Anglo-Germanic Confederacy Faction?

I think that probably refers to the EU getting involved in its own breakdown into FI + SF + (Britain, Germany, etc.)

It could be. It's all very open ended, which I like. I do have a few questions based on trailers of what the Great Mistake could be. But at least it's justifiable or defensible that current powers of today are not represented in the future.

Also, I like how the backgrounds reflect that getting into space is not easy either. Just look at the African Union, they pretty much had to sell their lands and natural resources and leave those left behind with nothing just for a shot at space.
Also, I like how the backgrounds reflect that getting into space is not easy either. Just look at the African Union, they pretty much had to sell their lands and natural resources and leave those left behind with nothing just for a shot at space.

As far as I understand Barre's letter, the PAU had to trade resources and launch facility availability for the technical knowhow of space travel, or starship construction and colony supplies.
Just because there was a mistake on earth, which from the lore sounds to be in the horsehockeys anyway, doesn't mean a small scientific collective of Anglo-Germanics head out to the new world aswell ?

I mean despite media aspertions Britian and Germany aren't even a ruling powers, so why couldn't they do the same as the rest of these guys?
If it makes you happy, you can think of one of the abandonned settlements your explorers find on the new planet a failed Anglo-Germanic colony.
While I assume something like this is already earmarked for DLC/expansion somewhere down the line, I kinda hope they get a bit more creative with adding new sponsors to the game. How about The Free Territory under the new Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army of Ukraine "led" (maybe led isn't the right word for an anarchist faction) by a distant relative of Nestor Makhno? Maybe a Confederation of Salish Tribes to get a Native American faction in the game? Or let's see some sort of ultra brutal, autocratic, warmongering Canada added to the game, so I can have a little giggle while exterminating the comparatively peaceful ARC to create Lebensraum for my purity settlers in a late game realization of Canadian manifest destiny?

There are so many possibilities, and besides, I really like the idea of making English people grumpy by deeming them not important enough to have their own sponsor in BE. :P
Of course the English, German, etc. have their own sponsor. It's called Franco-Iberia, or the Slavic Federation. :crazyeye:
Well to be fair, and I don't mean this as offensive, but I could actually see Britian being apart of the Slavic Federation considering the large Polish population, and if a great mistake could rip apart the EU I find it likely that Britian would be apart of the Slavs in some way, but it would nice to see an anglo-germanic nation I think.

Or even a scottish only one.
Well to be fair, and I don't mean this as offensive, but I could actually see Britian being apart of the Slavic Federation considering the large Polish population, and if a great mistake could rip apart the EU I find it likely that Britian would be apart of the Slavs in some way, but it would nice to see an anglo-germanic nation I think.

Or even a scottish only one.

In that same view, you could as well see Britain part of the Kavithan Protectore since there's a large Indian segment in its population.
In that same view, you could as well see Britain part of the Kavithan Protectore since there's a large Indian segment in its population.

That too, But I'd see it more likely to culturally integrate with eastern European ideologies than Indian ideologies. Though its not out of the question. I guess it just seems weird to me that a country that once opressed them would be welcomed by a society dominant by them ? That and the predominantly white population has a similar culture to the eastern Europeans than the Indians I think.

Of course they are both equally likely and acceptable in my terms. I guess I just like the no-nonsense hard working attitude the Polish have in my area :P
I could see British citizens dispersed across Polystralia, the Kavithan Protectorate and even the ARC. Well, the US, given it's still implied to exist.
I was thinking about bonuses, and what type would fit a "Confederate States of Europe" including Germany, Britain, Nordics, Low countries

I was thinking -10% (or 5% to 25% as balanced) energy maintenance (buiilding, unit, and tile improvement)
Plus some type of a bonus for marine tiles

Since all those areas have a reputation for relatively efficient bureaucracy, finance, industry... (could throw in Switzerland as well)

The marine development bonus (Britain, Nordics, and Low countries all have conceptual ties there and we could say they invested in Arctic exploitation)...would be if they added some 'marine development' possibilities in an expansion.
I was thinking about bonuses, and what type would fit a "Confederate States of Europe" including Germany, Britain, Nordics, Low countries

I was thinking -10% (or 5% to 25% as balanced) energy maintenance (buiilding, unit, and tile improvement)
Plus some type of a bonus for marine tiles

Since all those areas have a reputation for relatively efficient bureaucracy, finance, industry... (could throw in Switzerland as well)

The marine development bonus (Britain, Nordics, and Low countries all have conceptual ties there and we could say they invested in Arctic exploitation)...would be if they added some 'marine development' possibilities in an expansion.

I like this idea :)
That too, But I'd see it more likely to culturally integrate with eastern European ideologies than Indian ideologies. Though its not out of the question. I guess it just seems weird to me that a country that once opressed them would be welcomed by a society dominant by them ? That and the predominantly white population has a similar culture to the eastern Europeans than the Indians I think.

In that light, I'd expect (the remainder of?) Great Britain to have joined Franco-Iberia. :p Culturally seen much closer.
In addition to the absence of Britain and Central/Northern Europe, what happened to the Middle East?

I like to think their fates became somehow intertwined during the Great Mistake, which eventually led to something that left Germany and Scandinavia a smoldering crater.

That would also help explain why France and the Iberian peninsula decided to shack up while Eastern Europe fell back into Russia's sphere of influence.
We don't know the extent of the Slavic Federation, but the fan-made, Firaxis-accepted, 'lore' didn't include Eastern European nations in its portfolio.
(Parts of) the Great Mistake seems to have happened pretty close to India.
I suspect England, the lowlands, and nations around the Baltic Sea to have suffered from climate change (rising sea levels).
Seems strange that the Slavic Federation would only include Russia.

It's also at odds with General Kozlov's diction, which I'm told sounds like a Polish person trying to speak Russian and even has Polish words tossed into the dialogue similar to how Suzanne Fielding speaks with a mix of English and Spanish.
Perhaps Firaxis had easiest access to a Polish voice actor who speaks a bit Russian. ;)
Besides, I haven't said the SlaFed only includes Russia.

"Do you remember the day when the last drop of gas was devoured by the last car in the Russian Federation? So many people have died since then. Yes, this has been the last drop, because only then did the Eurasian nations regain their senses and form a union, which later became the Slavic Federation."

But read for yourself.
Maybe, but that doesn't explain why he would deliberately insert Polish words into the dialogue. I don't think Firaxis is that sloppy, seems more likely it was intentional to showcase that the Slavic Federation is really a Slavic union, and not merely "Russia reborn."
Go back to my previous post and check out the lore for yourself.
And I've read of quite a bit of slips on Firaxis' side over the years.
Which one? I'm working off two sources here, one is Kozlov's speech while the other is the Civ BE wiki, neither of which say the Slavic Federation is only made up of Russia, and if anything say the exact opposite.

The Slavic Federation is a unity government representing the Russian Federation and the Slavic States. Because they include both of these distinct groups, it could be said that the Slavic Federation has the same make-up as the former USSR, encompassing both the interior Russian powers and their exterior satellite states.

Not sure why you're so determined that the SF only be Russia.
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