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Abandon City


Oct 25, 2000
Has anyone tried the abandon city feature?

Looks like when you abandon a city, you don't get any workers. The city just vanishes, leaving you with the garrison units.

I also found that if you abandon your capital, the palace will move to your biggest city instantly.
No workers! :eek:

Looks like Firaxis was really afraid it would be abused (and probably would). On the other hand, free palace jumps are now even simpler.
Originally posted by Thunderfall
I also found that if you abandon your capital, the palace will move to your biggest city instantly.
That's good. I would hate it if when my capital is captured by the enemy the palace moves but when I was to do it myself I got stuck with rebuilding.

I haven't been able to try 1.21 yet as I am waiting for.....er, everyone else to try it out first, yeah, that's the ticket. Come on CGW! :)
Originally posted by PaleHorse76
That's good. I would hate it if when my capital is captured by the enemy the palace moves but when I was to do it myself I got stuck with rebuilding.
What I am wondering is - how did you ever get into a position of letting your palace being captured in the first place? :p :)

I haven't been able to try 1.21 yet as I am waiting for.....er, everyone else to try it out first, yeah, that's the ticket. Come on CGW! :)

OT, this will be great. This way can disband those cities that we can't hold or recently captured, and deny them to the enemy. So razing cities then will be an obsolete option? Can take the city, then abandon it later with no rep penalties? Will there be a penalty to your rep if you abandon cities?
So the only difference to building settlers to abandon is that you can do it faster? but you don´t get a settler &/ workers for it?

Can you abandon captured enemy cities? If so why would anyone ever raze them anymore and take the reputation hit? (Just for captured workers?)
When you abandon a city, ALL the city's ongoing whip and draft penalties transfer to your nearest city. Thus, post-nationalism, against any state that goes communist, none of the cities will be worth taking even now. You Abandon them at the cost of wrecking your own good cities? Not worth it. Raze and replace em, that's the method that invariably works best.

The option to abandon may be of use for cities that revolt over to you soon enough, if they aren't carrying any penalties. Make them vanish, instead of having them reconquered, in situations you can't possible hold on to them. Not of use often, but could happen. Would also have been of use in disbanding cities you win in a peace treaty, by the same token: ones you can't defend. Only... I understand that option of getting cities has been removed entirely?

- Sirian
Originally posted by Sirian
Would also have been of use in disbanding cities you win in a peace treaty, by the same token: ones you can't defend. Only... I understand that option of getting cities has been removed entirely?

- Sirian

You can definitely still negotiate for peace and demand cities. Maybe it's harder or less frequent?

Disbanding will be good when you win a city in war, and don't raze it hoping it will be useful only to find it has 8 resistors. Raze it and forget about it - only penalty is no workers from the razed city, but better for the rep and the odds are that most cities will be mostly productive anyway (1-4 resistors to quell and starve).
It's kind of a pain that you don't at least get a settler or workers from the abandoned city (at least you get to keep your military units). Is anyone positive that the unhappiness transfers to a different city when abandoned in v1.21f? I know it did in v1.17f, but it might have been changed. I can see using 'abandon city' when you are at war, and you have an undefended city that's about to be attacked and you have absolutely no way of saving it. This would prevent your treasury from being sacked and so the AI won't get control of another city.

It does save the confusion over how to abandon a city, though, since many people didn't know about having to starve the city to death in order to get rid of it.

You can definitely still negotiate for peace and demand cities. Maybe it's harder or less frequent?

I haven't tested this fully, but yes if you are at war, then you can get cities through a peace treaty. What may have been changed (since I couldn't do it, but it was Emperor so it may work on the easier levels), was the exploit where you went to the 'active' screen and renegotiated peace for cities (even though you hadn't been at war). This worked in older patches, if you had a higher power ranking than the AI, it would hand over cities as tribute.
Abandon function is very cool...


This allows you to practice true scorched earth against the enemy. Rather than allow approaching masses to attack and surely defeat your troops, gaining a territory foothold for bombers and cover, you can abandon your city and retreat the defenders to a better position. Defense in depth!

Combine this with pillaging your own land, and you can be Russian in WWII.
Originally posted by Sirian
Only... I understand that option of getting cities has been removed entirely?

I've been thinking about how to mod fix this problem. Transferred unhappiness / being unable to keep captured cities is a real pain.

One thing I'm considering is changing communism so that it can't whip. In order to counter-balance this advantage, perhaps I'll jack their unit support abilities, and maybe even make it on par with rep and dem trade wise.

Also, I think I'll change the draft happiness thing to 5 turns instead of 20 or whatever it is. Draft units blow anyway, there's no sense in really penalizing the AI if they want to use masses of them.

Of course, changing communism from whip to buy makes it absolutely useless when compared to monarchy (unless I give communism +1 trade). At least it should stop the AI from completely self-destructing.

I'm playing a single player OCC game right now (and I do mean right now, I usually ALT-TAB out of the game and surf the net while waiting for the AI to take its turns), and ALL of the other 7 states have been at war with each other for the past 60 or turns. All are communism, and there's a unbelievable amount of pop 1 cities. There's wide tracts of unsettled land around my city, and no one has settled it because all of their cities are pop 1.

What do you guys think? Does this unbalance the game or should it help stop the self-destruct?
I opened the menu but there was no ABANDON CITY choice there. Is there a specific technology I have to have or a certain number of cities?
:crazyeye: If you Abandon a city and do NOT get either any settlers or workers, WHAT HAPPENS TO THE POPULATION??

Do they all commit suicide? And if they do, what happens to all the decomposing bodies?

Originally posted by Amask
I opened the menu but there was no ABANDON CITY choice there. Is there a specific technology I have to have or a certain number of cities?

Have you downloaded and installed the 1.21f patch? "Abandon City" is a new feature.
Originally posted by Amask
I opened the menu but there was no ABANDON CITY choice there. Is there a specific technology I have to have or a certain number of cities?
It works, did it successfully. This is just a maybe, but if you are playing an old save you might not have it....not sure if this is true, just a maybe.

I only see one thing here ridiculous. ;):rolleyes: :p
The option to abandon will be enabled in old saves too. ;)

In my present SP game, just conquered three civs sharing my continent. Used the abandon option quite a few times to reposition the captured enemy cities. Stupid AI is hopeless at placing cities - no wonder they succumbed to my mighty host. :)
Originally posted by Zouave
:crazyeye: If you Abandon a city and do NOT get either any settlers or workers, WHAT HAPPENS TO THE POPULATION??

Do they all commit suicide? And if they do, what happens to all the decomposing bodies?


Its just a game... sometimes people forget this is just a game.
Originally posted by Bamspeedy
I can see using 'abandon city' when you are at war, and you have an undefended city that's about to be attacked and you have absolutely no way of saving it. This would prevent your treasury from being sacked and so the AI won't get control of another city.

Or when your newly-founded city is approached dy a stack of 32 barbarian horsemen. Of course, this only makes sense if you think you can stop them when they turn against your next city, or even better, if they then turn against an AI city. :egypt:
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