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What TV Shows Are You Watching? 8: Streaming Is the New Cable

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Way back when (80s), Dallas ran the whole 31 episodes of season 9 that turned out to be Pam's dream. Bobby died at the end of Season 8 as Patrick Duffy left the show. He came back in Season 10.

Jack Ryan, season 4. I enjoyed the first three seasons of this show, despite largely feeling like Krasinski is trying to fit into a mold he does not. Though, he does a good job with that in mind. That persona isn't him, but he sure makes an effort at trying to make it work.

Unfortunately, the fourth season is a mess. It ends strongly, but the first half of the season is barely watchable, and that's problematic for a six-episode run. There are three concurrent plots happening that eventually converge, but their independent appeal before that point is little. The structure of the story could have done with a couple extra rounds of work. 5.5/10, perhaps.
If we go by the letter of the rules, then after more than 24 hours of his not starting it the next would be you, but as the starter of the current thread you're skipped, so it'd go on to a certain Grendeldef.
:lol: who is post 1001?
No, no, no. It's supposed to go the other way. The poster before EvaDK happens to be the same as #1001 but that's a coincidence, and anyway it's not for another day yet.
I would certainly bow to either @Grendeldef or @EvaDK taking the next thread if @Arakhor doesn't, but I've never seen the process go backwards rather than forward. :)
…??? the rule has explicitly been that the count was backwards, not forwards, since 2010 or earlier.
News to me; any actual link? I don't care which way it goes, backwards is just new to me. Hopefully my @s will bring them to the table.
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