Acularius' GEM for Caveman2Cosmos

alright. i added in all the rock formations.

i also added the aurora to Greenland just so its on the map somewhere.

if someone would like to make a custom animal spawn file that's all there is left to do.

i need a break that took a long time.:sleep:

if my maps and the svn civ fix could be put on the front page that would be nice.:)

edit from the future: i may have accidentally messed up the Australian plate divide. not a big deal but thought i would mention it.


Here is a version that should work with the latest SVN.

It is a modified version of the one currently in the SVN. It uses replacement civs instead of custom ones.


This has not been tested, I can only edit the file - not test it.

Let me know if it loads. :)


Here is a version that should work with the latest SVN.

It is a modified version of the one currently in the SVN. It uses replacement civs instead of custom ones.


This has not been tested, I can only edit the file - not test it.

Let me know if it loads. :)

Thanks, for taking a look. Scenario loads and new game starts fine.

However, i think my original problem was with some civ definition being wrong, thus crashing game. I was using Custom Civs archive from GEM thread (latest version).

Could you take a look at those and fix problem maybe?
The Custom Civ archive crashes the game because the art files have been removed from C2C. Sparth is working on adding them back as a modmod.

Currently im working on a modmod civilization mega pack for C2C which include all removed from C2C civilizations plus dozen new ones. ETA week or two (if everything will be ok :)
ok after some work i have updated the map with a few things that i messed up on before and added a few new things including manganese nodules and Nitrene that were completely missing. i also added tons of fish in the grand banks to represent the huge grand banks fisheries and some copper ore in the upper peninsula of Michigan. in addition after looking over the map i found that simple stone was almost completely absent from most continents besides Europe (south America had like one I'm not even sure why it is a resource is like the most common thing ever) for some reason so i added it is hilly areas fairly spaced depending on geography. i don't care what you say about it its staying that way (i know theirs something about flint but that gives a 10% unit building boost and nothing else). in addition many areas were completely lacking fish (the west coast of Africa had none except for the south Africa area). and yes i consulted maps on this for the general area.

theirs a super high tech quantum crystal thing and I'm wondering if that should be added somewhere as its fantasy it could be anywhere.

I'm thinking a new thread should be started with an updated front page. seeing as I'm the only one doing things on this for like i year i might as well do it but i want to ask first.
The other thing that needs updating is the spawn file for the animals. It should be included with the maps so that it does not get lost but it needs to replace the one in the XML/Units file for people who play with this map.
The other thing that needs updating is the spawn file for the animals. It should be included with the maps so that it does not get lost but it needs to replace the one in the XML/Units file for people who play with this map.

what exactly needs to be done? i will do it if someone tells me what and how.
I'm thinking a new thread should be started with an updated front page. seeing as I'm the only one doing things on this for like i year i might as well do it but i want to ask first.

Redwallzyl - go for it. :goodjob: I am sure Acularius would not mind.

I did the same with SEM. Not being able to update the first post means you may miss lots of potential new players, who miss updates in later posts.
There is a file of spawns somewhere in this thread. Basically the Spawn file in the XML/Units folder needs to have all the longitude values moved 60 degrees west to match the map.

But wait until I move the last of the new units into that file. I should get to it latter today or early tomorrow.
I have now moved all the existing wild animal spawn information into the main file in XML/Units. It is designed for random maps where the left edge of the map as shown in the mini map, is 180 degrees West and the right edge of the map is 180 degrees East.

You should use the values from the existing spawn file in these threads because the areas defined will be the correct spawning areas on Earth rather than the vague regions used in the core file.

In the core file some animals have an extra entry for the Ngorongoro Crater. If it is on the GEM map you may want to consider replacing the existing ones with ones correct for that region of Africa.

The extra spawns for Shark Bay are not in the core file but in the Natural Wonders mod. There is no need to worry about that as it only spawns sea creatures, mostly Sharks.
so do i just modify the old file? or should i move things from the new file?

here is an entry from the old file. so do i change both <iMinLongitude>90</iMinLongitude> and
<iMaxLongitude>180</iMaxLongitude> to
150 and 60 respectively?

Spoiler :
According to the first post there was a spawn file included. That is the one you should start with.

Then for all animals in the one on the SVN which are not in that downloaded file
  1. Copy the entry over to the new file
  2. Adjust the latitude and longitude to accurately reflect the real Earth areas on Earth but moved 60 degrees West.
  3. Consider some special spawns for the natural wonder Ngorongoro Crater.

Check that it is 60 degrees by looking at a widely placed that is in both files eg lion should give you the correct move west.
According to the first post there was a spawn file included. That is the one you should start with.

Then for all animals in the one on the SVN which are not in that downloaded file
  1. Copy the entry over to the new file
  2. Adjust the latitude and longitude to accurately reflect the real Earth areas on Earth but moved 60 degrees West.
  3. Consider some special spawns for the natural wonder Ngorongoro Crater.

Check that it is 60 degrees by looking at a widely placed that is in both files eg lion should give you the correct move west.

so why is the latitude and longitude different? is the gem map alined weirdly to the c2c configuration?

looking at the files there are negative longitudes is that the east or west hemisphere?
many units in the file seem to be just lacking latitude and or longitude completely so it might be better to just use the completely new file and modify it. if the animals are alined right to real areas then it shouldn't be to much of a problem. some specific animals may need specific modifications like the Australian ones if they are not alined to just the south.
In BtS -180 longitude = 180 degrees East and is the left hand edge of the mini map. GEM has Africa and Europe at that side of the map. So they don't line up.

-90 degrees latitude = 90 degrees South.

The values in the default spawn file are mostly about getting a balanced set of areas loosely based on Earth. I just split East-West into 3 groups.
In BtS -180 longitude = 180 degrees East and is the left hand edge of the mini map. GEM has Africa and Europe at that side of the map. So they don't line up.

-90 degrees latitude = 90 degrees South.

The values in the default spawn file are mostly about getting a balanced set of areas loosely based on Earth. I just split East-West into 3 groups.

ok so i get that. are the groups lined up in such a way that if i moved them all the areas stuff west of GMT England would be in the American spawn areas? i want to make sure before i spend lots of time on this you understand.
Sooo, which file do I use with the Civ Megapack modmod?

Also, whats the limit to Civs on this map?
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