First off, love the mod!
In my current game I wanted to achieve an Industrialization Victory, but it seems like this is not really possible since the AI is extremely far ahead, e.g., 7500 of 10000, whereas I stand at 3000 or something. At the same time, the AI is not particularly stronger, actually it is worse in every regard except in food production (which from my understanding is extremely buffed). So, I suspect that food production is part of the industrialization victory score and thus a bit "unfair", is this intended or is this a leftover?
The second question is kinda related, I suspect that the quality / tier of the products don't make a difference, so 10 fur produced is the same as 10 fieldworker tools produced. Or is there a multiplier for higher tier goods?
For my playthrough I sadly have to resort to the military option, since I don't see how I can catch up the AI. Any hints are welcome.
In my current game I wanted to achieve an Industrialization Victory, but it seems like this is not really possible since the AI is extremely far ahead, e.g., 7500 of 10000, whereas I stand at 3000 or something. At the same time, the AI is not particularly stronger, actually it is worse in every regard except in food production (which from my understanding is extremely buffed). So, I suspect that food production is part of the industrialization victory score and thus a bit "unfair", is this intended or is this a leftover?
The second question is kinda related, I suspect that the quality / tier of the products don't make a difference, so 10 fur produced is the same as 10 fieldworker tools produced. Or is there a multiplier for higher tier goods?
For my playthrough I sadly have to resort to the military option, since I don't see how I can catch up the AI. Any hints are welcome.