I wonder, by the way, whether it makes any difference to include references to textures or not in the .fxsxml files, since the .gr2 models themselves already specify the textures that they will use.
Units that have multiple textures (like battleships, with a "damaged" state graphic) need explicit lists in the FXSXML, and the GR2 may or may not have a texture linked at all, but ones with only one texture worked just fine with only the GR2 declaration, at least in DX9. And yes, I'd considered the possibility that the lack of animations/texture declarations/etc. may have been what was causing the DX10 issue in the first place, but the process was failing even for those test units that, to me, were direct copies of an existing unit. Something was flawed, either in my GIMP/Blender pipeline, or in the original models/textures themselves. I was still in the process of tracking this down when 674 came out.
Basically, though, my top priority was to get something playable, and then work on making it pretty only when I was sure the underlying mod was solid. That's why I didn't have any custom models at all for so long; having custom graphics makes the mod look better, and makes it easier for the player to keep track, but I'd been doing pretty well in my own games with just the placeholder graphics. This is also why I'd put the graphical work on hold while I switched over to the Mythology content; it wasn't that I'd given up on the Ascension mod, it was just that I wanted three functional mods, and THEN I'd go back to custom graphics.
And this is why the mod's on hold for now. With the current tools, I can't make a mod that I'd personally consider playable, although I've figured out enough workarounds to get fairly close. So until we get the tools needed for my mods to work again (which probably means the full DLL), I'm not releasing anything for public consumption.