Agony - A new idea for the mod


Fallout Scrubber
Mar 4, 2006
Poland, EU
Since I'm getting closer to finishing World War II 1939 I started to plan next mod. And sorry for my bad english - it's easier to brainstorm than to wrote something in foreign language.

The game would be placed in the middle of XXII century on the world map (it would be also real cool to have map script generating ballanced world map with randomly placed nations). This is the world from the worst nightmaire. Agony of world was caused by increased demand of resources. Since most of mineral resources were exploited the mayor superpowers in XXI century and the begining of XXII century started recolonizations of Africa. They rushed for resources placed on Ocean, Arctica and Antarctica. Minor conflicts in Africa and Asia soon caused mayor conflicts. The fall of some superpowers finished with using WMD. The financial crisises, poverty of people and destroyed environment do the rest. This is the world in agony.

The nations could be seperated on six groups - as seen on the drawing.

Alliance Group - merged and allianced global corporations, or rather what left from them. Created on the ashes of South-East Asia and Japan.
+Extra 6 technologies at the begining of the game. Fast development of technologies. Financial efficiency
- Depending much on access to resources. Smaller manpower value.

Citadel Group - totalitarian nations. Represented by PRC People's Republic Of China (Chengqiang) and North American Union (Citadel) wich started rush for last resources on Earth. The main purose of creating new totalitarian civics called Citadelism was to defend coutry against hostile countries, terrorist, bandits and securing the state. Bigger resistance to espionage attacks
+ Extra 3 military technologies at the begining of the game, Lowered risk of revolution, No unhapiness in cities. Large stockpile of WMD. Faster production. Additional defense in the cities
- Additional penalty to foreign affairs, Unaible to rich golden age, no happiness bonuses in cities. Low morale of troops. Bigger emission of polutions.

Tribes - South America + not belonging to Citadel, Chengqiang and Union parts of Africa. Their religious leader Aquarius wants to rebuild world under new rules.

Union - group of democratic countries with parliamentary system. Remains of European Union, parts of Western Russia, Middle East and North Africa.
+Golden age last twice longer. Each happy face adds additional production (+1 hammer). Extra three non military technologies on the beginning of the game. Lowered need for resources. Additional bonus to foreign affairs. Bigger probability of cultural takeover of cities
- Extra unhappy face causes smaller production (-2 hammers). Weaker defense in the cities. Vurnelable to espionage. High war wareness. Bigger proability of revolution

Each group will have neutral attitude to two neighbour groups and hostile attitude to three oposite on the drawing nations.
Reserved for future ideas
And this one is reserved too
And this one too
I'll update first post soon - i'm lacking time recently :(

Sounds :cool:, i like the idea.

The faction-names sounds for me to fallout-like, especially the "citadell" (i would prefer an other name).

I'll watch the thread.

Yeah i know but citadel in this mod will be more like enclave than brotherhood of steel :)
Or looking on SMAC something like Hive.

The names aren't so important. It can also be called for example Fortress, Wall or even Castle.
From first modelling wich i started the citiess would look like castles. The buildings would be medium and medium-high 4-20 floors, joining each other (the cities won't have streets - the communication will be done inside buildings or through squares placed on the roofs of the smaller buildings). Whole city would be sorrounded by thick walls (they'll start game with this building). Chinese citadel - Chengqiang (wich means wall) would have slightly differen look of buildings and by default they will start with building that'll will protect against hacks from network (greater defense against spies).

Does that mean you'll make lots of futuristic unit graphics? :cool:

Yeah :)
Mostly robotic (but not mechs) and future versions of types units we know now.

How is the work going on?

I'm right now planning it. The 1939 mod is much more important for me. But when I'll finish i'll start working on it. Mostly graphics in the beging. If the civ V would come soon I'll probably move this project to new civ.
I'll update first post soon - i'm lacking time recently :(

I think, "time" would be a good christmas-present :lol: (...for me too).
I'll wait :cool:

Yeah i know but citadel in this mod will be more like enclave than brotherhood of steel :)
Or looking on SMAC something like Hive.

The names aren't so important. It can also be called for example Fortress, Wall or even Castle.

I just wanted to be sure, that there are no missunderstandings, because people are thinking false things.

From first modelling wich i started the citiess would look like castles. The buildings would be medium and medium-high 4-20 floors, joining each other (the cities won't have streets - the communication will be done inside buildings or through squares placed on the roofs of the smaller buildings). Whole city would be sorrounded by thick walls (they'll start game with this building). Chinese citadel - Chengqiang (wich means wall) would have slightly differen look of buildings and by default they will start with building that'll will protect against hacks from network (greater defense against spies).

I think this will be pretty :cool:.
But i guess, this would take too much time for this "detail", because i've never looked really close to the cities, and i think other people too.

Yeah :)
Mostly robotic (but not mechs) and future versions of types units we know now.

Nice :cool:.

If the civ V would come soon I'll probably move this project to new civ.

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