Always spacerace victory?


Jan 16, 2006
Norway. You'll never leave
Is it possible to win another victory than space race if you have it enabled?
I've only finished two games but they both ended in a spacerace vitory at around mid 19-houndreds. And by the looks of it, my third game will also end in one. I dont want to disable it but its booring if each game ends with one.
Im trying for domination on a large map with all enabled.

Not sure if ill manage it. Upkeep starting to bite and getting war-weary myself never mind the population ;p
sweetpete said:
Is it possible to win another victory than space race if you have it enabled?
I've only finished two games but they both ended in a spacerace vitory at around mid 19-houndreds. And by the looks of it, my third game will also end in one. I dont want to disable it but its booring if each game ends with one.
Yeah, it's possible. You just have to get there before the AI...which usually means getting them stuck in wars to try to slow them down.
It's difficult in games were the tech pace is high (esp on difficulties above Noble). If Mansa Musa is around and has lots of cottages, for example, he'll keep you on your toes and because of the tech race, the space race begins a lot earlier.

Try perhaps starting a game with no financial civs. Also, the lower the difficulty, the lower the AI research speed. So as long as you don't help the tech progression too much (ie. don't focus on research and then share it around), you might get one of the other victories.
If you turn space race victory off, how does this effect the tech race by the AI? How does it effect things in general?
Marshall Thomas said:
If you turn space race victory off, how does this effect the tech race by the AI? How does it effect things in general?
I haven't noticed any changes in how the AI researches things. However, considering that the AI can't plan far enough ahead to win by Culture and is too bad at warfare to get one of the military victories, about the only way you're liable to actually lose with Space Race turned off is via Time.
I've yet to see a space-race victory despite having had it turned on. I'm on my ~sixth game, having played on noble most of the time and won domination and diplomacy. Currently I'm on prince and no indication a space-race victory will happen (I'm aiming for conquest but my principal opponent is a tough nut to crack - possibly will just win on time). The main reason I don't get a space-race win is that I don't bother building the components - they take too long and distract from building culture-producers and military units.
space race is kind of boring. you research all this neat techs and are capable to build lots of insane damaging units, but don't do so just to build a space ship... baah, conquer the world already!
I have only played 5 games so far, each with all victory conditions enabled, and so far I have won by cultural, Domination, Diplomatic, & Conquest. No sign of space race in any game yet.
Most of my victories have been by space race. I don't usually plan on it, space race seems to be my fall back when my main objective fails.

I just finished a game with all victory options on. I was trying for a conquest win so with domination on I burned cities to avoid a domination victory. Unfortunatly, the other ai's popped in new cities behind me. So I gave that up and with no other option available I got the space race win.

I will turn off space race and domination option off the next time I plan on going for conquest. That should help me focus my attention. I think be keeping space race on I get a little lazy.
rainmaker said:
Most of my victories have been by space race. I don't usually plan on it, space race seems to be my fall back when my main objective fails.

Bingo... the Space Race is what just happens when you don't actively set out to win by another method. Sometimes ya win, sometimes ya lose. But if you don't actually try for another win condition, they don't just "happen".
my first victory was a space race, but now I am just struggling to get to an era in which I can win with military conquest. So far I have struggled because I suck at war.
You can disable the space race in the Custom Game menu.
Or you can accomplish other victories before the AI starts a space race.
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