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[BNW] AI unit upgrades and general AI balance


Nov 7, 2019
Hello, I have been playing King difficulty. I find this a nice level to play until the snowball effect and I run away with the game. I have been experimenting with adjusting the balance so the ai can keep pace but without me in turn having to resort to gamey tactics and repetitive gameplay of emperor and above. I am currently looking at how to make the AI prioritise upgrading its units and to make it easy for it to do so. Would discounting be enough or does the ai need to be told to prioritise upgrades? Any advice appreciated.
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Hello, I have been playing King difficulty. I find this a nice level to play until the snowball effect and I run away with the game. I have been experimenting with adjusting the balance so the ai can keep pace but without me in turn having to resort to gamey tactics and repetitive gameplay of emperor and above. I am currently looking at how to make the AI prioritise upgrading its units and to make it easy for it to do so. Would discounting be enough or does the ai need to be told to prioritise upgrades? Any advice appreciated.

I have experimented with custom difficulty in the past. For example if you like to keep everything like on King but just make the AI have stronger armies, you could tweak their settings to give them more free XP or XP gain, or you could give them a bigger production discount for units so that they will amass armies faster and replace dead units faster. You can also buff the combat values of the units that the AI predominantly uses and decrease those he does not use well, but you do (bombers, artillery etc)

You can do this by editing the game files that contain these parameters.
But tweaking with the strategies AI uses is something I found too difficult to try to understand so I left those alone.
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