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AP Civilization VI Exam

Jan 17, 2023
Welcome to the testing center for AP Civilization VI 2023!
It's not an actual AP exam,I just mimicked the style. Treat it as any Civ6 quiz you may have encountered.
MCQ is for multiple choice questions, FRQ is for free-response questions.
For answering, simply post/reply below in the thread (with spoilers!)
I'll grade the answers posted here, full mark is a 5. Everyone has ONE try at the exam.


  • AP Civ6 FRQ.pdf
    48.6 KB · Views: 131
  • AP Civ6 MCQ.pdf
    70.1 KB · Views: 112
Spoiler AvianBritish's MCQ answers :

20.A+C (I'm certain that GI can't spawn adjacent to land, and BT certainly can't as it can only spawn in Ocean which then can't be next to land)

Spoiler AvianBritish's FRQ answers :

1. The Biplane is unlocked at flight and is the first air unit unlocked in the game. It is able to attack units over long distances without taking damage unless intercepted by anti-air units or other fighter-class units on patrol.
Flight also enables all tile improvements that generate culture to generate tourism at an equal ammount.
Flight has the eureka boost requirement of completing an industrial era wonder or later - of which Babylon will get this immediately if they complete an industrial era wonder due to their unique civilization ability, which also decreases overal science output per turn to half.

2. Unique harbour districts, such as the Royal Navy Dockyard and Cothon have a reduced production cost, so can be built much quicker then a regular civilization's harbour.
When Age-of-Empire Victoria completes a Royal Navy Dockyard, she is granted a free naval unit based on the most powerful naval unit reserched/developed at the time.
The Cothon allows the transfer of capital city status to a city running the city project unlocked by the Cothon. The Cothon also allows Phoenicia to build naval units cheaper and naval units heal immediately within a cities' border if it has a cothon.

4. Black Queen Catherine di Medici's Flying Squadron ability grants her an additional spy and all spies get a free promotion when received.
Spies can be used to slow down another player's culture victory by stealing their great works.
The Diplomatic Quater decreases the effectiveness of spies in adjacent districts, and later with the chancery, decreases the effectieness of spies in cities with a military encampment.
Spoiler AvianBritish's MCQ answers :

20.A+C (I'm certain that GI can't spawn adjacent to land, and BT certainly can't as it can only spawn in Ocean which then can't be next to land)

Spoiler AvianBritish's FRQ answers :

1. The Biplane is unlocked at flight and is the first air unit unlocked in the game. It is able to attack units over long distances without taking damage unless intercepted by anti-air units or other fighter-class units on patrol.
Flight also enables all tile improvements that generate culture to generate tourism at an equal ammount.
Flight has the eureka boost requirement of completing an industrial era wonder or later - of which Babylon will get this immediately if they complete an industrial era wonder due to their unique civilization ability, which also decreases overal science output per turn to half.

2. Unique harbour districts, such as the Royal Navy Dockyard and Cothon have a reduced production cost, so can be built much quicker then a regular civilization's harbour.
When Age-of-Empire Victoria completes a Royal Navy Dockyard, she is granted a free naval unit based on the most powerful naval unit reserched/developed at the time.
The Cothon allows the transfer of capital city status to a city running the city project unlocked by the Cothon. The Cothon also allows Phoenicia to build naval units cheaper and naval units heal immediately within a cities' border if it has a cothon.

4. Black Queen Catherine di Medici's Flying Squadron ability grants her an additional spy and all spies get a free promotion when received.
Spies can be used to slow down another player's culture victory by stealing their great works.
The Diplomatic Quater decreases the effectiveness of spies in adjacent districts, and later with the chancery, decreases the effectieness of spies in cities with a military encampment.
Nicely done, you can view the grading below. Please DO NOT open the spoiler tabs if you want to do it yourself. This also applies to all gradings afterwards.
Spoiler AvianBritish's MCQ grade :

Total score: 28/30
Wrong answers: 7, 21
Q7: Belgium is present in the War Machine Scenario as a non-playable major civ, Austria only appears as the Vienna CS in Jadwiga's Legacy Scenario and not a major civ.
Q21: Missionaries can be boosted by the Hagia Sofia wonder, but inquisitors cannot be boosted by any wonder.
Now that you mentioned it I'm no longer certain about Q20. I check the civilipedia and it says GS can spawn on any coast but I don't remember seeing one adjacent to land either. The intended answer was BT but I'll give you credit for this.
Also Q22 is related to a game mechanic/exploit that involves policy cards, so I'm willing to take either of two answers.

