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Achieving peace with the Aliens


Mar 16, 2013
Brasília. Not the faction.
So I was thinking: what would be exactly the way to regain the indifference of the aliens after antagonize them for some time? Just try to avoid them for a number of turns until the red turns orange and the orange turns green? Because it'll be very hard not to kill some aliens and destroy some nests for settling and exploring purposes, considering that they attack you if you approach the nests. In the Brazilian gameplay, the aliens became more hostile to you relatively quick, after the destruction of two nests and the killing of some units. There is a lot of difference between these necessary killings and to hunt them down for extinction. And we also must consider that the relationship with the aliens will be mostly global, not faction related.

Will there be global positive modifiers with the aliens or our relation with them will be a no-other-way-out downhill unless we choose the Harmony path?
But will our interactions with the aliens always be negative (combat, killing, destruction of nests)? I hope we'll get the possibility to do positive actions to improve your relation with the native life without necessarily go Harmony, like maybe building some kind of improvement for the aliens or even get positive points if you fight and detain a faction that is indiscriminately killing them.

I'm worried about that because inaction towards hostile aliens may not always be easy or achiavable. Have you seen the number of Sea Dragons on the gameplays? It'll be almost impossible to avoid them when you explore the seas. A deliberate way to calm aliens down seems really necessary to me.
A deliberate way to calm aliens down seems really necessary to me.

Simple, do not ever attack them, complain to the leaders of the other colonies if they do, and don't settle next to the alien nests. :mischief:

It's a choide you make: either you go plonking down outposts all over the map, regardless of existing 'habitation', or you avoid as much as possible to antagonize them.µ
I don't particularly feel there should be a facility or improvement to 'please' the native lifeforms.
I like that you can leave them alone. I always like to play as an expansive builder, and killing barbs / aliens in previous games would mean less hammers spent on buildings / workers / settlers.

I would choose to entirely ignore aliens in BE and focus on building and expanding, making use of the fence building to keep them away from my cities.
You can leave them alone
you can build improvements so they leave you alone (not make them less hostile)
ie building "the fence" means you need to attack aliens less.

Otherwise making them less hostile will probably involve Harmony (not that you would have to go full Harmony Affinity..maybe just get a few levels)
Yeah, but considering that the relationship between humans and aliens will not depend entirely on the player, you should be able to do something to appease the hostile wildlife if there's some faction killing all the aliens, otherwise you'll not be able to ignore the aliens with them destroying your explorers, settlements, early ships and trade routes. The non-Harmony player will end up being forced to antagonize the aliens as well, wasting some of the potential of the "They are not Barbarians" thing.
Yeah, but considering that the relationship between humans and aliens will not depend entirely on the player, you should be able to do something to appease the hostile wildlife if there's some faction killing all the aliens, otherwise you'll not be able to ignore the aliens with them destroying your explorers, settlements, early ships and trade routes. The non-Harmony player will end up being forced to antagonize the aliens as well, wasting some of the potential of the "They are not Barbarians" thing.

I think its a question of How much you antagonize them.
You will have to attack aliens, but hopefully you won't have to mass clear them out. (Mass clearing would be for mass colonization or harvesting the research)
The fence protects a radius of 2, and that is enough to connect cities.
It is possible most of them will ignore your trade units. (Only going for military )

It is a potential problem, but those are some of the ways they can deal with it.
(In addition to any part of alien hostility that is Not universal..ie faction, region, affinity specific)
1. every first level of an Affinity will make your explorers immune to alien attacks and maybe other levels/ techs will make your civilian younits immune as well.
2. You cannot draw any conclusions from a demo that was specifically made to show the global hostility mechanic how fast the hostility will increase.
3. You'll have to kill the aliens even if you're Harmony, clearing one nest once in a while wont do you any harm.
1. every first level of an Affinity will make your explorers immune to alien attacks and maybe other levels/ techs will make your civilian younits immune as well.
2. You cannot draw any conclusions from a demo that was specifically made to show the global hostility mechanic how fast the hostility will increase.
3. You'll have to kill the aliens even if you're Harmony, clearing one nest once in a while wont do you any harm.

