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Ah Different Strategy...


Iron Maiden Fan!
Jan 4, 2002
Aberdeen, Scotland
In my current game.... (Tiny Map, Germans, Regent) I have utilised a different strategy that I have been thinking about.

I started land grabber (reasonably though) and have concentrated on culture and sciene. I only built one spearman/pikeman/etc in each city as defence and once I got republic, started churning out the techs. All was well, I had a huge cultural lead (and I mean 10 wonders in Berlin) and was gobbling up the odd enemy city.

Once I got Espionage, I planted a spy in the others Civs (Babylon who were still early Middle Ages!) and Zulu (how were 5 techs behind me). The english spy was alsways caught and since i had loadsa money, and a fresh save before hand ... I tried over and over until the english declared war. I thought I was up the creek, but we shared a small border.

I immediately built knioghts and cavalry and made a MPP with the Zulu and Babylonians. I waitied for the English attack. They attacked my city and were anhililated! It was Everyone versus the English now! Since I spent so much time on making good cities, I had 6 that could pump out a knigh every 5 turns and had a big enough army pretty quickly. I attacked the english and they were getting pummeled! I didn't loose one unit, after started with 1 defender per city right uptil espionage ... I then became a major world military power. The english are gone, I have a monjjopoly on resources, I am almost in the Modern age while the other to civs are still Middle Ages!

I was considering a reload once the english declared war but I now have 2000+ gold! I can put it down to luck I think but the tactic may be sound.

I agree that the strategy is basically sound... I have won two cultural victories this way. Only one problem--- The AI has to let you live with only one defender. Sometimes they will not. They see easy prey, and you are thrown into war before ready.
I have started a couple of intended cultural games like this, only to be forced to mobilize in early years, -- resulting in domination or UN wins. So far no losses.... except the games I resigned as hopeless.:(
I have a theory why the Ai never attacked me til I enticed the english...

I had a bigger land mass (which is one of the factors of power) and I did them dair trades and techs since they were miles behind to keep them happy.

Im going to demolish the barbs with an army of panzers and bombers next !
" Im going to demolish the barbs with an army of panzers and bombers next !"

I don't thnk that is possible. Unless you meant Babs...
I have barbs appearing every few turns somewhere even in 1550. THat's ok, I can use the 25 Gold....:D
Originally posted by Moulton
I agree that the strategy is basically sound... I have won two cultural victories this way. Only one problem--- The AI has to let you live with only one defender. Sometimes they will not. They see easy prey, and you are thrown into war before ready.
I have started a couple of intended cultural games like this, only to be forced to mobilize in early years, -- resulting in domination or UN wins. So far no losses.... except the games I resigned as hopeless.:(

Damn them! Even two defenders may be to few. Gandhi attacked my civ the other night while we still were in the ancient era. I played nicely with him, gave him gifts, traded much, never demanded anything. Only thing that could have offended him was my steady build-up of border cities, stealing territory from his nation. But he was smaller than me, and I saw no threat, having at least two units in all cities.
Boom! Three stacks of 5 to 10 swordsmen rolled in, took two cities by surprise first turn. Then, without mercy, ate a new city every other turn in a straight line towards Paris. I quit. Angry for losing, but impressed by a superbly executed blitz by the AI.

Originally posted by Moulton
" Im going to demolish the barbs with an army of panzers and bombers next !"

I don't thnk that is possible. Unless you meant Babs...
I have barbs appearing every few turns somewhere even in 1550. THat's ok, I can use the 25 Gold....:D

Woops ! I meant Babs ! sorry !

When I get panzers im going to absolutly kill the Babylonians ... DEAD !
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