Spoiler AvianBritish's FRQ grade :

1a: 2/2. Correctly identifies a unit and its role in combat.
1b: 1/2. A piece of evidence is given, but there is no explanation of how the effect contributes to cultural victory.
1c: 2/3. Both the boost and Babylon's civ ability are correctly identified, but needs further explanation on how Babylon can obtain an industrial wonder quickly. Sample response includes references to the Ruhr Valley and the chain Mining-->Apprenticeship-->Industrialization-->Flight.
2a: 2/2. Correctly identifies an advantage of unique districts
2b: 1/2. Correctly identifies a unique attribute of RND under Victoria (AoE). Did not explain synergy.
2c: 1/3. The question asks for ONE trait, so only the first trait given will be graded. The "Move Capital Project" mentioned does not directly help in the building of a coastal empire as it does not increase the number of cities. Acceptable responses include references to the cothon's production bonus towards naval units and settlers.
4a: 2/2. Correctly identifies CdM as such a leader.
4b: 2/2. Correctly identifies a function of spies and its relation to opponents' victory.
4c: 2/3. Correctly identifies how DP decrease spy effectiveness in adjacent districts. However, the second point is incorrect as the effect described belongs to the consulate.

Final score: 4/5
Nicely done, you can view the grading below. Please DO NOT open the spoiler tabs if you want to do it yourself. This also applies to all gradings afterwards.
Spoiler AvianBritish's MCQ grade :

Total score: 28/30
Wrong answers: 7, 21
Q7: Belgium is present in the War Machine Scenario as a non-playable major civ, Austria only appears as the Vienna CS in Jadwiga's Legacy Scenario and not a major civ.
Q21: Missionaries can be boosted by the Hagia Sofia wonder, but inquisitors cannot be boosted by any wonder.
Now that you mentioned it I'm no longer certain about Q20. I check the civilipedia and it says GS can spawn on any coast but I don't remember seeing one adjacent to land either. The intended answer was BT but I'll give you credit for this.
Also Q22 is related to a game mechanic/exploit that involves policy cards, so I'm willing to take either of two answers.

Spoiler AvianBritish's FRQ grade :

1a: 2/2. Correctly identifies a unit and its role in combat.
1b: 1/2. A piece of evidence is given, but there is no explanation of how the effect contributes to cultural victory.
1c: 2/3. Both the boost and Babylon's civ ability are correctly identified, but needs further explanation on how Babylon can obtain an industrial wonder quickly. Sample response includes references to the Ruhr Valley and the chain Mining-->Apprenticeship-->Industrialization-->Flight.
2a: 2/2. Correctly identifies an advantage of unique districts
2b: 1/2. Correctly identifies a unique attribute of RND under Victoria (AoE). Did not explain synergy.
2c: 1/3. The question asks for ONE trait, so only the first trait given will be graded. The "Move Capital Project" mentioned does not directly help in the building of a coastal empire as it does not increase the number of cities. Acceptable responses include references to the cothon's production bonus towards naval units and settlers.
4a: 2/2. Correctly identifies CdM as such a leader.
4b: 2/2. Correctly identifies a function of spies and its relation to opponents' victory.
4c: 2/3. Correctly identifies how DP decrease spy effectiveness in adjacent districts. However, the second point is incorrect as the effect described belongs to the consulate.

Final score: 4/5
Spoiler comments :
I'm happy with that, I never did well on one's you had to explain stuff because I know the answer its just I never know what the examiner wants in the answer, as I've even had marks deducted for waffling on. But if I say do myself; I would say for someone who did all this from memory when they've not touched that game in a month this is good!

Q7 was a toss up between those two; I know Vienna is a city state in the Polish Scenario and and thought they would both appear in War Machine in some form (I've done that Scenario maybe 3 times on release and never since) so I thought either could be a city state or civ. Because Luxembourg was a city state in it I thought to go for the same foe Beligum, but thinking about it in retrospect, Belgium would have more land to cover when zoomed in this much, so would be a full civ; but that must mean Austria is not present in this scenario.

Q21 I never build it, as I never go for religious victory, but by process of elimination now from what possible effects it could have compared to the other wonders I do know; I imagine without looking it up, that it eould give extra spreads to missionaries; but even then at that point of the game they are pointless against Apostles.

Q20 I am certain that wonders also have adjacentcy requirement too; so whilst GI csn spawn on any coast tile, it is programmed so it cannot spawn next to land, only ocean and other coastal tiles. Whilst I cannot say for certain; I am pretty sure Ha Long Bay is listed as any coast requirement too, but in the back end I sm convinced that it also has the requirement of being next to Rainforest tile(s) too, or at least along the equator in the same latitude as Rainforest.

2b. After waking up (I did this at almost midnight) you were after the +1 movement? (Which I totally didn't forget about~)

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