1: Where did you get this info? The current info is:
Purity: Level 1: Aliens will not attack tiles with Explorer Units
Harmony: Not known
Supremacy: Level 1: Explorers can build 1 additional Expedition

2: Indeed

3: Indeed, untill u get "control" of the aliens u will have to clear them like everybody else.
What's with all this peace with aliens? The worst case scenario is that they will be hostile like the barbarians in civ V. Something all of us are perfectly use to. Now we just get the scavenging virtue along with the one that gives bonus to fighting aliens and it makes for a great start!
What's with all this peace with aliens? The worst case scenario is that they will be hostile like the barbarians in civ V. Something all of us are perfectly use to. Now we just get the scavenging virtue along with the one that gives bonus to fighting aliens and it makes for a great start!

Problem is that the aliens can pop up with the equivalent of destroyers when yoj're still in the classical era to say it in CiV terms.
What's with all this peace with aliens? The worst case scenario is that they will be hostile like the barbarians in civ V. Something all of us are perfectly use to. Now we just get the scavenging virtue along with the one that gives bonus to fighting aliens and it makes for a great start!

Its nice to see another Australian whose going to play Purity :goodjob:
What do you mean that the aliens can pop up with the equivalent of destroyers? You mean just at sea? Besides isn't alien agression global? That means my killing them on my continent makes them angry on another continent which doesn't make much sense! But that will make life hell for anyone not going down the might virtue!
I want to be a harmony freak :(

Please don't kill meh.

Supremecy sounds fun too. I believe in transhumanism though so purity is just ewww to me.

Our current physical state surely cannot be our best. There's too much to improve, I want to stronger, less pervious to harm, more intelligent, live longer, age slower, enlarge my .... Erm.
What do you mean that the aliens can pop up with the equivalent of destroyers? You mean just at sea? Besides isn't alien agression global? That means my killing them on my continent makes them angry on another continent which doesn't make much sense! But that will make life hell for anyone not going down the might virtue!

I was merely making a strength comparison with my destroyer example. :p Siege worms come over pretty invincible in the early game. CiV barbarians never had such strong units in the early game.
Remember, Planet seems to be sort of 'sentient', so native life harassing humans globally makes sense with that in mind.
The aliens aren't just barbarians, but they are barbarians.

As Harmony, it seems pretty clear that you can do far more than just make peace with the aliens; you can use them in your armies. Unfortunately, we don't have any details about that at present.

Unless there are even bigger aliens that we don't know about yet, I suspect that the way that the aliens will punish repeated aggression is by swarming en mass. And a large swarm of Strength 60 Siege Worms or Strength 70 Krakens is probably nothing to sneeze at, even in the late game.

It's not clear that killing aliens on your continent will make the aliens attack someone else on the other side of the planet, and I'd suspect that's not the case; it would make playing Harmony properly almost impossible. What does seem likely it that if your close neighbor is riling up the aliens, you may see some negative effects from that, but since it's close neighbor, you're in a position to do something about it.
As Harmony, it seems pretty clear that you can do far more than just make peace with the aliens; you can use them in your armies. Unfortunately, we don't have any details about that at present.

Unless there are even bigger aliens that we don't know about yet, I suspect that the way that the aliens will punish repeated aggression is by swarming en mass. And a large swarm of Strength 60 Siege Worms or Strength 70 Krakens is probably nothing to sneeze at, even in the late game.

It's not clear that killing aliens on your continent will make the aliens attack someone else on the other side of the planet, and I'd suspect that's not the case; it would make playing Harmony properly almost impossible. What does seem likely it that if your close neighbor is riling up the aliens, you may see some negative effects from that, but since it's close neighbor, you're in a position to do something about it.

Especially considering that 60 / 70 is the strength of late game units. ie its like Barbarians with Mech Infantry and Missile Cruisers.

There Hopefully is Some mechanism whereby attacking the aliens makes them more aggressive against the player attacking them than it does against every other player around the globe. (region would be an easy way...affinity should be added too... So a Supremacy player slaughtering aliens would not make the aliens AS unhappy with Purity players... after all at high levels they are separate species)
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