So this forum has been pretty desolate these last few days.
Well, like I said in the Mythology thread, if no one's posting any feedback, there's not a lot of reason for me to keep posting new versions here on a regular basis. The entire reason I post files here, instead of just playing them for myself (like I did with my never-released Civ4 Alpha Centauri mod) is so that I can get the feedback needed to make the mods better. Since the currently posted versions are stable for most folks, I'm going to leave them here until I've got something noticeably better to replace them with.
The end result of this is that I've just been working on the mods on my own machine, adding stuff as I go without worrying about whether it's stable enough for others to use. Well, I've been modding in between games of The Old Republic, Mass Effect 3, Skyrim, Minecraft, work, socializing, various medical problems, and sleep, so it's not going quickly. And tonight I'm going to a lecture by Steven Hawking, so not much time for modding until tomorrow.
Because of this lack of feedback, my main emphasis has been on less obvious things. Getting the turn number-to-year number conversion to work correctly for the Mythology mod, making it so that clicking on a Focus on the mandala shows the area covered by that Focus, adding lots of Civilopedia text and updating the Concepts page, that sort of thing. It's slow, low-priority stuff that I normally wouldn't bother with during the balance phase, but at the moment there's very little balancing going on.
Have you figured out why most of the models haven't been showing up in DX10/11? The Assult Power Armor has been showing up for me.
Wait, that one HAS been showing up for you? From what most people have said, absolutely none of the new models were appearing for them in DX10, even the ones that (like that powersuit) were simply straight conversions of functional Civ4 models. I'll admit that I haven't checked those in any detail lately; when I run a test game I'm often testing three or four things at once, and so I tend to stick with DX9, and most of my recent testing has been in the Mythology mod.
Honestly, what'd really help here is if someone else tried to do a Civ4->Civ5 conversion using the same input files that I did. That way, if their version worked, we'd be able to figure out what I did wrong. But there really haven't been a lot of folks working on unit graphics, and the few that do tend to concentrate on earlier eras (especially WW2). So I've really got no baseline to compare to.
Also, I reuploaded your mods to try and fix the tile replacement issue, the games still been pretty unstable however...
It's very strange, since it's been completely stable for me (well, barring the few test versions after I overhauled the memory storage mechanisms and UI), at least in the DX9 version. If there's a conflict with DLCs, or some specific setting on your machine, then I could understand the instability, but there'd be no way I could debug anything like that if I can't reproduce it for myself. If it's not giving you an explicit Lua error when it crashes, and if there's nothing suspicious in the database log, then I don't think it's going to get much better any time soon.
If you're using the DX10 and it's crashing, then it's possible that the crash is because of whatever problem is causing the unit graphics to not work. In other words, fixing one problem should fix the other. But I have no idea when/if that'll get fixed.