ARCHIVED: Discussion Topic - Civilizations of the World

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Interesting. I don't know if I'll be able to fit it in but I can use some things for civilopedia ideas. One of the more interesting bits was about William Walker's attempts to conquer large parts of Central America. I could even mix it up further by including a Confederate States of America - not enough room though and doesn't really fit the start date of the scenario.
You could always make a justified reason for it being founded earlier than it was?
Too true.

Actually, I'm thinking that North America in this timeline should be a lot more colonised & developed than in our own. And since putting in California there's more justification for a CSA that would occupy territory from Florida to Texas. It would mean reassigning some French and Spanish towns like New Orleans and Floridas and possibly even Monterrey but I can live with that.
re William Walker - although the phrase wasn't coined until later, I'd say we have him to thank for the idea of "banana republics".

CSA: why not turn it around: call it the Creole States of America - New Orleans as the capitol of what never became the Louisiana Purchase. Posit a back story in which the Haitian Revolution was even more successful, spread to the southern USA, and led to an independent state founded by a union of former slaves, Acadians, etc. That version of the CSA could encompass the whole Gulf of Mexico from Monterrey to Florida & some of the Caribbean islands.
sounds like a cool idea. We could have a slave owning North and slave free South.
If you want to go into a COMPLETLY alternate world, may I suggest some civs from stuff like Tenku No Shiro Lapyuta, Howl's Moving Castle and Girl Genius?

For Girl Genius, I can already provide some civ background (also, see the webcomic's page Here)

Central/eastern Europe should be split between these two factions:

Wulfenbach Emprie; Lead by Baron Klaus Wulfenbach... UU's; Air Fortress (a.k.a. Castle Wulfenbach)

Heterodyne Empire; Lead by Lady Agatha Heterodyne... UU's; Jaegermonsters (mad-scientist created creatures)....

I'll see about adding more as I thing of it.
I think I'll stick to something that's rooted in the familiar but still offers scope for "original" ideas. I don't think I could manage that by following Girl Genius. That's not to say I wouldn't incorporate some of the ideas from that. Jaegermonsters could be used by my Austro-Prussian civ. I liked the look of the Stompers shown on Friday's comic. So please do add more things.
Haven't posted a biq update in a while so I updated the one on post 1. You can see how the CSA looks, scout out the Selenite bases and find the octopus like control the Secret Evil Society exerts over the globe.
Well, you could perhaps maybe add the Heterodyne Boys in as either (a) a great wonder of some kind (b) this mod's equvalent of the heroic epic or (c) some kind of elite wonder-produced unit....

Also, I think you should put some civ like Skifandir (Xeetha's faction) in Africa, since steampunk Amazons would be cool....
Oh, and an adendum: why not make Baron Klaus Wulfenbach Emperor of Austria, since his territory covers, for the most part, that of the RL Austro-Hungarian Empire, and not only that, but one of Rob's LHs looks just like him....

A few suggestions for wonders:

Transylvania Polygnostic University (the place where the story starts): Doubles Scientific research

Professor Payne's Travelling Circus of Wonders (replacement for Shakespeare's theater?)
I know King Arthur has already seen Tsuga's Underworld Terrain. So that got me to thinking about a Lost World/Hollow Earth mod; maybe a sequel (as in the Zombie Island series) to this SteamPunk mod. Potential civs could be the Explorers (Euro-Americans), Lizardmen (the whole unit line is already in the Warhammer mod), Agarthans (Orientals from Mu), Morlocks, that tribe She ruled, the natives from Kong Island, Pseudo-Mayan Atlanteans, Old Ones or whatevers from "Mountains of Madness"... The map alone would be really fun to make.

And the tech tree could be deliciously weird. Maybe instead of eras there could be one track for the Explorers, one for the Agarthans, Atlanteans, etc., and one for the primitive tribes.

It could focus on the victory through control of strategic locations (victory points like Kong Island) & resources (maybe a certain mushroom, for example that allows the building of the SS analog).
I think it's a great idea -that terrain is quite inspirational (but must stay on track gnhhh!!!)
A Pueblo-Apache Country based in what is now Arizona, New Mexico, Western Texas, and parts of Mexico.
This suggestion has a historical background, the Pueblo Indians really did temporally succeed in driving out the Spanish, and created a independent state that last for twelve years between 1680 and 1692.
Yeah thanks for the link. I can use a few ideas for that area. Also looking for ideas for the Aztecs and Incas too.
Is the first numbers a date?
If so remove poland, it had so called "Rozbior" in 1772 that totally splitted its territory between Prussia, Austria, and Russia,

Russia got Warsaw, Radom etc,
Prussia got Danzig, Poznan,
Austria Cracov.
Is the first numbers a date?
If so remove poland, it had so called "Rozbior" in 1772 that totally splitted its territory between Prussia, Austria, and Russia,

Russia got Warsaw, Radom etc,
Prussia got Danzig, Poznan,
Austria Cracov.
King Arthur may choose to change that. On the gripping hand this is an "alternate history" mod.
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