Adding Civilizations to Steam version of CIV4


Nov 30, 2016
Hi, I found a resource to add a civilization to CIV4, but the problem is that its rather out of date. I recently bought CIV 4 and the links are mostly broken. I was able to create ddx images, and started editing the XML in a duplicate folder I have filed for convinence, but quickly realized I couldn't find the DDX images in Steam's folders.

Kind of at a loss, I was going to make a holiday mod of a civilization scenerio "Cookies"...

At this point I would rather just add more leaders... and call it a consolation...

EDIT: Trying to consolidate this a bit


=> Unit A

=> Unit B

I was under the assumption that special units could be added... but here is a small bit of brain storming

I could make them into animated gifs, if thats how it is done?

Edit: here is one of the animations I just did in MSPAINT ->

looks like a fun mod.
Are you doing 12 days of Christmas events?
You are more likely to get a response if you post over in the mods help section
good luck with your mod
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