Ancient and Classical buildings Elimination Thread

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Ancestral Hall (15)
Lighthouse (10) (13-3)
Monument (44) (43+1)

Of the three buildings left the lighthouse is the worst imo.
The monument is the only building left you can build in every city. Also the culture it provides is key for every single game.
Ancestral Hall (15)
Lighthouse (7) (10-3): A fine building, but not as good as the other two.
Monument (45) (44+1): I have to say, I think the Government Plaza buildings are hard to rank in this type of competition. Is the Ancestral Hall better than one Monument? Absolutely. Is it better than 2.5 Monuments (equivalent production cost)? ...Yeah, I'd say so. Is it better than the ability to build a Monument in every city in your empire? That's a harder call. Ancestral Hall costs 150 production once. Monuments require production and build time in new cities before they start benefiting you. Having said that, the Monument has a big impact early on in racing you towards your first government. I think that gives Monuments the edge ultimately; the AC takes time to start paying off, whereas Monuments are there right from the start.
Ancestral Hall (12) I find myself almost always building this quite late.
Lighthouse (11) Every coastal city gets one asap.
Monument (44)
Ancestral Hall (9) I find myself almost always building this quite late.
Lighthouse (12) Every coastal city gets one asap.
Monument (44)

Ancestral Hall (12-3=9) This is potentially very powerful, but I think it's a lot more situational than people usually acknowledge. A lot of competition for land happens sooner than you can get this researched and built. If you still have enough strong city locations afterward to make this worthwhile, that's great, but this situation definitely isn't guaranteed, and it's a situation in which you were already likely to do well.

Lighthouse (11+1=12) This is slightly situational as well, but I'd argue coastal cities are a more dependable part of gameplay than the scenario I describe above. And if you do have a coastal city, this is basically a Market's trade route, a Granary's housing, a Water Mill's Food and a Stable's experience rolled into a single building.
Ancestral Hall (10)
Lighthouse (9)
Monument (44)
Ancestral Hall (9+1)
Lighthouse (12-3)

If you build Ancestral Hall late you are playing it wrong. Normally my 4th city can benefit from Ancestral Hall. all the way to my 18th city. It's not just that one builder, but you can use that builder to instantly chop a rainforest to accelerate monument and bring population to 3 (having 3 population instead of 1, allows you to settle some spaces where loyalty pressure is like -10). Even many people who upvoted AH are still not having the full power of it.

Also one should build Gov. Plaza as soon as possible. The governor's title alone is enough to justify that.
Ancestral Hall (7) (10-3)
Lighthouse (7) (6+1)

Monument (45)

Moderator Action: Edited to reflect deleted post --NZ

Lighthouse - There's just a lot for the cost. Housing, food, gold, and so on, that make it worth several buildings at once. But the trade routes are what really lift this up. Sea trade routes are powerful sources of gold, which is equivalent to transferrable production. When you need something in another city, and need it now, not turns from now. Lighthouses are the best source of money in the early game.

Ancestral Hall - This is an incredibly powerful building. It is well deserving of making it this far. The only complaint I have against it is that its benefits are frontloaded and hard to tease out in comparison to other things. Sure, you saved some production by not having builders and a little bit to get settlers. But there's a weird opportunity cost to building the plaza and the building to get the most benefit, in that you have to not be building something else in your most productive city. While settlers are probably the most important thing to build in abstract, other things often get higher priority for legitimate reasons. Warriors/archers to fend off invaders, a key wonder (pyramid, etc), or even settlers themselves.

Apologies for being absent the last few days. Work got a little crazy. Leaderboard updated. Let me know if I made a mistake.
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Ancestral Hall (7)
Lighthouse (4)
Monument (46)

Did my original post get deleted? I may have hit delete rather than edit :mischief:

Lighthouse 4 (7-3): I love harbours. I play maps with a balance of water and land (Seven Seas, Primordial, Tilted Axis) so I build lots of harbours and lots of lighthouses. Downvoting it here isn't because I think it's a bad building, it isn't. But I've pimped the Ancestral Hall all thread so I can't change now...

Monument 46 (45+1): You build one of these in every city - is there another building you can say this about? A couple of these in the Ancient Era can really help you power through the civics tree early doors.

Although I do find it strange that people think +2 culture is amazeballs but +2 science is garbage. Hey ho.
Ancestral Hall (4)
Lighthouse (5)

Monument (46)

Ancestral Hall (7-3=4): And here comes the previously announced downvote for the Ancestral Hall. While being a great building, I think the opportunity cost of the Govt.Plaza is something to consider. Depends on your strategy, of course, and may pay off more often than not, but it is still a district locked to get the boni. Also, it kinds of forces you to a specific strategy, instead of being a more generalist buiding.

Lighthouse (4+1=5): At cost of not upvoting the monument, which deserves a +1, but has already too many (and is not just +2 culture, it's loyalty, and the border growth associate to that culture, which translated to gold, is quite a bit), I'm going for the lighthouse which, I think, I haven't upvoted yet either, and this way gets ahead of the AH. Of course, you only build it on coastal cities, but you indeed want it: trade route, food, gold, and normally housing... - чего еще желать? (read it in Peter's voice... What else can you wish for?)
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Did my original post get deleted? I may have hit delete rather than edit :mischief:
Moderator Action: I deleted it as it did not contain any explanations for your vote which is against the rules, sorry.

Mount Suribachi said:
I did that as I have seen others do it in this thread - quickly post their scores, then edit their post straight away to add their comments on. That way they're not typing out their explanation whilst someone else is posting and getting the scores all screwed up. This has happened to me just about every time I posted in this thread so I decided to copy what everyone else seemed to be doing.

Moderator Action: I've never seen anyone doing that personally but you might be right, it's better if you write your whole post then check for any new posts - you should get a message warning you.
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Ancestral Hall (5) 4+1
Lighthouse (2) 5-3

Monument (46)

Lighthouse is great but a lot of times games/maps/cities are not coastal with nary a harbor built. While there's always going to be a possible situation for the ancestral hall or or Monument.
Ancestral Hall (3) (6-3) Great building but stands below the monument.
Monument (47) (46+1) Yeah, this is built in every city. I'll let someone else do the honours of elimination.
Ancestral Hall (ELIMINATED) (3-3)
Monument (48) (47+1)

I was considering as a joke upvoting Ancestral Hall to force at least two more votes in this thread, but I just couldn't justify downvoting monument. Ancestral hall is game-changingly good in like 99% of my games (since/therefore I always choose it). But monuments are universally essential, even with an audience chamber or warlord's throne. I feel very satisfied with the final placements. ^_^
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