Fellow FfHers: your opinions please.
What combination of buildings, civics and traits will yeild the most adventurers for the Grigori? Should the National Epic be used along with the Adventurer buildings?
To my mind, the basics, which must be in the capital with no other GPP producing buildings, are:
Grigori Palace +2 Adv
Monument +15% GPP
Adventurers' Guild +2 Adv, +25% GPP
Grigori Tavern +1 Adv
Pacifism +50%
Republic +25%
Philosophical +100%
This yields a base 5 + 215% = 10.75/turn, 100% chance Adventurer
Now, adding the National Epic brings this up to 5 + 315% = 15.75/turn, but since there are 3 vs 1 sources, I reckon it should be 75% Adventurer, 25% Great Commander.
And so for your opnions: is it worth building the National Epic in the capital? It increases the GPP rate by about a third, at the cost of a 25% chance of a Great Commander (which is hardly uselss, after all).
Are there any other means of boosting this that I'm not aware of, other than a Golden Age?
Your thoughts?
What combination of buildings, civics and traits will yeild the most adventurers for the Grigori? Should the National Epic be used along with the Adventurer buildings?
To my mind, the basics, which must be in the capital with no other GPP producing buildings, are:
Grigori Palace +2 Adv
Monument +15% GPP
Adventurers' Guild +2 Adv, +25% GPP
Grigori Tavern +1 Adv
Pacifism +50%
Republic +25%
Philosophical +100%
This yields a base 5 + 215% = 10.75/turn, 100% chance Adventurer
Now, adding the National Epic brings this up to 5 + 315% = 15.75/turn, but since there are 3 vs 1 sources, I reckon it should be 75% Adventurer, 25% Great Commander.
And so for your opnions: is it worth building the National Epic in the capital? It increases the GPP rate by about a third, at the cost of a 25% chance of a Great Commander (which is hardly uselss, after all).
Are there any other means of boosting this that I'm not aware of, other than a Golden Age?
Your thoughts?