Am I the only one watching Big Love?


شێری گەورە
May 6, 2010
HBO's polygamist family drama. Am I the only one on these forums who's watching the 5th season?
I watched it. It was decent, if only for the Amanda Seyfried character. I loved when she was being feminist and independent and blowing off her parents; same with the eldest son. That being said, it was still hard for me to watch because I absolutely abhorred both Bill (who was a jerkwad) and Barb (the self-righteous religious type of person that I CANNOT stand hearing speak), and I hated Margie too (she was the type of tv stupid that makes me turn the tv off). Bill's mom was aight, and Nickie had her moments. But yeah, it was mostly Seyfried's character and the son, and once the two of them began swinging away from rebellion, the show got really dull again.
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