Abusive Fathers in history


Feb 4, 2006
fighitng for the fatherland
Do you think abusive fathers have majorly affected leaders throughout history. The only 2 leaders i can think of that had abusive fathers are Stalin and Hitler. They were both considered by many homociadal maniacs. So do you think they have effected any other leaders in history?
Well, if we can talk about important historical figures and not just "leaders", I should think many have had abusive backgrounds. Right now I'm reading a biography of Howlin' Wolf, who was brought up by his appallingly abusive great-uncle; the emotional scarring it caused would later come out in his music. And the abuse he suffered was much worse than that suffered by Hitler, whose father was was a petty martinet but not *that* abusive, I'd say.
All the Hanoverian kings had appalling relationships with their sons and successors, and they all turned out pretty bad.
Frederick William I of Prussia (father of Frederick the Great) and Roderigo Borgia (later Pope Alexander VI and father of Cesare and Lucretia Borgia) are said to have been abusive fathers. Phillip II of Macedon (Alexander's father) was also not noted for his parenting skills. Lucius Junius Brutus ordered the execution of his two sons - a little extreme but perhaps not abuse considering that they tried to overthrow the republic which their father had founded. William Jefferson Clinton had an abusive step-father.
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