I so highly hope that this Multi-maps stuff is modular, so you CAN load tons of various maps without overcrowding Memory.
I mean, even the existing Space maps put together WOULD cause an easy MAF, yet it didn't happen, nor did I feel any slowness of any loading, so we can hope.
Or get an explicit answer from the MODDERS, eh?
Guys, anyone cares to share that bit of info with us, please?